What's the point of life really, I mean the first 18-20 years seem good because you're growing you're learning...

What's the point of life really, I mean the first 18-20 years seem good because you're growing you're learning, everything seems good. Then the realisation hits once you enter employment, it's this for another 40 years then you die.

What the fuck is the point?

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None. I realized it was pointless when I was 17, the only reason I didn't off myself was because I thought I could escape the cycle.

Fast forward a few years, my plan failed miserably and I'm planning to kill myself in a few weeks at most.

This is why your focus should be on escaping the wage cycle.

I feel you man, I really want to just end it but it would kill my family, especially my younger sister.

Keep growing and learning then user. Dont fall for the wagie trap.

I can't be bothered going out my way to NEET it, I'm quite an honest person so I'm pretty shit at lying, only other option would be disability benefits, maybe purposefully get into an accident or something.

Got any suggestions? Don't say learn Japanese.

Counter question: What's the point of oversimplifying things? Life is all about nuance. It's not just 'work and die'-- though those are certainly included in the package.

You're leaving out the invitations, possibilities, and depth that living provides. It's no small wonder why things appear so bleak to you.

You create the point you absolute retard.
Only brainlets lack the most basic levels of creativity required to find meaning in life.

Work is the major factor in life though, everything revolves around it and its just a depressing fact.

Who said anything about lying? You live small and invest heavily.

Sure. Things could be better in that department, no arguments there. I work over 80 hours a week... I'm pretty much married to my job.

But you're asking what the point is: For me, it's discovery, knowledge, enacting self-discipline, and love. The truly thrilling things in life are non-tangible, and if you don't turn a creative, loving eye towards all the aspects of your possible life, you will never find anything there.

Dig deep inside yourself and try to find the energy to do productive things you enjoy besides work.
It's not easy, work is exhausting, but besides winning the lottery that's your only option to do cool stuff.

>Work over 80 hours a week.
Damn user, at least tell me you are making a lot of money or that your job is test fucking the sex robots.

I don't have that inspiration in me then, probably the reason for my depression. I always envision things like what if I go to a certain country for a trip, or what it would be like with a partner etc, but none of it interests me. Every year its getting worse too because it means less and less things that interest me, up until the point where I'm actually a boring sad pathetic human. I used to enjoy things, I don't now.

My earnings aren't important.

It's my outlook that really carries me through. I've suffered through everything that a man CAN suffer, save the passing of my parents. Somewhere post-misery things just started to get lighter for me.

That and reading helps. You don't want to trap yourself inside your head-- you need opposing viewpoints and ideas that make you re-examine what you thought you knew.

Believe it or not, inspiration takes practice. It's a cultivated thing. Not a magic spell that suddenly gets cast on you. You have to learn what inspires you, and you have to leave headspace for that inspiration to approach.

Right now, you're dying inside. Hell, you don't even know who you are. This is the harrowing-- things will continue to diminish until there's nothing left.

Out of that nothingness, will come a desire for something. I don't know what it will be for you. But when it happens you will no longer be content to sit in the valley of half measures and partial fufillment. You will do whatever it takes to create the things you so desperately lack.

>it's this for another 40 years

Ive been thinking about this for the last 3 months.
I got fired from my last job in september,just a little bit before finishing my apprenticeship.
I found a new one where to finish it up.
But im still wracked with self-loathing and doubt.
Im 24 kv am working in a random construction job in a vain attempt to affirm my masculinity.
I still feel like shit, i still feel like ive accomplished nothing.
I dont know what to tell my family when i come over for christmas.They all say they are proud of me for striking out on my own,but i feel even shittier then when i failed to get into the college i wanted and subsequently NEETed for a year and a half.
Is this all there is for me?
40 hrs/wk of backbreaking manual labour only to come to a empty apartment,eat,look at the computer and keel over from exhaustion?
Clean it up over the weekend?And repeat?
If i had a gf maybe i could see the point the purpose i guess.
But there are many more men earning better and interesting.

But why do you work so much?
Do you have to or do you want to?

Quick guess, he probably works more to distract himself from the depression. It does work, I used to do overtime all the time not for the money just because if I went home I would start having horrible thoughts.

I hope not. That sounds awful.

It's just a part of my job. It's a demanding field, and very time sensitive.

Don't presume to speak for me, please.

You're just going to have to do some soul searching and identify what is important to you. Then prioritize those things in your life. You said you wanted to keep learning and growing, so maybe you should consider an academic career. Purdue a phd or something.

The point is you define your own purpose, motives, and meaning in life.

Do you enjoy your job at least? What do you get out of it that you accept being there for 80+ hours?

FFS, life is not all work.
Not all work is slaving in a mine.
Especially these days! There are 23 million+ self-employed people in just the US

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I love my job, yes.

and since the topic keeps on coming back to my job, I might as well stop there, because you're completely missing the fucking point that I've been putting forward.

>The point is you define your own purpose, motives, and meaning in life.
oh no no no

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Doesn't help when I have no aspirations, no goals, I don't even know WHAT I want from life to begin with.

Look at these weak-willed wastes of oxygen.
>the very idea that I might have to be responsible for myself makes me want to *die*.

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Your issue is that you are lazy & aimless.

Not lazy, just nothing to aim for.

The topic was your job and why you would work 80+ hours a week there. You could have just said "I really like doing my job" and that would have been enough.

>I work over 80 hours a week
How can you put up with that?

That's literally nearly 50% of your week just working. That doesn't even include commute, sleep, hygiene tasks, personal errands and household chores.

Lack of ambition = lazy

No, the topic was 'whats the point'?

I'm trying to disabuse you of the notion that you have to centre your philosophies and hopes around your job.

How does that have anything to do with me asking someone why they would work 80+ hours a week?

I answered that question.

My point is, the job isn't what you gotta worry about. Which is why I'm deflecting job talk and hinting that maybe it's outlook, not career, that brings fulfillment.

The original post was bleak, and myopic. It leaves out all nuance-- 'I'm sad, life is just work and die'. It's a foolish notion.

Why do we exist? Why are we here? What is the universe? Where is it? What is it's nature? What is its origin? Beyond just the big bang, where did that hot mass of material come from? Why is there existence (something) and not nonexistence (nothing)?

These questions are not answered. Is it all meaningless? Possibly. Will you specifically contribute to solving these mysteries? Maybe not. I cannot convince anyone that existence is better than nonexistence, because I don't truly know what the latter entails. I know that with existence, I see no reason not to attempt to struggle against the inevitable. Eventually I will be dead and feel nothing, so any momentary discomfort I feel here doesn't matter, therefore viewing nonexistence as escaping from it is ridiculous. If somehow my presence and struggle here can contribute to the furthering of the species and the slow crawl of survival and understanding then I see it as more of a positive that I struggled and chose existence rather than giving up.

I don't fault anyone who wants it all to end, I just see life as two choices: 1. Don't accomplish anything, 2. Probably don't accomplish anything (but maybe you helped towards accomplishing something). I'll pick #2 and stick it out here in existence. While I'm staying I may as well enjoy myself wherever possible, even if that joy is ultimately meaningless as well in the end. I guess some say fuck it and hit end while others say fuck it and push on.

>7 days a week = 168 hours
>with 10 hours a day for sleeping and resting that is still 98 hours
Not even hard. Especially with modern work from home jobs for call centers you can *easily* cook, eat, clean up, read a book, even catch movies while on the clock.
I had a contract WFH support desk job like this
>wake up at 5:40, start coffee, login, be ready at 6
>do handoff call and such until 6:30, work old tickets until 8. No new tickets until 9 = read a book.
>9-10, new tickets. 10 = shower during morning break, 10:20 - 11;45 new tickets
>11:45. - 12:45 lunch, usually clocked back in with food at my desk at Noon and ate there while watching a movie on my tablet
>12:45 - 2:30 often waiting for new calls so 50/50 new tickets or movie/read a book
>2:30 afternoon break, usually more book/movie
>2:50 - 5 is more of the same
>most weeks I picked up 5-8 as overtime
So I got paid for 50-65 hours a week but it was a low-stress gig

God, I hope you never become a manager.

The main reason I haven't necked myself is because I might get to live to see the Singularity. It will either kill us all or create a transhumanist utopia.

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Every fortnight I have to do 64 hours over a 7 day week (yes I worked Saturday and yesterday and will keep going until this weekend which is free, yay 12 day streak) and the normal week is 50 hours anyway. I feel your pain though user, get up, go to work, come home, then do fucking nothing because you're already way too tired. There has to be something at the end of this right?

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I always take solace in the fact that no one can force me to have kids or get married.

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>the first 18-20 years seem good
this is a meme

Work is the thing that kills the will to live the most. Youre right, the first 18-20 years can be pretty enjoyable since you can get by with doing things you enjoy and you have a lot of free time, but once you start working its hell. Some people could make the argument that oh youre just lazy and dont want to work, and maybe thats a fair point but the fact that its expected of you to waste your life away slaving for some fucking kike bothers me a lot. You get one short chance to live, thats why id rather die young then waste the rest of my life working for something I dont care about

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Nostalgia about those first 18-20 years is starting to hit hard now that I graduated and got my first corporate job. Massive anxiety and dread is hitting me hard. Does this last anons?