"So...user, tell us about your values and beliefs!"

"So...user, tell us about your values and beliefs!"

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mostly water, thanks

I.. I..b.. believe women are p.p.. property and that all women are wh.. whores

I believe that women should celebrate the sanctity of marriage, abortion is murder, that modern women have unwittingly become trashy whore with the attention spans of goldfish.

I also believe stalin was a great man.

i believe that those are for pussies lol

presenting... the nigga sex frisbee

>haha, i just want to help people stacey! That's why i became a doctor in the first place.
>I believe everyone is created equally and all human beings deserve our respect and love
>Lets impeach that racist xenophobe trump. He's dividing this country with his fascist rhetoric!
>now, if you'll excuse me I have some onions to consume

I have an enormous penis.

Like values and beliefs, am I right? ha ha

You know, i highly value being alone and believe that i shouldn't be telling these things to people i don't really know. And i need to wake up early tomorrow i don't , i'm leaving.

>Ha i-i-i-i-i just want to be left alone

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The only reason to work for somebody else is to siphon capital in order to make your own money. I hope all my favorite content creators get full control over their product.

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Values and beliefs?
Well they tend to be a little like my faith. Contradictions.
I believe it is possible to do anything, given enough time and effort, but I believe that all of us only have enough potential to do one great thing for ourselves during our lifetime.
For me that's working my way up to upper middle class or if I'm unlucky lower middle class.
Depending on where you are in life will determine what it is you can realistically do. I don't believe I can change the world but I think if I felt the need to I could push and organize something to help get the ball rolling.
But I don't have the bandwidth to focus on that. I'm trying to improve my economic standing.
I think that you can love anyone. The question is where do you draw your lines. You only accept the love you believe you deserve.

I value happyness, freedom and individuality more then life but I'm Catholic so I value obedience to the church as well.

I believe women should have the right to live their lives however they wish, but I demand my partner be obedient and willing to bend to my whims.

I have live life with many contradictions. This is because it's hard to live life without them. Freedom and obedience, equality but gender rolls. There are things I know are right for society and there are things I know are right for me. Life is contradictions.
Like water, a liquid, solid, and a gas. Never really absolutely one thing. Willing to change given the circumstances.

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What if I'm cool with the work I do and enjoy getting regular cash flow?

>Doesn't assume control of property

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Sit in the corner and think about what you said.

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What if I believe in pee pee?

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they give me a shit question at a strange and awkward time so I replied with a shit answer

Ewww user you're sooo boring and old fashioned. I wish Chad were here.

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>Be me
>young girl in uniform preparatory
>English class is reading Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
>On chapter 10
"Hahaha" Ham planet cream cheese boy is laughing. "They said Faggot!"
>I reply they might be referring to cigarettes, since I watched Skins so I know cigs are called fags in that show
Teacher: "Actually, little girl, cigarettes are not seen anywhere in Lord of the Rings, theyre referring to..."
>But I'm already irritated to the point her voice white noise
>apparently I was wrong, class agrees
>my head explodes
>Rick and Morty go on sci-fi adventure quest
>ends at the school
>a bunch of men are burning at the stake
"Jesus Christ XXX what the fuck did you do!" Morty screams
"They meant this!" Morty holds up bundle of twigs
>I laugh and tell him I misinterpreted throwing a bunch of fags in the fire
>Thought JRR Tolkien meant take a bunch of homosexuals, tie them to a stake, dose them in gasoline, and light them on fire.myBad
"What the fuck!"
>Rick shakes his head in disappointment

I believe JRR Tolkien is racist and should be banned

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Then why would you seek guidance from me, you fucking faggot?

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>people's individual rights shouldn't be interfered with if they don't directly cause harm to other people
>pussy should be eaten

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I believe the world would be a better place without testosterone! UwU

Legally speaking, I want government off my fucking lawn. Morally speaking, I wish people would tone down the degeneracy. Also, Ted Kaczynski and Richard Stallman have some stellar points and should both be taken more seriously.

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So....user can you bring us some nachos and make it quick

Im a marxist which thinks that women and men are equal and that both sexes can have as many sexual partners as they wish (please use a condom though)

what the fuck kinda question is that

It should never be believed that life, liberty and happiness will fall from the sky. Everything is rooted in one's own will one's own labor. In ourselves alone, lies the future of our people. If we raise these people and demonstrate through our own efforts, through our own labor, our own determination, our own defiance, our own perseverance, only then will we rise again, just like our forefathers too. Our civilization was not a gift, they created it themselves. A magnificent era is before us. We are now awake. When those millions who condemn us join our ranks and hail us for what we have created together, and hard-won and painfully acquired. A new land of greatness and strength, and of honor and justice.

It's fine, I do not feel insulted. Places like this are not my element. I too wish Erika was here.

Well, personally I think dexterity build are for degenerates

I have this part of the speech as a webm. I think no matter what you're ideology is, this speech is fucking amazing. I always listen to it when I need a motivation boost.

I would never be invited to a party let alone one with that many attractive grils

I have it too. But the webms are too big to post here. And I too listen to it for motivation, even though the webm I have ends on a solemn note with Germany in ruins and Soviet soldiers marching, and the quote "It is not truth that matters but Victory".

most of these look like shit without their makeup. Few girls "look good" on their own. It's all about the way they present themselves that makes them appear "sexy".

Wait is that mommy on the right?

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maybe you're right. but most of them seem to have decent figures, and somewhat decent faces regardless of makeup.

It's the eyeliner. makes their eyes pop, and look bigger, rounder, and generally more youthful. And you can't really see their bodies well. These girls are average at best. You can easily find someone with equivalent aesthetics who isn't a total Stacy slut.

Women's rights are better than women's wrongs


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>I too wish Erika was here.
Erika you said...

This is indeed the Erika I am referring to.

> My WHAT?
> HAHA, what is this, the debate club? Pass me that wine and let's pump up that music, girls!
> Hey, cool necklace, blondie! Does it mean anything? HUH? Can't hear you, lemme grab the wine and let's go in the next room.

I value nothing and I believe that the world is evil

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I agree about women nut Stalin? You are mentally ill and should be ashamed of yourself.

und das heisst... *dum dum dum* ERIKA!!!

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>women caring about values and beliefs

We should have a royal family.

>being this not wrong

Panzerlied is better, in my opinion. I also like the Soviet tankers' march, and katyusha.

Freedom ain't free............. the tree of liberty gotta be watered by dead tyrants........... Barack Obama aka Barack Obongo was not my president
Kill communists and people that disagree with me
Fuck fuzzy wuzzies + trotskyite lesbians

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It's not a question at all. It was a command, pussyboi.

I always saw Katyusha as the Russian equivalent of Erika, but instead of a soldier singing about his love back home, it's a young girl singing about her love on the field.

Imagine the smell in that room
At least 1 of them probably haven't showered in weeks
So it probably smells like a shit fucking ton of perfume and makeup mixed with some rotten fish

*you can't fast-travel when enemies are nearby*

The pyres wouldn't be hot enough for you.

Looks like you'll have to deal with this situation.


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>I wish Chad were here.

Me too.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Still a nice song.