my boyfriend adds girls off of gfd threads on /soc/. i only know this because one of my friends posted there and he added her. does this mean he's cheating on me? should i dump him?
My boyfriend adds girls off of gfd threads on /soc/...
I dont give a fIying fuck
Do you guys use discord to talk?
yeah we are long distance.
any guy whos into willingly into gfd should get dumped
He's sketch af and you should break up with him. At the very least he's curious and window shopping around for options and that he's not satisfied with you. He's probably trying to cheat in reality though.
I can't believe people actually find success off /soc/ I've talked to more people off here and if I wanted casual stuff I'd just redownload tinder. The world/internet is becoming such a weird place.
>long distance
oh sweetie....
well, if you guys have actually established a romantic relationship I would dump his ass if I was you, otherwise if you guys are just larping faggots, he is free do to as he wishes as are you.
it makes me feel terrible because we don't share the same kinks (i'm extremely vanilla but enjoy being submissive in bed because i'm shy) but i've been trying my hardest to go out of my comfort zone and make him happy. it really hurts to basically have confirmation that he doesn't appreciate my efforts.
the naive part of me wants to believe that he's just looking for friends but that's not realistic, is it?
and i agree, i've only posted there a couple times when i couldn't take the loneliness but ever since the day i met him i've had no desire to go on that board.
Just ask him about it, sure it's pretty clear what he's doing but maybe it's not what you think
I see.
Off yourselves, please. I'm sick of you discord faggots shitting up my board with your inane drama that nobody gives a fuck about.
I feel sorry for you. This might hurt quite a bit I'm sure.
Well, you might want to go with your gut. Once bitten twice shy is an appropriate thing to experience.
I remember some faggot arguing with me on here
"reeee discord is a valid form of discussion I never see them shitting up the board what you are talking about"
This shit is what I'm talking about faggot, this shit, it leaks onto the board and teenagers think they can dump their drama here
no one cares roastie. go back to where you came from
dump him and be my gf instead, I'II treat you right
>using discord
I'm afraid you're the faggot here, faggot.
I'm just going to safely assume you're a brainlet who can't read. Discord shit is the new cancer.
>dump him and b my gf instead, I'II treat you right
yeah, we were starting to make arrangements to see each other next year so i would say it was decently "serious" as far as e-relationships go.
that would just be easiest. but instead i'm on here asking for advice rather than actually trying to communicate with him. i guess i'm afraid of what the answer might be.
>my friend
He wiII Iie to you
SimpIe fact is he's a jerk and doesn't care about you
Just dump him
This thread is full of women
>yeah, we were starting to make arrangements to see each other next year so i would say it was decently "serious" as far as e-relationships go.
ya dump them
they ain't worth it.
>the naive part of me wants to believe that he's just looking for friends but that's not realistic, is it?
>a guy making friends with a female over a fetish
lol hes going to cheat on you
>you will never cuck a girl who is deeply madly in love with you into having a mental break down
a guy can dream desu
You've been posting about this shit for at least a month now break up with him or don't just fucking stop posting this you idiot
welp. i guess it's better to find this out now just before i dropped $1000 on a plane ticket. i don't even know how to initiate that kind of conversation... i'm afraid he'll think i was snooping even though my friend approached me with the information. he could've been cheating on me the entire time for all i know.
never posted about this before. i hate that there's other people posting about this though. seems like a bad sign, guess that's enough of robot bfs for me
>boyfriend uses /soc/
>is friends with people from /soc/
>they both use Discord
You're lost causes. Learn how to capitalize your sentences and avoid everyone who uses Discord like plague, maybe you'll have better luck next time.
Be my gf instead
Where do you Iive?
never date anyone that would post here, there are no nice guys here
While I have no doubt most people here are awful, her boyfriend is from /soc/, and /soc/ is 100% pure garbage. Most shit people on this board are the /soc/ crossboarders, too.
And if there are, they're already taken by RL people.
Confront him about it and ask if he just wants to break up. Don't rag on him too much but make sure he knows that you know and you wouldn't be too hurt/mad if he asked to separate in the first place.
Also get off my board you roast/RPing fag.
>ask if he wants to break up
Fuck no, he's posting on a sexual related general thread when he already has a gf who is willing to spend $$$ to meet up. Piece of shit, if you have any standards, and you are sure it was him, leave him and don't come back. You were willing to give him total loyalty and he doesn't repay that. Don't ask him, just do it. Or give him the illusion of choice, then leave either way. Up to you.
What fuckin' happened to mutually respectful relationships man.