Alright guys listen up, here's how to win over a real female (not feminine penis)

Alright guys listen up, here's how to win over a real female (not feminine penis).

>first, you need to go places where they will be present
>local feasts are a good place to check, they normally come along with their family
>now you need confidence for the next part so keep your head up
>don't fuck about or be a pussy, straight up tell her that you admire her
>if you've won any recent competitions you can even dedicate it to her
>now to wait
>if she was impressed, she will message you to meet up again
>learn some poems n shit. bitches love poems. Just make sure you tell her the kind that she's into
>repeat this once every couple of weeks
>if all goes well, you'll have yourself a female waifu within just a few months

Thats all there is to it guys, you can do it

Attached: waifu.jpg (587x677, 307K)

Less talking more raiding

why not just murder her father and tie her up and take her out to your hut in the woods?

>local feasts
What the fuck is a local feast? Is this Whoville, where the town gathers together to eat some roast beast? Where do people have local feasts and what purpose would they serve? Why not eat food in the comfort of your home?

>you admire her
Admire is a weird word. Sounds like she is an inspirational role model, not some lass who has taken your fancy. Admire feels like Magic Johnson. I don't want to date Magic Johnson.

>won any competitions
You are talking to a place of failures. We can't even win the competition of life when we get prizes for showing up.

Fuck yeah! That's my obsession.

I wish to murder your dad
To console you when your sad
Tie you up in a hut in the woods
So that I may try your goods
I wish to fuck you slut
I wish to fuck until I nut
I wish to fuck you cunt
I wish to fuck and grunt
I wish to fuck your slit
I wish to fuck you until you shit
Shit and plop
Shit and plop
I wish to fuck you
Till you shit and plop

user, waifu is 2d. This one has shit in it. Literal shit. The poem above even proves it.

>(((woosshh intensifies)))

Based and skulldrinking

Horses are better

Hail Sanjar Khan btw

>first, you need to go places where they will be present
>local feasts are a good place to check, they normally come along with their family
approaching a girl with her family present is fucking awkward and she's not going to be happy about it
>now you need confidence for the next part so keep your head up
>don't fuck about or be a pussy, straight up tell her that you admire her
girls don't want to hear that immediately, that makes you seem desperate and thus unattractive
>if you've won any recent competitions you can even dedicate it to her
even more awkward to publicly declare your admiration for her before you even know if she's into you
>now to wait
>if she was impressed, she will message you to meet up again
unlikely, girls hardly ever message first
>learn some poems n shit. bitches love poems. Just make sure you tell her the kind that she's into
no poems
>repeat this once every couple of weeks
>if all goes well, you'll have yourself a female waifu within just a few months
this was terrible advice overall

Fuck off and go die in a hole ledditfag!

Attached: 1509496879099.png (686x689, 85K)

Based and butterpilled

you need renown and honor and shit to score some puss
my honor is around -70 and I have 0 renown
I couldn't even fuck some hairy villager cunt

Just go take some peasants recruits and kill bandits.

>the beta white knighting

>the Chad murderduction

whats going on in this crazy thread mna

Butterlords when

I tried that but the fucking gyps...ahem... looters chased me for half an hour

No peasant mob is any substitute for a properly trained fighting force. They would break ranks at the first sight of blood and fall into chaos, being easily routed by even the greenest of bandit gangs.

Some people got it

Some people didn't get it

That's what's going on

Whatever, I just use them so they distract the bandits and slay all of them myself.

>there's people in this thread who have never felt the thrill of removing filthy Rhodoks from the land

Attached: r3n2s5dlr1y01.jpg (320x377, 15K)

But my lancers get bogged down in the mountains, and I don't even carry a shield.

That's why you hire nords to use as canon fodder while taking filthy Rhodok castles

The nords might be dumb snow monkeys but they're good at dealing with cowardly fortress dwellers