
You're Beautiful edition


Attached: britfeel december night 2.jpg (2500x1603, 1.52M)

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reminder that some gypsies are alright

reminder that most gypsies are alright

Did you do one of those 23andme tests dm fren?
They are always interesting to see if you could post it

Stop posting it early you fucking body positive faggot

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Ancestry.com posted about it a couple of days ago

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reminder that all gypsies are alright

Southern England


six entire sevens, lad
who will get them?

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DM's a NIGGER lmao

just had a feeling like I was having a stroke or something lol

>no tax on rich, we need to create jobs
>i promise minimum wage increase

Bravo Macron

reminder most gypsies are scum

but why do they need to stay on car parks

Oh that was you!
Pretty cool, I would like to do one too but giving my dna away is a bit scari
t. wishes he had the jew iq too

twp girls meeting up for a 'sleepover' where they mash fannies together.

Going to play a sesh of HOI4 lads
Alternative History where Hitler offs himself in jail
Soviet Union invades Europe
Up to the British Empire to save the day and claim Europe

Apart from the st marys cray ones

GB always wins

only place where they can fit their motorhomes

top o' the mornin' to ya
how long before we can start clubbing taigs?

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T. Pikeyanon upset that Joe Joyce never returned his chainsaw

reeeeeee not all live in caravans

>3% youtube.com/watch?v=LXtDmbLz1AI

the ones that turn up in carparks do, they don't turn up in tents do they

i'll knock ya right in the ballix ya proddy bastard

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Well then they do have a homeland. Can't claim to roam about if you just settle on whatever car park doesn't have anti-pikey barriers

I forgot about you Ulster bastard

Hope Mr. Cuddles is alright



Yall gon mek me lose ma man
Up in heeyah
Up in heyah

you orange bog trotters are the hillbillies of the uk

good lad he was our pikey lad. miss him tbqh.

I forget, are you lot the ones that want to be part of the UK, or that want a united Ireland?

Can't wait for United Ireland and not having to deal with potato niggers.

pump it



is that plot set in stone?
if you could do anything you could make hitler marry churchill's mum then force him to back germany or he'll release photos of mummy churchill taking it up the shitpipe

fuck sake lads, didnt even notice how lazy I had gotten and how much exercise I'd cut out of me life until I went on a long walk today and now feel totally exhausted

fun fact NI takes more gibs than what it pays in taxes

Reminder that some pakis are white.

t. Amer Abdul Hussain Al Rochdalei

New Sabrina series is a lot more scari than the old one

What about if hitler time travelled back and impregnated churchill's mum so if they kill hitler then churchill never exists so they didn't kill hitler

>more gibs than what it pays in taxes
that's most of the country outside of London

If I had the knowledge to make mods, I would do that
But I get dropped on the head when I was 4 during nursery and I became a slow bloke

>UK would get rid of NI because money
>Ireland wants NI back
>UK can't just give away territory like a little bitch
What do you do in a situation like this?

alot more blacked too
crona must be so hard

Where do you reckon mark the mint man is right now?

heard lib dems are going into coalition with the tories again

Sell the island to the Americans. They love their 'irish heritage'. Turn the entire place into a theme park. Ireland Island

If you were attractive how would your life change? You can't use the easy answer of more sex either.

>What do you do in a situation like this?
build a British Empire themepark in Belfast

Lads, can any of you give me some funny dialogue for a background character in an RPG to say?


No it's not and you know it hyperbole Londoner

nuke the rest of ireland I guess

republicans ie taigs out number unionists ie prods and it's increasing

You don't just get more sex, you also get more respect.

I reckon there are situations where I got sacked from jobs where I'd have scraped through if I was good looking. People just want to believe the worst in you when you are ugly.

Will there be a yellow vest movement in Britain?

Dave is the scummiest name
David is the snobbiest name

Yeah that too lad, do you like it?

Pretty soon the UK won't be a thing it will just be England on it's larry

wouldn't he be better time travelling back and killing churchills mum and dad



www.theweek.co uk/checked-out/84933/does-london-really-subsidise-the-uk


London and the south east

I always wear my yellow vest when I cycle at night
Safety first

The United Kingdom of England and Larry

Fuck off traitor

top o' the mornin' to ya
time for the pan-Unionist front to sort out paddy once and for all

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I'll agree with you there. If I didn't look so young I think I'd get a lot more shit at work for being inept.

Just use a tug boat to pull Ireland out into the Atlantic. It's only one tug boat so they won't suspect anything until it's too late.

i think the same thing happened to me. that's why i gave a sort of miss placed you.
was going to say, i can't do modding really. play a few mod packs on minecraft here and there but don't understand them
calm down, it's only a game

doot doot doot checked

What childhood toy/ phase do you remember most fondly?

In a bad mood now because I scratched off my scratch cards and didn't win anything.

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I was joking around mate, sorry if you took it seriously

Not looking forward to all this Brexit/backstop bollocks. I just want to stay in comfy NI without going through customs whenever I visit home.

Bionicles were dope. I wish I didn't give mine away to my parents' friends' kids.

sell i to the irish. we get some money back and save face
should have done it on scratchcard saturday

Just tell me what I need to do in order to be accepted by you guys

Yeah I loved them too. I had a severely autistic friend that was obsessed with them and another borderline that knew all the lore

Honestly Moni it seems to me like a lot of people enjoy having you around. It could be worse.

show us your knickers would be a start

>all this boring political shite
Just wanted some feelsposting with the lads

Well when I was at school I'd always like a girl more if she did a handstand in a skirt.

Stop using a name and trip
But you will never do it

don't feel bad. i do get confused about posts and what is humour and what is not.

Coral islands, blackpool. 1st of janurary, 5 in the afternoon. Be there or be square. read the rules.
simple as.

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Apologise for what you've done in the past and mean it, try to make amends, move on and become a better person.

You'll never do any of this though, because you aren't capable of it. You pretend to apologise to appease us but then the following week you're back to saying your sex crimes aren't a big deal.

You're fucking vile Amer Abdul Hussain.

I don't even want a gf or whatever, just want to make a friend desu.

>Implying both of these at the same time isn't what we want

Ah, okay lad, I get you

>You're fucking vile Amer Abdul Hussain.
I'm not taking your response seriously unless you address me by my name

post for a week without the trip and I bet people will treat you alright. Nobody gives a shit who you are

>booleying the nice nerdy character with low self esteem
Even my childerens card game cartoons hate incels:(

Anyone in Derby wanna chill?

wow you guys are really riled up tonight.

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It's impossible, you're genuinely incapable of seeing and fixing your flaws, you're a pathetic excuse of a man. Really hope one of the lads bangs you out.

I would, but I'm scared of meeting strangers.

Always I get left behind in the old thread :(

>yes a bunch of clickbait headlines proves my retarded point
all you need is to pay more than you give and London is a financial center you plonker