Have some lumps that are growing on my underarm. They hurt to touch

Have some lumps that are growing on my underarm. They hurt to touch.

Attached: lumpy wumpy.jpg (842x1162, 409K)

you have a bigger problem - not being White

27 years old, female, 5'1", 110 pounds

if that matters

They're just sebaceous cysts. They'll USUALLY go away if you don't poke and prod at them, but they'll also usually come back because the cystic capsule makes them very prone to refill.

calamine lotion that shit

We can help you if you post tits.

I'm also a girl and get these often. Pretty sure it has something to do with shaving. Use hair removal cream instead of a razor, and non-perfumed shower gel when you wash

tits or gtfo
tits or gtfo

What the fuck. Pop that shit. I wanna see

looks like it's amalgamation of ruptured blood vessels and bacteria due to constant whole hair removal and lack of antibiotic ointment application
you're fucking disgusting OP

this bitch has an std, noone wants to see her tits

Look up hidradenitis suppurativa

The thumbnail looked like a cunny.

I had these as well, they got really itchy and eventually turned into dried skin. Think it was from the iron that they put in deoderant to clog up your pores so you don't sweat.

Good point
She should just gtfo

swollen lymph nodes, usually they go away in time

You can get them surgically removed, It's free in my country

>in my country I pay for the procedure whether I use it or not so I mistakenly call it free

If you shave your armpits it could be some in-grown hairs

Yeah. It was started to hurt using roll on deodorant. Skin was starting to crack and bleed. Threw it out after seeing all the scrapped flesh embedded on the deodorant.


it's ligma. you're done for.

>lumpy wumpy.jpg

Attached: 1529553631870.jpg (431x558, 47K)

If this post ends in an even number I will masturbate to this armclit

unlucky dude

Attached: 6a5.jpg (464x618, 30K)

Switch your deodorant to one without either propylene glycol or an antiperspirant.

They are boils, basing a pimple

going to try dry spray deodorant

This guy is right OP

I have them as well. Got them a lot growing up, 27 now. I don't get then anymore.
Doc said it was because of shaving and deodorant. It's basically ingrown hairs.

Have a lot of scars from them.
My advice would be going to a dermatologist and get it lanced. If you let it swell up more, its gonna get bigger and pop on its own and leave scars.

I got those from using a dull razor once. Looks like ingrown said.

Ok, why the fuck did you decide to post that here though.

Attached: why.png (51x51, 8K)

They are pimples/overgrown hair. Coming from a fellow female.
I had it one morning when I woke up and they were there. Using chemicals to remove hair isn't a good idea during this, because it's gonna feel like a bitch. Actually, suggest taking tweezers and popping it.