They should be executed and publicly raped.
They should be executed and publicly raped
I didnt know they just let anyone walk up there
lmao sand niggers getting cukt
What a waste of a good photo.
Absolute legends. Who cares if someone had sex on top of your triangles you cucks.
Lol this retard better hope his country doesn't have extradition laws and that he smuggled that picture and posted it after he was out of the country.
They don't. It's hard to even get close to it often, there's a decent amount of scary people with scary guns around too. It's also extremely difficult to get to the top of it, they are doing it clearly for exhibitionist purposes because climbing all the way up just to have sex would be gross and tiring. I'm surprised a danish euro fag had the balls to do something like this considering how cucked europe is.
Why is having sex in quotes. Is this what "journalism" has come to?
Fucking white people at it again, lmao
Dudes probably gonna be haunted by some pharaohs curse now lmao
sand niggers killing a degenerate white man and woman article will be up by tomorrow
Wait, why is having sex in quotes?
What's worse is that they are both pasty gross and doughy. Looks like 2 pigs rolling around in the mud.
Couldn't they have done this with atleast supermodels instead?
I thought Egyptians were already executed and publicly raped...
First porn those poor sandniggers got to see in 2000 years, they'll probably sanctify them if they have half a chance.
pharoahs are White, if anything they gave that chad their blessing, for creaming that sand nigger slut just like they used to
the author wasn't satisfied with the performance.
>Pharoahs are white
Nigga what? Not saying they were black, but wtf?
>muh pyramids
Get fucking rekt normies. You didn't build the pyramids, you just use them as a tourist attraction. Don't be surprised to find out that tourists don't give a fuck about your shit.
This, lul
>They should be executed and publicly raped.
thats literally Africa tier punishment.
You sound like a fatass. No one wants to see you porkers doing this shit.
it's really not that impressive unless he knocked her up. ofc he'd probably be a dead beat dad going to jail over it anyway, they both should probably get sterilized.
And you sound like a faggot who lives vicariously through muh supermodels. Neck yourself kiddo.
You better be making a joke right. You cannot be this stupid.
calm down blimpy, no need to be so upset. Go drink some coke or something.
I'll go drink some coke if you promise to gain some self esteem so you don't have to feel better about yourself by living through people better looking than you. Fucking lul.
Nice projections you got there, fatty. I can practically hear the tears rolling down your swollen face and hitting your keyboard rofl
>Sees a picture with average looking people
Top fucking LUL. Stop orbiting good looking people you pathetic cuck.
wish i was the woman
>average looking people
In what country is that 'average'?
No one is 'reeeing' here except you. Triggered lardass
Stop using words you don't understand the meaning of
>wtf why do people like looking at sexy people?!?!? Fat is beautiful too!!!!11
Literally you right now, lardass. You're gross and ugly and when you take off your shirt, you burn people's retinas. Stop being so bitter about it, and go out for a job rofl
the pic is too low quality to see their appearance at all, it's your own insecurity
maybe they imply it might be a posing for the photo
Go flip through one of your mothers bra magazines. Fucking lul. Stop looking to random pictures some dude takes of himself fucking a chick to have le epic supermodelzzz.
I think that you think that he got two random average looking people to fuck on the pyramid. It was of himself and a girl. Relax.
They are in Africa
>In what country is that 'average'?
Not the original guy you commented to, but yikes man. I can smell the reddit, doritos, and american from you. Not a good combination. First off, you're right, those people are average americans from what I've seen in my visits to america. Second, people have a right to say they're ugly, because let's be honest that's not a pleasant site at all. You can't force someone to be turned on by what they aren't, unless they specifically have a feeder fetish. If they were supermodels, or at least next-door attractive, this would be way nicer to look at and people would probably have a more positive outlook on it. But instead, it looks like 2 peasant alleyway rats having dirty rat sex on something considered sacred.
Please try to be objective. It's easier to tell others to lower their standards than to raise your own.
I fucking hate white people disrespecting my heritage. African blood sweat and tears went into building those and the colonizer dares to desecrate it by fucking. Hang them
>Yikes man
>I can smell the reddit from you
Top fucking lul. Imagine being this contradicting.
>fucking niggers invading europe and daring to even TOUCH our sacred land THEY NEED TO BE GENOCIDED NOW
>lmao KEK epic based man desecrating egyptian national monuments epic KEK based lmao KEK xD owned lel epic
White people
>leave it to Germans to be the most degenerate
Imagine trying to equate two things that are not even remotely the same
based user for telling em the truth
>implying I'd have a problem with some niggers fugging on top of France's big triangle
wew lad
You can clearly tell the guy is some soft flabby fuck who has a farmers tan because he's never been exposed to sun before his shitty little vacation (who the fuck goes to africa on vacation?) that hopefully lands him in some shithole prison for life. I dont give a fuck what the female looks like, but If youre going to take this picture at least fucking get in shape for it. Nobody would care if he was some shredded cunt banging a chick on top of the pyramid. That would be awesome. People are mad because he looks fucking disgusting and nobody wants to see his shitty pale body ruining a good picture. Even if it was just the girl laying there naked nobody would give a fuck. If your going to do porn at least look halfway fucking decent though. If this was danny d banging some pornstar on top of the pyramids people wouldnt care.
why is
>having sex
in scare quotes?
If it was Ron Jeremy laying some pipe people would be cheering them on and Egypt would be thanking him for the free publicity. Why the fuck would you even pay attention to the guy's body in the first place? There's plenty of gay porn out there of two shredded dudes fucking, don't be salty that this isn't to your taste.
>implying the Danes aren't german
Public sex is the most advanced form of normalfaggotry.
I hope they're punished to the fullest extent of the law.
>millions of people invading and ruining europe as a whole because too lazy to fix their shithole country
>two randos having sex on a big triangle built two thousand years ago