Is the whole "casual sex is degenerste" meme basically just sour grapes?
>People are having sex and I'm not? No worries, I'll just label it degeneracy to feel morally superior and not face the fact that I'm a loser
Is the whole "casual sex is degenerste" meme basically just sour grapes?
>People are having sex and I'm not? No worries, I'll just label it degeneracy to feel morally superior and not face the fact that I'm a loser
It's not hard to have casual sex though, especially if you count prostitution. You can literally just buy sex or convince someone really stupid and desperate to do it for free yet people are crying sour grapes?
no. read the quran
>consult the men who believe that seeing a panty line through a bedsheet is indecent exposure
Just lower your standards :^D
You'd be surprised user Of course it's easier than ever to get sex, but not everyone's doing it
Yes it is, you would have casual sex if it were available to you.
>t. Guy why has casual sex
Morality was originally born from utilitarianism.
Time was, casual sex was seen as degeneracy because the more of it you had, the more bastards born out of wedlock weighing down your community, and also the more chances of killing yourself and your partners. Now, not so much, but still if you are a turboslut (of either gender) there's more chances that at times you just can't be arsed about a rubber.
i mean, it could be. it could also just be a recognition that sex is an intensely intimate and powerful experience; the casual sex proponent sees this as something to "get over," a bit of naivete which is papered over by experience, but the traditionalist sees that as the tarnishing of a precious and irretrievable gift. for the traditionalist, the intimacy of sex is a gift you give to your future partner that marks them as special, and by giving that gift out to everyone you lose the ability to confer that specialness onto a future partner. how, indeed, can you tell someone they're special to you when you've done it all a dozen times with other people? when you don't have anything special left to give?
or it could be both. there's nothing saying that bitterness can't lead to the correction of an erroneous viewpoint, rather than leading to an erroneous viewpoint.
anyway, the traditionalist mindset does have an internal logic to it.
Your argument is certainly something that exists. Seeing someone else get the thing you wanted can make you bitter.
Bitter people aren't the only people who are opposed to casual sex, though.
here's how dumb you are
>when the pope says homosexuality is degeneracy it's just sour grapes because he wants to get fucked in the ass!!!
No people should be building families instead were dealing with a influx of single mom's and lonely men. Nobody is winning even the people getting laid
>have had sex
>hate casual sex
yes i am morally superior
I think your way of thinking is quite horrible.
Some people believe that love is important and sex is just the climax of that.
Souls and body merging in order to bring a new life out on this world.
However, a lot of pigs just lust over bodies and think only of their selfish carnal desires.
They don't make love, they just have sex selfishly.
Hope you can see the light, user.
T. pure and non virgin user.
speaking of traditional mindset, incidentally; this utilitarian dimension that you speak of is the big crux with the summer of love and that whole mindset that came out of the pill and rubbers. our boomer ancestors also believed that the reasons to not be "degenerate," to not fuck freely, were purely practical matters of disease and pregnancy. with those concerns safely removed to a distance, it was believed there would be no downsides to engaging in an open sex culture like the one we have today. but the Jow Forums mindset, which is the begrudging and bitter cousin of the traditionalist mindset, is that the worst dangers of a free love/hookup culture are actually the damage done to the social fabric, not the risks of disease and pregnancy. the problems are the large numbers of men alienated, the large numbers of women made vulnerable to unscrupulous men and left stranded far away from meaningful relationships, and the breaking of the strong family unit, replaced with rampant divorce and cynicism on love itself, men and women left to hate each other so that a lucky sexy few can experience their wildest desires...until they get too old.
our sex drive is a powerful one, and what some may see as merely chasing it may in fact indicate a lack of discipline and values. in the past, sexuality was suppressed in favor of other values which were considered more important, even if they weren't as fun or instantly gratifying. now, marriage and stable long-term relationships are suppressed in favor of sexual freedom. where we have become free, we have also become irresponsible and unable to commit. we have abandoned each other, and squandered ourselves.
It spreads disease and is bad for your general mental and physical health. It is unfulfilling in the long term. Society is negatively impacted too, it promotes destruction of the nuclear family, the building block of civilization.
Its a serious lack of discipline overall.
I should clarify that I dont think this means these people are wrong. I just think it stems from sour grapes rather than any serious conviction
Not a virgin but don't have casual sex either. I honestly don't mind casual sex becoming more common place. Sluts that spread disease and sow drama are shitheads, but the ones that just like to fuck a lot, get tested on the regular and don't homewreck are A-ok in my book. Wouldn't ever date one or become fuckbuddies with one, but some people prefer apples to oranges and vice versa.
Nobody who has regular casual sex would say that. I mean, you might find it unfulfilling after a while if you need the company of a relationships and have designs on having a family but plenty of people transition quite happily from one to the other.
Because it's easier than ever for some and harder than ever for others. Sex hasn't just suddenly become easier for everyone, the people that would get sex before are getting more than ever and there are also more of those people than before.
This is really understated. People just don't realize how big the divide is now, they see some article about how people are having more sex than ever, sex is easier to get than in the past, people are more promiscuous etc. and they think it applies to everyone. But a huge chunk of the population are just left out, way more than previous generations.
Good analogy user, I'll use this next time the roasts try to "debate" me
because i don't think pussy is the be all end all of everything.
i literally can't love anyone, only ideas and values. When a women suggests that she is what i desire i gif related. I'm quiet literally too sophisticated to be some poon hound. I've had multiple girls show interest in me and i've always just sperged away.
also to spite this shitty american "culture" that praises niggers and degeneracy.
as purely reflected by the ever-rising level of single motherhood, divorce and otherwise broken families. people are clearly having no more trouble transitioning into stable long-term relationships than they did in 1890.
degenerates end up with nothing.
It might be, doesn't have to. It's just makes sense for virgins to say things like that, since nobody will accuse them of hypocrisy.
Also, casual sex really is a problem, mainly due to hypocrisy. Having lots of partners might seem like a nice thing, until you realise that your future wife will have similar past. Most men in my cunt (Poland) will say something along the lines that "they want experienced women for sex, but virgin for marriage". In other words, slutty men do not want to marry equally slutty women.
You can fuck Chad sloppy seconds user, no one cares.
Just dont force your ideas and tastes into other people.
I think it's somewhere in between, a lot of people, especially men, would of very much liked to have charmed many people they met into a relationship but were to awkward or introverted. On the other hand there have been studies that show promiscuity is linked with things like higher chance for unhappy marriages.
The only real issue is herpes can cause alzheimer's disease if you have the wrong gene. As in a massive increase.
As someone who had the chance to fuck a few decent looking girls but chose not too because of the volcel meme, I think you're partially correct. I think pre-marital sex is degenerate, but if I could go back in time and fuck some 18 year olds, I would probably do it. On the other hand, I would probably not have sex with a used-up woman my own age because I would be consumed by regret
That's a good thing though. If you can't get laid nowadays you literally don't deserve to reproduce. Way back when, socially maladjusted genetic fuckups still got wives thanks to either arranged marriages or living in small villages where there wasn't a better choice for the families of daughters who hit marrying age.
Now, the worthless dregs of society who are too dysfunctional to even do something as simple as getting laid (much less getting a gf/wife) won't get chances to reproduce. Even if they rape a woman they'll just get their worthless spawn aborted. Things are working as they should.
>stds, unwanted pregnancies, destroyed families, abortions
>not degenerate
Yeah, kys.
Hell yeah man, a technology aided societally accepted absolute hypergamy state where any female entering a relationship intrinsically understands she is literally hundreds times more important than average men is just the way nature intended
Society has literally been based around trying to please womens unpleasable nature to their own detriment, the meme is in thinking its actually women that want this rather than just doing whatever they are told to do
"We used to have to fake orgasms"
Seriously, think about this lol