Would you date a girl who could effortlessly beat you up?

would you date a girl who could effortlessly beat you up?

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that's basically everyone anyways so sure why not

Only if that's what she considers foreplay after coming home from the gym and pins me down and makes me lick her stinky pussy.

Yea sure, if she was shy in bed

makes no difference to me, bi guy here with going on 10yrs experience in striking and grappling. could easily kill my boyfriend (he has hit me in in the past and i have restrained him/myself) . aslong as shes not a psyco then sure it would be dope to have a training partner.

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also, the more practiced someone is the less you have to worry about with the exeption of a few dickheads

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Is this an offer? Yes pls mommy.

I'd train with her and eventually become stronger than her so I could force her into submission. Once my dominant status has been established, I'd force her into wearing frilly, girly stuff because it would please me greatly.

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Finnish muscle women make me insta diamonds. I want to hear her scream "PERKELE" as she goes for a new personal best in the squat rack.

>be in fag relationship
>get in physical fights
lol, just as the greeks intended

sure, that sounds nice. i would appreciate if she exercised restraint and chose not to beat me up, though.

kek, i just dont like weak people man or woman

do you think anyone on this board has the luxury of having standards when it comes to dating?

once, he has attacked me once in our years together. i have hit him once jokingly and nearly laid him out with a kick to the jaw. his face as it hit him is burned into my memory and i still giggle

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I would honestly be intimidated, I'm a femboy too but luckily even most girls couldn't have a chance against me. As long as they were genuinely a nice person(which is one of my few requirements for a partner anyway) I would be fine with it.

oh my god nigga hell yeah

>a girl who could beat me up
Not even trying to humblebrag here, but I don't think she's out there. There's a reason why having trannies in combat sports is fucked-up.

Dom muscle girls are underated

if i would? bitch i'm currently head over heels for such a girl

>get into boxing
>2 and a half hours into 3 day of the first week childhood friend walks in
>apparently she's in for taekwondo
>"whatever, must be her first day, i'll talk to her later"
>keep taking quick glances between punching the bag to see her change
>as she changes into the dobok, those sweet abs and plump thighs bless my eyes
>she's fucking ripped
>she then proceeds to destroy every sparring opponent
>ask her about it after i end my workout menu
>apparently she's been into martial arts for a long fucking time but didn't tell me 'cause she's ashamed of her "boyish" nature and thought i wouldn't want to stay friends with her if i knew
>mfw when i've been living my entire life besides an actual tomboy and didn't notice
>mfw she started acting much more naturaly and carefree around me 'cause she doesn't need to pretend to be a weak little girl anymore
>my fucking face when that cute blushing smile

jesus christ bros i'm so in love it physically hurts. i don't even wanna fuck her i just want to get fit with her, massage her muscles afterwards and fall asleep while gently hugging her.

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a girl couldn't beat me up unless she was a hulking she giant over 350 pounds and a wrestler or something, would still have to put in some effort though

To be honest my own parents already did, so im gonna stay away from even hypothetical beating situations

The problem isn't whether or not I would date her, the problem is she wouldn't date me. Guaranteed

One word: Hypergamy

Nothing makes me harder than powerful girls.

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I would only enjoyed it if they did it of their own will, as a power thing. Best case scenario she'd be weak enough for me to stop her if I wanted but strong enough for her not to notice I was letting her win.

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Yes. I would want her to choke me during sex.

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That depends on whether or not she loves me for me, not having access to a live action punching bag for shit's and giggles.
I make love to women, not bulldykes.

If she isn't abusive then sure

as long as its in the context of sparring and she doesnt secretly harbour hate towards me, i would let her knock me the fuck out everytime

have you made any moves yet?

Most women are stronger than me

So maybe

I grew up in an orphanage with a burn victim who could easily beat me up. I was wheelchair bound, but told me being in a wheelchair is no excuse to not be able to defend myself. She put me through a lot of abuse, but she did it because she didn't want people taking advantage of me. No one wanted to adopt us because of our conditions so ended up living together as adults and losing our consent virginities to each other.

No. I'm not attracted to any woman if I'm not at least 6 inches taller and at least 40-50 pounds heavier than she is. And with that kind of size advantage, she can go to the gym as much as she likes, in a fight I'm still going to kick her ass.

what you're really asking is if I would date a girl who is abusing male anabolic sex hormones

no, probably not

I'm a near anorexic trans girl dating a cis female bodybuilder so yes

No. Would you shit on the ground outside of the bathroom?

sure thing. True power is not physical, it has to do with confidence and the mind. Dated some girl, she was bigger than me (both in height and weight) and got the chance to verbally abuse her a bit. Good times

rather date a woman that could crush me

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Yes, that's part of the goal user.

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Hell yeah I would. Bonus points if the relationship is generally role reversed since I'm pretty faggy for a straight dude.

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In a heartbeat, granted she won't cuck me with 100% probability.

How do you hide the boner

Sure. "Could" doesn't mean would or will. She probably dislocate your pelvis riding you though.

>Box for two years
>Break leg severely
>Can't box again
>Become depressed
>Down half a fifth every night or a six pack after coming home from work and just laying in my chair

Idk what this has to do with this thread. I'm going to kill myself soon for sure. Listening to people be happy makes me miserable.

my dream is to date a girl who is at least 3 inches taller than me. i'm 6'0'' so this is mostly fantasy

My dream girl is a 6'+ big tiddie amazon. I'd crawl on hot broken glass just to drink a cup of her sweat.

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Yes. This is one of my fetishes.

>implying she could beat me

if not i just have to train hard and keep fighting her until i can defeat her, no hard feelings tho, i would still love her, but i wouldn't let her put me in shame like that, not a fetish, but a fighting rivalry between me and my love interest sounds fucking dope

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Life isn't an anime though, unfortunately.