Being ugly has deteriorated my well being

Being ugly has deteriorated my well being

Attached: ED384240-CB63-4146-BB32-4002D35B6E22.jpg (750x923, 101K)

Friendly reminder that fembots only want Chad and are soulless automatons like any other woman.

Attached: 1408344467445.png (554x439, 167K)

I think I am also ugly. I'm too afraid to post on /soc/, but I can't figure out why girls don't like me.

Probably the cowardice desu

its not even the fact that I cant attract a guy, its more so the fact that my appearance gives me PTSD

Find a robot who you can joke around with and get Jow Forums together

>being ugly has deteriorated my well being
Do you have a nice ass?

Fit women with prominent features are top tier.

What is the purpose of your post?

>that my appearance gives me PTSD
That doesn't even make sense, dummy.

Reminder that even Veronika (the girl pictured here) is happy and has a bf.

Attached: ugly girl.jpg (2732x2012, 380K)

Gotta love when people feel they need to use buzzwords to sound relevant.
Just as a hint: It can't possibly be POST-traumatic when the "trauma" is looking back at you in the mirror everyday.

Mens beauty ideals change as they get older and there body isn't telling them to seek out fat reserves anymore, unconventionaly pretty women are great but it would also help if you were physically fit, primarily because of your self esteem.

wasn't there a study that found that people with social anxiety have flashbacks to embarrassing moments similar to PTSD flashbacks?
could be what OP is talking about, except it's her face

>be me
>be autist
>kissless virgin
>get gf
>too chicken shit to try anything (holding hands/kissing/etc...)
>she dumps me
>she sais its so she can concentrate on school but Im pretty sure it was because I was chicken shit
>been about 2 or 3 months since this
>we still talk
>talking last week when one of her friends comes up and makes a joke about me looking at her sexually
>she blushes and plays with her hair
>notice that she plays with her hair a lot more than normal when we talk

Please help Im an autist
Do I have a chance
Does she still like me

yes you dum-dum
make a move

Not OP but that wasn't her. No proof she has a boyfriend either.

Then still wasn't her appearance that gave it to her but the Chad calling her a dogface in front of her friends or w/e.
She hates her looks, no more no less.

Free bf!
Reply for details!

No shit it wasn't Veronika who posted that
>no proof
Go ask Jow Forums, she has pics all over the ru facebook equivalent of her and her boyfriend, you fucking retard.

Why care?
I don't care if I'm ugly and my Chad friend's love me they tell me all the time if I wanted to I could get pussy
But I'm to much of a Coward to try
I bet you could get a bf if you tried
Right now you're your own worst enemy

I did a search for her name on the archive and I don't see any pictures.

I don't understand what you mean by this... What does cowardice have to do with me being ugly?

the worse thing is that she doesn't even have tits or ass lmao, is personality a meme?

Wow u are autistic