Tfw dead dick and no morning wood

>tfw dead dick and no morning wood

fuck why me god. I never did any drugs and I'm fit and it's always been like this. Why fuck. Help please help.

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Same thing happens to me. Have experienced not being able getting it up for sex. Shits awful.

too much porn fucks with your brain-dick connection

Not enough zinc, youre welcome

I only use pictures not videos. And between when I hit puberty around fifteen to the age of seventeen about, I didn't use any porn and I had the exact sexual problems then as I do now.
Thanks for the response. I tried zinc 50 mg per day a while back and felt a slight improvement. Still no morning wood. As far as I understand, zinc helps libido by lowering estrogen (possibly) and raising testosterone and DHT (some studies say it lowers DHT). But my blood work for estrogen (estradiol, estrone, estriol), Testosterone and DHT were all near the middle of the range for my age group. Not to mention a bunch of other tests (prolactin, ferritin, cortisol, bunch of nutrients, etc.) came back normal.

I'm beginning to think this is a dysfunction in my brain, not in the psychological sense, but in the neurological sense. Is it possible that I could have naturally elevated serotonin and that these naturally raised levels could cause impotence in the same manner that anons who take SSRIs become impotent? For the record I'm twenty-three, have little body hair, 10% body fat, average strength, good cardio, weak facial hair, and puffy nipples (no hard lump).

If someone can help me or lead me to a diagnosis I will be forever grateful. Please god.

You mean you can't get an erection at all? Have you told your doctor this exactly?

I've talked to a few doctors over the past year. I told them everything in great detail. They never really offered any diagnosis or laid out any plan for further treatment, but at least I now have very comprehensive blood tests for future reference. For the most part I can only get erections with physical stimulation. On one of my nofap bouts I went six weeks with no porn or masturbation and I did not get an erection that entire time. I started jacking it again after those six weeks not because I felt any particular urge to, but because I was afraid of my dick atrophying, So typically I'll sit down to masturbate and my dick will be totally soft. I'll pull up some porn and my dick will still be soft. At this point I have to fondle it and I can nurse a half erection, thereafter I can begin to actually masturbate it, and after another couple minutes I'll be at 90% hardness. If I get up to go to the bathroom or something my dick will be flaccid by the time I'm back.

It's been a year and a half now, but when I kiss a cutie my dick will get about half erect. By flexing my kegel muscles I can get up to 75% hardness, just hard enough for sex. Then sex starts and I inevitably go limp after five to ten minutes. Also I've never in my life had a wet dream. Orgasms are generally weak.

I can't cum from sex if it wasn't clear in my post here. Only from masturbation.

Have you had your prolactin levels checked? This is generally the hormone released after orgasm that makes you shut down sexual function. High prolactin can cause a lack of erections. You could always find cabergoline from a research chem source to test but it is a bit pricey.

sleep for more than 3 hours a day

>stop watching porn and beat my dick for a month
>dick goes from 6.3 to 7 inches

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I can fap to porn but I know if I ever tried to have sex irl I wouldn't be able to get hard

I did it was in the middle of the normal range for males unfortunately. I thought my symptoms matched high proactin really well, but now I've had two blood tests for it a while apart and they both were similiar. They also did the special test for the so called hook effect where you get a false low reading for prolactin, but I was negative for that.

I'm really reaching the end of my imagination as to what could be causing this. I mentioned my serotonin pet theory above, but that's really the only idea I have left and it's pretty far fetched. They gave me generic viagra a month or so back and it made my erections slightly harder and easier to bring to life, but the lack of libido/sex drive/horniness and arousal was still absent so the stuff was useless overall. I suppose it further confirms that my problem is not vascular however.

Do you get morning wood? Get checked out man. Impotent and sexually dulled is no way to go through life. It could be something simple like run away estrogen or something.

All other hormones are intact? Do you exercise reasonably regular?

Sometimes. It's likely due to my finasteride script. I also have clear and watery semen I had a doc check out and had tests done and he thinks it's the fin too.

Yeah, that definitely fucks with your test. Get to keep your hair, lose erections, quite the tradeoff.

In high school I used to run five or six times a week and lift weights or do calisthenics a couple times a week. In college I ran on my own maybe an average of four times a week and lifted weights or did calisthenics a couple times a week. There have been a few periods, such as after I broke my collarbone, where I didn't do much of any exercise for about a month.

During none of these periods (training hard, training casually, being relatively sedentary) did I feel any major changes in my sexual functioning. I believe that I may have had a slight down-tick in sexual functioning during periods of hard exercise, but nothing really significant.

Also yes other hormones and blood work were normal. I'm the OP btw.

What about any nutritional deficiencies? Did they verify all that? Really running out of normal possibilities here.

It's a trade off but I'd rather have a bit of ED and clear jizz any day than being a balding fuck

If I have any nutritional deficiencies they did not show up on the test. I've got a pretty normal diet. I lived in a house with my friends for a couple years and we all ate pretty much the same stuff and all of them had normal sex lives.

My mom had postpartum depression (and likely had depression beforehand too) so that's part of the reason I think I may have a neurological problem. I don't feel depressed or sad outside of being distraught about my dick. I didn't even now I had any sexual issues until I had a few failed encounters with girls freshman year of college. In the years preceding this I was unaware I had a problem and only in retrospect did I realize my lack of morning wood/spontaneous erections/wet dreams was abnormal and a sign of poor sexual health.

You just got broke-dick disease, just buy Viagra, the solution seems to already exist why make it more complicated?

you could have a prostate issue. have you done any research into more uncommon or unusual reasons for ED, things based on organ/tissue dysfunction or developmental abnormalities?

Viagra makes my erections a bit harder and makes them slightly easier to get, but it does not address my lack of libido/sexdrive/horniness/arousal. I've only been trying to find a diagnosis in earnest for a little over a year, so I still have some hope. If I haven't made any progress in a couple years I might have to pack it up and call it a night.

do you not have a sex drive, and that distresses you? Do you think about sex naturally, or do you have to force yourself?

That's a good idea I should check that out. I've never had prostate or ass pain before, but perhaps there are some painless ailments that could be causing my symptoms. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to talk about this sincerely. I really appreciate it. I promise that if I ever find the cure I will spread word of it to all the robots.

I can't cum from sex either, and I have a hard time maintaining an erection during too. If it falls out during, it's a bitch to put back in. After she cums, I just take it out and tell her to get on her knees or something. The first time this happened to me, I had no idea what the fuck was going on, cause it was also my first time having sex. I thought it mighve been nervousness, but it persisted. I learned later that it was due to me taking Acutane my senior year of high school. That shit destroyed me, and gave me severe depression. And, obviously, made me only able to cum through masturbation

I like girls and I think about them a lot, but I don't get a real physical urge (or the ability to perform). This distresses me because it destroys my chances of ever having a happy loving relationship with a girl and raising a family. Obviously I could find an asexual girl and adopt kids or something, but I think such a relationship would prove very hollow, we would be more like room-mates than husband and wife.

this sounds similar, do you have any contact info in case you find out anything

[email protected]

Throwaway account I just made. If I make any progress I'll email you. If I make any major progress or find a cure I'll post it on here for everyone to see. I have a doctor's appointment at the end of the month and I don't think anything's going to happen in the mean time. I want to try out my serotonin pet theory I mentioned above, but I'm not sure how to pitch that to the doctor. Trazodone has some clinical effectiveness for "idiopathic" erectile dysfunction in young men, so there may be some promise there. I'll ask him about possible prostate issues too.