Work fired me, how do i fuck with them

Fired for bullshit. Wouldn't bother to train nor show me where shit is. "Smile more" "Be more energetic" "I was clear with what I wanted you to do even if i wasn't remotely close to being so"

How do i fuck with them other than leaving god awful reviews everywhere? Sick of being treated like expendable human waste.

Attached: BurgerKing_BurningStores17.jpg (622x415, 50K)

need more info, but I'll spitball with you

It's a mid-range gourmet burger franchise. Owners are cunts. I don't what exactly you want to know but i can tell you on my first shift there i heard verbatim "send them home early so they think we care about them" from the two owners. Absolute sacks of shit.

Take it up the corporate ladder. Seriously. Make a formal complaint, they take that shit seriously, especially if you're a decent writer. If someone feels strongly enough to actually go ahead and contact the higher ups they listen. It's taken as an indication that there's a lot of bad stuff going on that they simply haven't heard about and you're the first to step forward. Like... by the time you actually see a roach, there's already an awful infestation. So they'll bring in an exterminator and start chopping heads. Be polite and respectful in your letter but make it very clear how upset you are, how you needed that income to make your living, how unjust it was and how cheated you feel. Don't be afraid to name names.

Oh... if it was the owners that you might be fucked. Were they doing anything illegal? From a health and safety standpoint maybe? Violating labor laws in some way? For example, not giving the required breaks, or maybe people were working while off the clock? Might be worth reporting it if so.

It's a franchise so i can probably take it further, they own most of the restaurants in my country part of the chain.

A letter to corporate may be a good idea, there were lots of shit they could be legitimately be pulled up on like no breaks, zero health and safety i.e. can't see fuck all in the stock room with random pipes sticking out to bash your head. 100% sure they snatch from the tips too but there is no way i can prove it.

It's bullshit, took me ages to get this job and right before Christmas...

>right before christmas
Good point. Hey, you're a natural. I'm sure you'll do great.

Also write stuff on Facebook and Twitter and Reddit or whatever. You get this shit trending on normie sites in 2018 then you can cause a real shitstorm for the owners.

Thanks user, this is the moral support i come to Jow Forums for.

See i considered this. Its always been fashionable to bandwagon shit you don't care about on these sites. But i do not want this being traced back to me because i know these fucks will try to discredit me along with the other staff, who are all too scared/man-childrenish to go against the owners. Of course they wont admit they fired me for putting garbage in the wrong bins without telling me where the glass bins are or that everything needs bagged before going in. they would look like retards.

I know who you are and you were fired for refusing to do anything you were told. You even refused to take off your hoodie while making food.

>You refused to take off your hoodie while making food
Why would that even matter? Are you stupid?

I worked the bar in the place not the kitchen.

It's a safety hazard. It can cause cross contamination.

Still have to wear the uniform.

That's a safety hazard, cross contamination.

leaving bad reviews?
man i feel like you need to go more extreme than that, as long as you can do it without getting caught.
hit em where it really hurts. and it won't be exactly lawful either.

if you were legitimately employed, like with a contract and everything, go to a lawyer. you can get some money from unfair dismissals.

hypothetical question, how would a business catch you if you just threw some bricks through the windows? like, if its 2 am, and you put on a disguise where you still look like a normal person walking the street but still look nothing like your real self, how would they ever catch you?
i don't think they can...

Wearing a work uniform is cross contamination? Also he worked at Red Robin.

A lot of states have at-will employment, which basically means that they can fire you at any time for any reason. Or for no reason. Originally it was meant as an alternative to unions, for people that didn't want to pay dues and get involved with all that. Workers rights. It's ironic that the law has actually harmed workers these days, destroying any form of job security.

yes that's true but we don't know where OP lives.
in any case he should consult a lawyer. sometimes they offer free consultations. even if the law isnt on your side sometimes they will send a threatening letter and the business will send you some cash just to make it go away (lawyers are expensive)

this is honestly the best way to fuck with them

What does this mean? Who wears a hoodie working a bar?

There is nothing more i would like to do than burn the place down with the owners locked in the back room but I am not going to jail over some normie psychopaths on a power trip.

Money would be nice but i really just want to fuck them around user.

The guy who got fired from work today.

I don't know what Red Robin is i live in the UK. The franchise originated in america though so keep guessing you fat fuck trying to derail my thread.

UK orginianolisndan

>I live in the UK

Nice larp

i'm not trying to derail anything. just offering some advice. I had a shitty retail job once and got diarrhea. texted my boss that I was sick and couldn't come in and he texted me back saying I was fired. I called a bunch of law firms, one said he would give me 30 minutes for free, went there, showed him the conversation on my phone, he wrote a threatening letter to the store and they wired me 2 months wages as compensation because apparently it's illegal to fire people if they are sick, also when firing people you're supposed to write them a letter to properly notify them, not text them lol.

seriously, just talk to a lawyer.

Order an employee of the month award in your name and have it shipped there from the "corporate office" along with a note that says the VP's are very impressed with your stoic behavior and ability to follow ungiven instructions.

You can't even hold a job at a fucking burger king. Kill yourself. You're a waste of space.

That previous reply was for someone else, my mistake sorry. Thank you for the advice.

I like this.

how about you just stop being a shitty employee

I've fired dozens of people in the past 2 months and NONE of their retarded complaints went past our HR department. one fat cunt even applied filed for unemployment, we appealed it and won.

How do you fail fast food? It's literally the easiest shit you can do for $11 an hour?

No where have i mentioned fast food.

Nice to see my former boss on here. suck my fat hairy dick Gary.

Not OP. that's not necessarily what happened. these places tend to have very flaky employees, so when a job opens up they hire 3 people for it since they expect 2 of them to quit in the first week or just walk out during training. that's how they did it at my old job. if the two "backup" guys don't quit they just fire them.