Just talk about your weekdays, work hours, wagie feels, etc.
How you holding up guys?
Just talk about your weekdays, work hours, wagie feels, etc.
How you holding up guys?
>paid shit, have tons of debt and high rent, can barely pay my bills, actually don't pay some because I put it off
>2 and a half hour each way commute
>wake up at 5:30 in the morning and rush out the door without even having time to look in the mirror
>stupid miserable makework job where everyone gives me shit and acts like petit regis
>everyone else gets special privileges at work and I don't
>bus is always fucking late
>fucked me over today on the way to work AND the way home by being late so I miss my connections
>not enough money to eat out every day, no time to pack lunch, go hungry all day, only have time to eat one meal a day
>increasing homicidal urges, that revolution in france right now is giving me ideas
>no hope of anything, all my dreams are turning to dust, ongoing health issues that will only get worse over time, constant pain
I'm getting pretty close to a breakdown. I can't get a new job until february for reasons, so I have to bear with it until then... Fuck them. I'm leaving for a shorter commute and higher pay as soon as I can feb onwards.
My work let me show up early and leave early, it was nice being off at 2 every day after 8 hours
>can't get a new job until february
I guess you have to hold in there man, but yeah, as soon as you get an opportunity, leave that shit hole, the commute alone, I've actually seen a study cited on 80khours about how a commute to work can have a large impact on your social/mental health.
Something passed me at the store yesterday. A very short woman, the top of her head only came up to my chest. Skin as black as pitch, with a grotesquely ugly face. Bulging with fat and trailing behind a man. Presumably her owner. It reminded me of Huxley's novel. She was the very picture of an epsilon minus semi-moron. I wonder if you could even consider her to be an actual person. There was no sign of intelligence in her eyes.
Man I had a 20-40 min commute before and I resented it. Now that seems like a joke in comparison. This god damned fucking commute will be the death of me.
The kicker is my job could 100% be done from home BUT I'm a contractor and only "real" employees are allowed the privilege of working from home. It's like seeing everyone else get handed a warm dinner while you stand in line, freezing and starving, and when your turn comes they just spit in your face and kick you. I'm real god damned sick of this.
But I can't seem to get a fucking job that isn't a god damned contract gig. No benefits, shit pay, no security, no privileges, treated like a second class citizen. I swear they treat the fucking janitor better than me.
5 hours a day on public transit, or even worse, waiting for the cocksucking bus to show up, and it's often yes often 50 god damned minutes late, I'm about ready to kill someone.
In february I can move on and look for better but until then I'm fucked.
And I want better pay.
>Be dishwasher
>Constantly degraded as a fucking NPC
>Stuck with a literal retard for a coworker
>Retard is cunty
>Hate the job, but love how easy and rhythmic it gets
>Pull strings for easier job
>Guy mentions he wants to be a security guard
>He is janitor until later
>Quietly await my freedom
>Suffer as retard keeps shitting on my day
>A new Challenger appears
>He is a damn good successor
>Released weeks ago
>Now be janitor
>I don't do it for free
>Now got a nice life
>Forsaken former staff for new ones, who also came from same shitty kitchen
>Got a good teacher
>Even as a solo act, can hold my own here better than in the kitchen
>Only irritated by lack of holiday pay
I used to pass through the kitchen as a bartender. The dish pit stank so bad I never wanted to go near it. They got a mentally retarded obese mexican guy to do the job. After trump got elected and all that ICE shit came up I never saw him again.
Why are you working there? If you can use the internet you're smarter and more qualified than 90% of the people in my office.
>graduate uni
>get a job as an ee
>do absolutely nothing for two months
>losing my mind
>boss pulls me aside
>they gave me a 3% raise
Fuck this job, I just want to work on hard problems every day so I forget my feelings.
>If you can use the internet you're smarter and more qualified than 90% of the people in my office.
not him but this is so true man, I am amazed at the incapability of the average normie to do basic stuff on a computer, when all it takes is googling and following directions.
At work, they call me the IT guy even though my job isn't really IT, they think I'm some kind of tech wiz because I managed to connect the xerox machine wirelessly to their desktops, when all I did was literally follow instructions I googled, they see it as fucking magic.
I'll probably be a wagie by the end of the month. Going back to retail after slogging through a meme degree for nearly 5 years.
what's your degree user? I fell for the STEM meme a long time ago and wish I did a technical degree that nets me a job where I work remote from other humans.
Poli sci. It had no real purpose unless you go on to law school and I damn well am not doing that. I wish I had taken the trade pill or became a nurse or something.
STEMfriend here
I work at a remote satellite office of a company headquartered in Silicon Valley. A coworker of mine who is much younger started the same time as me, earns more than me and managed to transfer away from the shithole we're in to Cali. Tons more money and opportunity. I should be happy for this person but I'm just angry and jealous I guess. Its a mix of hating where I am in life and feeling like I never get those kind of opportunities. I don't even know what this person did to get the transfer.
I just feel so lost. I'm so old and miserable.
I'm this guy, and moved to California for my job. It's shit, m8. All the other reasons are good reasons for being bitter, but California sucks. Everything is expensive and they have a shitty income tax.
If you want to work on harder problems, have you tried to go into academia? maybe go do grad school?
This is the rest of your life. You will work a job you hate, come home to no wife or kids, and hate every second of your existence until it ends. I wish I was trolling. Welcome to the real world.
I have student loans to pay.
I'm going to ask my manager about them paying for my master's at our one on one meeting this week, though.
Where I live (Toronto) there's higher income tax and everything (including rent) is expensive. Proportionally with a California salary you probably earn 2-3x what I do in terms of buying power. Also it seems like the place to be to meet people and become successful. So many people from my school ended up there and they're all so... enviable. Working at Tesla, SpaceX, Google, etc.
I don't know what it is about myslf that makes me feel like I'm always left in the dirt when opportunity comes knocking for everyone else. Shit just makes me feel so hopeless. I just need a couple of good things to happen to me for once.
that would be great desu, with a masters you could atleast work as a lecturer in a uni somewhere, might be better being in an academic environment.
I've seen people type google.com into the searchbar, click on it through there, and then type their search in.
These are fuckers making very comfortable salaries and acting like they're hot shit big shots and getting business travel and comped 4 star hotel rooms and $200 meals.
And no, they're as incompetent with the actual job stuff as they are with the computer issues. It really blows my mind. It's not even just boomers, I've seen people our own age and younger do this kind of shit. I know one cunt at an office at a business I go to who didn't know what a flash drive was.
Normies get hired because the HR cunt thinks they'll be good conversation at the office. They get shit handed to them just because people want to bullshit with them about sportsball and television shows. Being normie is life on easy mode.
Ah, I assumed you were American. Yeah, taxes in comparison in every other developed country are higher than in the USA.
Sounds dumb, but start applying to any company that seems remotely interesting in the USA. I reckon it'll be easy to move up or make lateral moves once you're here. Or work for a US company in Canada, and keep gunning for a transfer.
I agree. I'll keep persisting!
>I wake up
>Attempt to get more hours from my boss,
>Never get said hours.
>Work 8-12 hours
>Go home
>Browse Jow Forums for a bit
>do some money management
and the vicious cycle starts all over again.
>Wagie job inflames my AVPD
>Too horny to not have crushes on most of my female coworkers
>Still enjoying it better than college