How do you know if there is a GPS tracking device on your vehicle?

How do you know if there is a GPS tracking device on your vehicle?

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Other urls found in this thread: detector&btnK=Google Search&oq=radio detector&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l4j0i22i10i30j0i22i30l5.1252.5648..6472...0.0..0.137.1510.11j4......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..35i39j0i131.yJ1XdhsSC2o

if you look in the spot someone hid a gps tracking device and find one, then you know.

You need to pull a Mike:

Attached: LatvianBeautyGettingFisted.jpg (935x658, 230K)

I am entirely convinced my computer is wiretapped, i just dont care

stick a wire up to a toaster, and hook another into the gas tank real far. you then plug the toaster in inside, grab on to both wires, and push the toaster push thing down. If the cops or the fire department arrive, they lost contact to your brain chip and car gps.

Where are they typically placed?

I usually hide them on the inside of the Driver's side chassis frame tube. It's easiest to sneak up to the car parked on the street from the direction without being seen by the target from their house.

How do you get in there? Does it require removing any parts of the car and replacing them?

No, I should be more clear: It's mounted on the square tube of the chassis on the outside, but on the side facing towards the center of the car. You physically need to crawl under the car to see it.

Oh, ok. Do these things typically blink or make noise?

If you bring your phone into your car with you, or your car is less than ten years old, then yes, you have a GPS tracking device in your car.

Never. That's Hollywood shit. It's a clandestine device, why would it blink or beep? Mine are about the size of a pack of Doublemint gum and look like they are a piece of the car. No photos, because these devices are protected by International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and like my Gen III nightvision googles and not being allowed to let my Canadian neighbor look through them (22 C.F.R. 120-130, Federal Felony), it's illegal to allow foreigners to look at these trackers without authorization from State and Treasury.

wtf? it's illegal to let a canadian use your nightvision goggles?

this must be bait

I can let any non-American I want to look through Gen II, Gen II+ scopes/goggles but not Gen III and Gen III+ devices. I have to get vetted permission to let a NATO ally operator use Gen III. I couldn't even get the Supo guy I had with me for training with me vetted to see the tracker or cleared for Gen III vision, and that's a friendly nation.

Vet the info I gave you, it's true.

She is one plastic surgery away from having six tits.

why? what is so special about them?

All I can say is Gen III+ is a lot more improved over Gen II devices in low light conditions and at greater distances. Since people visit this board from all over the world, I won't say more because ITAR and EAR.

He's not joking. ITAR and Department of State both have Generation 3 and higher nightvision on NOFORN restrictions. Your average Kentucky redneck is allowed to own them, but if he lets somebody from any other country use them, it's up to 10 years in prison.

Can people use these things to track you? Is there nothing to protect yourself? Besides not carrying a phone or having a modern car?

Anybody got sauce on this music?

Even if you got a phone without GPS, your position can be triangulated between mobile-network towers.
Even if you got an old 80s/90s car, and didn't bring your phone, you can be tracked by satellite imagery.

Watch the movie "Enemy of the State" if you want an idea of the kind of tracking government/military was capable of thirty years ago.

Now it's all mostly done through PRISM, the NSA's machine-learning dragnet for monitoring each individual of the entire country.

How would they specifically track a car? How would it be any different than tracking any other object? What happens if it goes out of their sight? Is there something inside of it that can be detected and tracked?

"Can't leave the night." - By BadBadNotGood

Attached: 250px-Andy.png (250x192, 71K)

You also forgot ECHELON and CARNIVORE in the 1990s were able to track HUMTANGO with less than a 5 minute lag time in most cases. CASPER GREEN, BIKELOCK and HORSECART now effectively track any individual in 80% of the world with cellphone tracking, facial recognition from security cameras and voice recognition from other cellphones almost in realtime.

interesting thread, was going to give my 2 cents but the other anons know much more than i

question: since gps technology per se is purely passive, ie the receiver only gets info signals from satellites and from there deduces coordinates, with the tracking part being done by a device that communicates the data the receiver feeds it with cell towers or other receiving ends

in theory is it possible to fabricate a device that detects and reads the signals being sent?

also anyone know how thiefs bypass "anti jamming" trackers? do they just jam as much of the spectrum as they can or what?

Why are there criminals on the run then? Why not catch them all?

I install them for a living. Check for tapped in wires under the dash or check the fuse box.
Also what the fuck is that image

Why are u hiding trackers on cars is the real question

We can't hand these systems over to anyone outside the Federal for Constitutional and Ethical reasons. ACLU would go ape if every cop in America had access to this network.

Part of my job. I only do it when there's a legit reason to do so. Be grateful you never hear about my successes and only hear about my failures.

If it's a tracker, it should be emitting a radio frequency. I'm sure there's some way to detect it.

Here's a Google search to get you started. detector&btnK=Google Search&oq=radio detector&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l4j0i22i10i30j0i22i30l5.1252.5648..6472...0.0..0.137.1510.11j4......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..35i39j0i131.yJ1XdhsSC2o

Watch that, it's already over we're in the part of Terminator where the machines are too advanced to be stopped these perverts doomed us all with the AI