even if you guys had the most loyal, loving, honest girlfriend you would still cheat on her if you got the chance.
none of the people on this board deserve a relationship.
Even if you guys had the most loyal, loving, honest girlfriend you would still cheat on her if you got the chance
I wouldn't know because I never had one. It is as alien a concept to me as making a good thread is to you
I would love and cherish her for the rest of my life
I've been cheated on before, and I would never do that to someone else
It's just cruel and disgusting behaviour
If I had a gf I wouldn't even want sex. I would just want someone to go places and start a family with.
I'll still 100 perfect loyal to any girl who can tolerate my 5 inch dick. But if course not. It's not enough and I'll get cucked. No ty
originally, i disagree
>would still cheat on her if you got the chance
Fuck no why would i? That would be retarded i'm already having sex with a person i'm in love with
>none of the people on this board deserve a relationship.
It's more like you can't expect a women to love and stay loyal to a weak beta piece of shit robot.
Not a matter of who deserves what. It's just how nature works. I don't blame women for not liking me.
literally just women projecting
yeah you got me
and with red light district hookers, baby even risks getting an std
I would never, I don't do drugs or drink, I'm very loyal and a genuinely kind person. Would never want to do something as horrible as that and hurt some one I care about. But add intelligent to those lists of qualities and I'll wife her.
lmao I can't even get a gf and you think I would be in any position to cheat?
projecting pretty hard there aren't we?
>roastie hardcore projecting, demonstrating women's lack of capacity for any form of loyalty or obligation to someone else
>*most of the people on this board deserve a relationship
>you would still cheat
They wouldn't necessarily cheat. But they wouldn't treat her right. The real robots, anyway. I had a gf. I couldn't handle all the attention and responsibility, because I'm broken. I broke things off with her, and she got really upset. Made me feel like shit. And now she keeps wanting to hang out with me "as friends".
I had two gf (not at the same time) and didn't cheat in any. I never betrayed another person in anyway really. Honour above everything. You're just a bad person who thinks everyone as bad as you. Yes I know people lile me are very rare, but we're out there.
Just go and eat her ass buko
you normgroids are lying, of course you would
at least im honest about it
No, I absolutely would not do that. There are valid reasons why I do not belong in a relationship nor deserve to be in one, but that isn't one of them. Fuck off.
I literally suffer panic attacks if a girl flirts with me. And I find sluts disgusting.
I may be the shittiest boyfriend in other aspects, but its impossible that I would cheat (unless Im drugged and raped or some border case like that).
But I treat my wife extremely well. We're as happy as day one and it's been 5 years.
Truer words have never been said. I've cheated on every woman I've been in a relationship. Even if they have been really loyal. I'm a true piece of shit.
no I wouldn't, and it would have to be a gf who I can relate to, actually relate to. Depression, NEET life, channer, not someone whose normal.
jokes on you I don't even have female friends.ex's or talk to women to cheat.
>meet a girl that actually pays attention to me
>gives me love and affection and loves me for who I am
>is honest with me and never lies about anything
>completely loyal
Yes because every guy definitely going to throw all that away the instant they're given the opportunity to.
Fuck you, I was in one relationship for 3 years and never cheated once, never thought about it either.
It was my partner who came close to doing it multiple times. Really makes you think, hun roastie cunt?
>if you guys had the most loyal, loving, honest girlfriend
Unironically I did have that, with two different girls I was committed towards. The first one ended up acting insanely jealous and paranoid, bipolar tendencies coming out, and the second one who was as much in love with me as I was with her for a time ended up leaving me to be in a long distance relationship with her ex before going back to her home town months later.
What do I win?
Not true, me and my girlfriend gave our virginities to each other, we were together for over 2 years when I rejected some girl who offered me sex on my birthday after pretending to be too scared to walk home when everyone else had gone home.
I considered this girl like my sister and her ex boyfriend was my old best friend who only became her ex because he killed himself a few years ago, so this was completely out of the blue for me.
Let her stay the night in another room, haven't spoken to her since a year later, just more or less ghosted her. Didn't tell my girlfriend either, figured there was no point.
Did I do good or should I have done something differently?
>board of guys who can't get a gf
>rare chance, they get one
>gets another
I can barely talk to girls without being socially retarded there's no way I could cheat. Cheating needs confidence. Being shy and soft spoken is natural girl repellant. The faithful girl would be the only girl who like me for more the 30 seconds
I really detest how many anons on r9k throw this shitty word around like it means something. Love, money, happiness, regret, loneliness, and so on are rarely ever based on what an individual deserves.
Women who complain about cheating are a massive red flag. Only Chad cheats.
what do drugs or alcohol have to do with anything? I am a poly addict and would not cheat on my partner
Why do these "hypothetical GF" threads always have a picture of this girl with the black cardigan as an OP?
Is it the same fucking autist?
i would not
t. guy with loyal, loving, honest gf
people who would are true degenerates who are unworthy of romantic love anyways