what's her name, robots?
why is she on your mind?
What's her name, robots?
Her name is Julia. We dated for like 5 months and I broke up with her because I thought I could do better. I only thought I could do better because I didn't find her attractive. She is incredibly smart and talented and an artist, she's literally in medical school now and I am a NEET in my parents basement like a fucking loser. I could've had a mommy gf and now im a fucking loser
OP here, I'll start
>what's her name?
>why is she on your mind?
really cute, lives in my apartment complex, goes to my uni. Also really motivated/has goals, which is rare here.
Take off the nostalgia glasses user, you were smart enough to leave her because there were clearly other issues with the relationship you didn't mention. You might be lonely now, but don't regret your actions just because it didn't work out as quickly as you hoped. Something something red flags something something rose tinted glasses
Ashley, Megan, Selina, Rosalin, Jacqueline
My life is a never ending stream of unfulfilled desires
Thank you user. You're right.
she's on my mind because i can't stop feeling like i ruined my one chance at happiness by destroying our relationship through laziness, inaction and general failures.
I can beat that user.
>Samantha again
>Samantha for literally one night
>Samantha round 4
Now Mallory.
All since I started college last August. I swear next semester I am not going out and just working out and scaling my business. I'm finished with these girls
d's her name
she's not talking to me the same as of late, i admit it's also partly on me, but she just peace'd out on me randomly one day and it's been bad ever since. i really like this girl, but i also know she's gone cold before so hopefully things go back, since i miss talking to her as much as before.
C. Fucks sake I can't believe she fucking left me. For fucking booze and weed. I didn't abuse you, fuck it was self defence. I want you back so bad you evil fucking bitch. I want to love you but I want to murder you in cold blood
Because I saw a pic of her and her new bf. What makes me sad, is that he looks like me. Like its uncanny how similar we look.
Her name is [REDACTED]
She's on my mind because she probably was the only chance to get a gf
Name redacted because she's here
>Her name was Morgan
>She made everything make sense and when I was with her time came to a stand still and I was purely and only happy.
>Pic related is what we looked like together
She killed herself 2 years ago and a few days ago was her anniversary. Since her I've given up on humanity and have accepted the fact that nobody will make me feel happy again.
Honestly, that many crushes in that short a period of time makes me think that no ONE crush could really have hurt that bad.
Maybe that Samantha chick.
Unless this isn't a list of crushes, but is a list of girls you hooked up with, in which case get the fuck off this board.
I think I'm too black-pill for my own good anons. I broke up with my last girlfriend over a year and a half ago because she was a slut and I tried to change her (dated for a year) and she couldn't stand it. She ended up sleeping with my best (and only) friend I made that first year of college, which fucked up my social life in regards to University. I have plenty of friends back home thankfully, but that Summer was spent dreading going back.
I knew I had to change, went all Red-pill Monk Mode in an attempt to see results. Spent my time working out, getting a great job, and putting myself towards a career I want. I even ran my third marathon last spring and raised over $2,000 for St. Jude's Children's Hospital! It felt nice to put all the problems she gave me behind me and achieve something real.
Despite all the great things and personal accomplishments I've achieved; I still can't bring myself to try dating someone again. Any other anons been cheated on or betrayed by someone they invested so much time, care, and love into? I really don't think I will get over that kind of betrayal, and at this point with some of the things I've learned I don't even want to. The body counts some of these girls have make me gag, I'm early twenties, but I know girls younger than me who have fucked 25+ guys. I don't want to be someone's "nightly fuck" or "Tinder hookup"... I just want to be special to someone.
All I can do is take care of my dog, my family, and focus on myself. I'm too scared of being hurt like that again. I know it hurts to not be loved back Anons, but in a way, it's sweet that you have someone you cherish or love; I don't even have that anymore and I don't think I'm capable of it after the things I've learned and experienced.
Her name is Abby, shes smart does SCUBA and is a general cool/smart person. We have only talked in class, (i'm in Uni) but i't 5'11 250 lb and have never asked a girl out since middle school. I know if i did she would say no and everyone would think i'm a retard and fatty.
no prob buddy, godspeed
>Talking to this many girls
Normalfag detected.
She's fucked like 20 different guys off this board alone yet I can't stop obsessing over her. I should really just kill myself for being so pathetic.
>Normalfag detected.
I'm the definition of a normalfag, user.
>in fraternity
>6'4 210, my main board is Jow Forums
You'd literally never know I spend hours on Jow Forums every day unless you knew me extremely well. EXTREMELY well. I have to come here to blow off my autistic steam every day, I can't deal with other NPCs for more than five hours at a time.
>Maybe that Samantha chick.
That bitch is cancelled. And now I'm blackballed by her whole sorority too
Not because of anything I did, but because she's a bitch
Talked and hung out for a while, eventually made out at a side street stop sign. Said she thinks it isn't gonna work earlier today and how we'd be better off as friends. Never been this down in my life.
This was the first gal I talked to in two years. I told her I understood and that I'd be fine but the truth is I'm terrified of being lonely again.
Been there before user. I lost 120 pounds my senior year of high school. I'm by no means built but lose the weight and commit to it. You'll look great
Thanks, i recently started lurking Jow Forums and i have lost 5 pounds in the past month. It's not much but its a start.
I was kinda in the same boat. My gf of close to 2 years split things off with me last summer. Because of it, I lost all my friends in the breakup. Even my roommate who was my closet friend there all because she vilified me when I had to leave town (Thats a story for another day). Anyways, I have thoughts that true love does not exist for me anymore. I will never have a high-school romance, I will never fall in love with the girl next store and live happily ever after. Right now, I find it near impossible to see myself in a relationship on the foundations of love. I took many red pills, now I see relationships as solely an interpersonal business decision. The only one I can ever love is myself.
A part of me still holds on that I will eventually settle down with a partner, but I know it won't start with love. No, love will come much later, if ever at all.
It is good to hear that you have accomplishments user. Keep at it and keep your head up, and hopefully one day we will get to where we are going.
I had a remarkably similar experience.
Ex Girlfriend cheated with a close friend of mine. The betrayal is a lasting wound. Its been a year and a half I'm 21 now. I've only had sex like 3 times and my dick barely worked so we didn't fuck for like a year and a half. Now I don't feel like dating again because obviously no girl wants dead dick, as well as the body count reasons you stated. I feel like a small limp disabled fish in an ocean of fucking great white sharks. People are starting to wonder why I never talk to girls now.
>what's her name, robots?
My day
>wake up, shared apartment 4 people 4 bedroom
>trudge out of bed at 6:00am to catch your early shift at ShitJob
>Have a ShitBoss at ShitJob who micromanages and never leaves you alone
>Work long hours
>Go to Afternoon/Night classes at your university, full time student 18 credit hours because you fucked up your first semester and are playing catchup
>Get preached Gay-Marxist bs you hate but can't disagree with or professors will call you nazi and expel you
>Leave classes exhausted
>Get to Gym 7:00pm
>Workout because it's the only enjoyable and constantly good part of your life
>Get home 9:30pm, cook GarbageCheapMeal
>Shitpost on Jow Forums /v/ Jow Forums and /a/
>Exhausted and give up on doing any homework, just take the 0 on several assignments
>check phone, some angry shit from passive aggressive roommate that I didn't even do
>Crawl into bed around 11pm because it tomorrow is Tuesday and shift starts an hour earlier
Meanwhile my future wife is likely
>Wake up, 9am
>Laze around in bed, browse insta and tinder for an hour
>go out to get breakfast somewhere because parents pay for all their food
>apartment rent is paid for too, single person and bedroom
>First class is at noon, it's liberal arts shit so don't even pay attention, just browse Twitter
>Meet up with Sorority to grab lunch
>Only two classes each day, big gap in between to do homework and study
>never study and just gets notes and HW from some dork in class by being slightly nice to him
>no job no need to work, busy finding herself
>finding herself in someone elses pants that is, go "hang out" with some random guy she met on Tinder that morning
>probably suck his dick, not straight up Sex that would be slutty and she's not a slut
>It's monday so she'll only stay out til midnight, save the parties for the weekends
>gets back, checks phone 50+ messages on Tinder/Twitter/etc.
>Ignores them all and watches normieshit on Netflix as she falls asleep
Goddamn it really isn't fair anons.
>Meet up with Sorority
>this is somehow bad
t. geed
being cheated on changed me, and not in a good way
i dont think i'll ever be able to go back and experience that innocent, incredibly gullible love i did with her
i guess im still glad i experienced it, but now life seems quite dull and pointless in comparison to those years, and it has only gone downhill since then.
im starting to feel like the best time of my life is over and that it's about time to check out now.
cute isabelle pic user, I'm both glad and sad that my story reached out to someone. You are right that we won't ever have that kind of storybook romance, maybe nothing even close All I think we can do is live our lives selfishly working on ourselves and trying to find happiness and self-worth from within rather then outward female validation. Godspeed brother I hope we make it. And thank you for the kind words.
Damn man isn't it? How heartless can someone be to do betray someone they loved - both of them your ex AND your friend. Just know that the limp dick thing is real and not only you. I had trouble getting it up during my last relationship; a lot of it was because of trust issues but I also think some of it was Porn. I'm not a nofapper, but I do think Porn and overly-frequent masturbation messed with my sex drive to the point I couldn't have it when I needed (and wanted) to. You aren't a limp disabled fish, you're just swimming in waters you aren't used to. I hope we can both stay afloat and find whatever we are looking for. Godspeed brother
>Sorority implies a wide circle of friends and respected peers as well as fun parties
>I have none of that, most of which is my fault but I have to pay the bills somehow
glad that went over your head though user
>what's her name
>why is she on your mind
The only chick I ever loved. She left me though.
There's also another lady dude (female) I've been mirin' named Ally. I think she likes me, but she has thick black framed glasses, a septum piercing, and that tumblresque look. I've heard her mention how she enjoys how diverse our school is and I already have my opinion on her. I've hid my power level rather well from her, she doesn't understand I associate with neo nazis... But I'm just so lonely. I want to cuddle her so bad.
I don't know. I probably won't hit her up, just like always.
true depression hours. you're fucked user
She is the only one that has ever cared about me.
Mary, she left me because she could not understand my way of loving and she could not handle her insecurities around me. imu
05 requests this information to be released
Rebecca on my mind as I have to ask her to cum and she's been asleep for a 3 hours now.
Plus we meeting up tomorrow x
Stay the fuck away from that bitch good god. Don't let loneliness cloud your judgement.
because i want to marry her someday. i wish i had the courage to tell her how much i like her.
Amy, she broke it off because I'm a self destructive alcoholic who doesn't know what's good for him.
You guys are all a bunch of sopping wet FUCKING vaginas. God! What the fuck.
I don't really want to share the information.
Does she want to remember me?
Even if she does, it's been months already, I don't want her to think of me as pathetic.
nobody cares what you think, cunt. men have nowhere to go to vent how the feel, this is the place. so piss off, and let us brood in peace.
She's in my head since i like her so much right now, 5 months on a relationship but everytime we discuss, is everything my fault and is not drama, i literally do some shit to make her angry realizing that was wrong when she tell me.
I feel like will end soon, even if she love me right now.
>met her here
So then you only knew her on discord or steam and she is pointless anyway
I hope to god you didn't actually meet some girl on Jow Forums in person
>her name
>Why on my mind
She was like family to me and only wanted what was best. Which was why she left so I wouldnt be hurt
I miss her so much
>Bawwwwv im a giant faggot boo hoo
Also, brood? Seriously!? Kekekek
I did meet her in person.
She was real.
For that single day, atleast.
How did you get unlucky enough to meet a girl off Jow Forums that lives so close to you?
I have no idea how it was possible, but sometimes unlikely things happen on r9k threads.
Even more funny was the fact that I replied to her post before knowing where she lived.
I kinda wish something similar would happen again but it was most likely once in a lifetime chance.
>what's her name, robots?
>why is she on your mind?
only girl I ever loved, she just made it official with her new bf and I just know they are gona fuck on Christmas, she giving her pussy as a x-mas present to him, they been dating for a while, and he's been wanting to tap it.
I dunno how I'm gona get through the holidays lads
>What's her name?
Don't even know her name, just her summoner name on League of Legends.
>Why is she on your mind?
She is one of three girls I have ever met in my life who treated like an equal. The others were girlfriends of my friends who were more than likely doing out of their love of their boyfriends more than for my sake.
Nothing's ever going to come of it though. She's not even from America. She's from China studying overseas here. We don't know each others' names or what we look like. We used to only play together a couple times a week, but she hasn't been on for over 2 weeks now. Even so, we've only known each for two, maybe three months. I doubt she's ever once even thought about me other than when we played together.
But for some reason I can't get her off my mind. She's the only girl I've ever felt this way about, and hell, she's probably already forgotten about me if she hasn't heard from me in two weeks. And even when we speak, she hardly speaks because her English is poor, so it's mainly me talking to her.
It doesn't matter anymore though. Finals should be finishing up around the country soon. I know my own are finished this week. Once those are done, I'm sure she's going back home, at least for the break. And then? Well, I'll probably never hear from her again.
It just seems odd to me, though. Someone I've known for such a short time, and who I've known practically nothing about, has given me a feeling that nobody has given me before. It's like talking to her somehow fixed something inside me that has been broken for years after so much neglect and abuse growing up. Even if I never see her face, I guess a small piece of her will forever be with me as the thing that gave me hope again.
Her name is Abby, and she was trying to get with my brother and we have a mutual friend group and hang out every weekend with the group. I was with another girl and tried moving to Florida, America's trash can, to be with her, but broke up with her. Come back to find out my brother ghosted Abby and the day I get back she asks me out to dinner. Been back a month and she has stayed at my house for a couple weeks added up. She just had a major breakup a couple months ago and I thought she was rebounding with my bro. I think she's on me now so I haven't tried anything, just kept it platonic so far. She's really chill, down for whatever. We drive around smoke, talk about everything. We plan on going to Chicago next week, and I'm probably going to try being with her. Pretty sure she thinks I'm not into her.
Don't wanna say
>Why is she on your mind?
Like her for a long time, recently she started reciprocating. Out of nowhere she started ignoring me for months, probably because I saw her one day with what was a pretty perfect chance to start a convo and just said hey and kept walking since I was fried and it seemed like she was preoccupied.
Sent her a message one day after like 2 months of being ignored, asked her to hang out, she said said she was hanging with a friend. Text her again a few days later, asked to talk in person sometime alone, wanted to say it to her face but she kept pushing me so I told her it was about my feelings. She said that's a little much right now since she just recently broke up with her bf. I told her just to think about it. Saw her a few times with her friends and bitched out, didn't even say hi. A week later text her again and she leaves me on open. Don't really know what to do at this point, it's been another week since she left me on open.
Half of me wants to go up to her in person sometime and just start a conversation, then lead her off somewhere to spill my guts, but everytime I have a chance I bitch out so hard. The other half wants to say fuck bitches get money and ignore it. This was one of the only girls I ever felt like I had a connection to though, which makes it so hard.
Give me advice please
Audrey, she was the best girl here and you all ruined it.
I was at a party hosted by an old friend of mine, but out of ~24 people there I knew the host and a girl who went to my high school
So I sat down next to this girl and we chatted the whole night away.
She was a robot but didn't browse this degenerate site, I just wish I got her number or something.
My friend wanted to come over at my house and see me during Christmas time. Last time I've seen her it was at uni before she moved out but she's coming back.
She were wearing a loose shirt and I could see a lot or her boobs almost makes me thinks she wore that on purpose.
I really hope we fuck when she comes over. I'll try to invite her to sleep with me, then sex her
I gf'd someone off of omegle using the /mu/ tag once.
like irl. couple years long.
doubt i'll ever in my life have such luck again.
What's /mu/
>what's her name, robots?
>why is she on your mind?
because she is my precious waifu and I love her with all of my heart.
welcome to Jow Forums
now get out
Is that you, Mr. Canada?
B, she was into me. We stared at each other from across the classroom all the time. I tried to make a move with a note saying that we should talk more, but it turned her away. I talked to her about it, but she said she couldn't like me anymore. Sucks
ouch dude, i'm sorry :/
Jasmine. She is my soul mate. I never knew what true love was until now.
miss her
Victoria, god she has such a beautiful name.
She has dirty-blonde hair, Glasses, she's a huge dork, we both like Marvel, we both watch anime, we both play Nintendo, we're both history nerds.. why did she reject me? God obviously it's because I'm a fat ugly fuck with social anxiety that's why.
Please just fucking kill me, fellow anons what type of person do you think I am based on what I said, any ways for me to improve my social skills?
>tfw dont see your name
shes probably on here but whatever
i liked her when i first met her but thats not what this is about and i stoped after a week because i could never see us together
we were pretty close friends for like a year but in october or something she got molested by her friend while at his house
i got really pissed and she didnt want to press charges or even tell anyone and i thought she should and then we completely stopped talking
we sent memes to each other yesterday so i might start talking to her again
i never realized how lonely i was after we stopped taking and that kind of fucked me up and it still does
its sad boy hours up in here
i feel this.
@YOU, post my name
Shes a great fucking girl. I know she likes me, I just need to approach it the right way. Can't be drunk and a retard but I can't be stiff and boring about it. Gotta stop being shy
Bree, we broke up on good terms since we had some differences that we couldnt look past but goddamn did we have some good times. Only lasting effect she had one me was that she was submissive and kinky as fuck and encouraged me to be dominant, now I can only be and wanted be dominant like I was with her
I'm wondering if it would be weird to use the name "Ruth" for a daughter I have in the future, if I have one.
Yeah, it's my ex's name and the name of my first great love. But it's also my goddaughter's middle name, and she's named after my grandma, who was basically my mother and who raised me. Grandma's name is the diminutive of "Ruth." It's a common name in my family, and a common middle name.
But then again, isn't that almost like cucking my wife with my ex's name? I wouldn't be okay with a son being named for my wife's first boyfriend.
But I also would like to use the name because it means so much to me. But isn't that a little weird? On some psychological level isn't that avluttle weird?
The women I love most in the world always end up having the same names, and it fucks with my head. There's only one other girl in the world I've ever loved like I loved her, and she has the same name as my sister and even smells and acts like her.
I actually can't describe to you guys how much this fucks with my head. I sometimes actually wonder if this is all just a simulation or a dream or if somehow I keep running into the same souls under the same names.
She was perfect for me and Ill probibly always love her. Ended when she cheated on me and lost her virginity to someone else
her name is veronica but soon she will be not important
her name is seulgi, i just want to her ass man
d for dickrider
Her names is Kaylee and she is one of my best-friend's girlfriends. We are pretty good friends and I can't help but think she's the sweetest girl i've met, and doesn't get the credit she deserves. I feel fucked up for even thinking about her. God dammit why do I do this i'll just go to bed
Is it just me, but did that say "Lucy" two seconds ago? Did I just shift universes?
JJ. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, in real life or on the silver screen, and is always stylish, intelligent and kind to boot. She's several years my senior, which, in addition to all the personal deficiencies I have that you can no doubt infer from the fact that I'm browsing Jow Forums, makes it a, uh, slightly unlikely prospect.
Your story was very poignant to me, user. But yeah, a bit of friendly advice, she definitely doesn't feel anything close to the same way. Try not to get your hopes up here.
You have top-tier taste in names.
Her name is Rozanne, We work at a factory, not in the same place, see her a couple times a day, she is like a 5/10 but she has that certain look which makes her my type, she also seems to be on the introverted side.
Not getting my hopes up this time tho, oh no no no, she will have to iniate casual conversation first.
Anna. She was my friend's little sister when I was growing up, and I had a crush on her since she was in second grade. I never said anything about it because I was 3 grades older than her and I knew that age difference was creepy and weird. I already thought it was creepy and weird to crush on a second-grader when I was almost in middle school, but then she stayed cute when I was in high-school and she was 12.
Cutest little redhead girl and genuinely cool and fun to hang out with. Had sleepovers with my friend from elementary school all throughout high school, which meant I had sleepovers with her, too. For years. She had the cutest little gothy streak and we wound up getting the same hoodie from Hot Topic by pure coincidence. I actually wound up hanging out with her a lot, but my buddy and I were almost family, so it's not like it'd be cool if he knew I liked her.
She had these beautiful blue eyes, too. Like, you'd see the blue from far away they were so blue. And this beautiful smile, too.
Dammit. I wonder if she ever liked me back.
She's on my mind because she died many years ago. The only woman I ever loved and the only one who ever loved me. Without her... things just aren't good anymore.
She's the only one who ever loved me truly and I destroyed it. I hate myself for what I did, but she deserves better than a fuck up like me.
I really miss her, I'd give up everything just to be with her again but smart'ol user came up with a plan to stop any attempts of getting back with her even if I wanted to. It's fucked me because now everyone thinks I'm a faggot and while that may be true a girl like her needs someone better. Might as well post my depression jounal entries so you guys can latch onto something and call me a faggot.
>I keep wishing to pass away while I sleep but every morning I wake up and I'm alive.
>My day starts with failure.
>I'm a fool, I left the one person who cared about me because I was scared of what she would think of me
>I don't want to be alive anymore, least not with her gone I have no one.u
>Why am I such an idiot, I fuck up everything I touch. I ruined her life, I once told her I felt like a bad person and she tried her hardest to tell me I wasn't. Now I know deep down I'm the monster which I always suspected.
>If I could I would be with you again in a heartbeat no matter what, even if I had to give up everything or whatever little I have left now.
>I can't keep functioning, depressions worsening suicidal thoughts occur daily, I hate my life, my job and what I've done to you
>I have no one left I can talk to, I'm so alone
>I'm a broken individual, irreparable and gone
Nobody. I bury any romantic feelings I might have because I know it will only end in pain. No woman will ever want me, and it would be for the best if I stopped wanting them.
How can I achieve your level, I just want to bury it all.
I have a lot of issues desu, the least of which is diagnosed, severe depression. Every time I see a woman I find pretty, I ask myself what she could possibly want with me. The answer is invariably nothing, because good things like that don't happen to me. I have nothing to offer a woman. I know it in my heart and I can see it in her eyes.
>Tfw took a gap year
>Tfw dad lost his job beforehand
>My first year after high school is now just filled with Vidya I bought beforehand and other free activities instead of what Gap years are supposed to be.
>TFW no opportunities to meet or interact with QTs
>TFW have to wait for a FULL YEAR to be able to get back out there and get a CHANCE to date
Shes the only person in this world who truly cared about me and I took her for granted.
Nigga get a job you lazy fuck stop leaching off your dad
She and her sister literally fought over me. Fucking gave up on both of them. They were both Jewish girls.
>mfw the Jews literally did it for me
She had this autist bf who went to the same college just to follow her around. She always made it abundantly clear that she hated him and kept trying to get away from him. I went and fought him because I learned that he was abusing her. He had almost a foot on me and I still wiped the fucking floor with him, dented a truck with his forehead. He dropped out after they broke up for the fifth time.
She got into partying and drinking too much when they broke up. I got into drugs because things didnt work out with us. I did get to tell her that I loved her, but things never work out the way you want them to. I now fucking hate her and that seething rage pushed me to become a Naval officer. I feel absolutely zero happiness from what I did or how I behaved, but I also feel no remorse. Last I heard she went crawling back to her boyfriend.
Now I mope through each and every waking moment in complete and utter misery. The other officers respect me, I think. I heard from a couple of my friends that everybody knows me as the guy who is always upset and never smiles. The enlistedmen like me, for some reason, even though I can be a real bastard about literally fucking everything. There is this lieutenant under me that I kind of like, but I am very strict about professional relationships so nothing has happened. She kinda saved my ass when I got too drunk on a few occasions.
>she died many years ago
I hate hearing this. Sorry, user.
You shouldnt worry about things past, user. Youre a good person at heart, and I think that you have a lot to offer someone else.
Alec, is that you?
>>Jow Forums
You should work on that. Im sure you can be the man you want to be. Be more than you seem.
There will be another, user.
You need to get off the video games and step outside, user. Maybe you should actually go to China, I can tell you from experience that it isnt that bad.
Drugs are an option.
Geralt... You and redheads, honestly
Please help me find Molly.
The one always on my mind is Brittney but if she called me out of the blue, I'd tell her to fuck off.
I don't know why I'm like this. I don't even know that I'm wrong about it, except for the obvious of letting a girl get in my head.
Im afraid to post her name because its a very unique name and she shows up on google if you search it but I just cant stop thinking about her
We went out a couple of times then she got a bf
Last weekend she wanted to go out again
It was great, and she denies having a bf, even though today she posted a pic with him
I think I have really good chances with her and im trying my hardest
Im leaving for a trip tomorrow and her birthday is this Friday, she already told me like 10 times that she really wanted me to be here and that its such a shame ill miss it
What could it possibly mean?
Im sorry for the long post but shes literally my perfect girl, really short, black hair, beatiful voice deep blue eyes and a wonderful personality
She actually managed to cure my depression and I really want her
Karla. Because we were together for 7 years and I love her the same way that I did the day I met her. I'll never get over this. I want to but I can't. I've tried to, but I can't. I even tried what she did to get over me, but all that did was make me suicidal over knowing it wasn't her there with me. There's no getting over this, because it never should of ended to begin with. We didn't hate eachother.. Other people hated us being together..
Natalie. We dated for two years. Best times of my life. I ended up cheating on her. Worst decision that I've ever made. We kept it going for a while after she found out, but it wasn't the same. She broke up with me over text message. I tried to kill myself, shitty fucking gun jammed. Instead of trying to do it again I sold everything I owned and moved across the country. Was homeless for months. Finally got my shit together but I keep dreaming about her. I can't even bring myself to try getting with any other women, they're not her and I don't deserve it.
Every day she's on my mind. I'm going back home for Christmas, very tempted to try to see her but don't know what I'd say. I threw away everyting bros, I just want to die.