Be dropout retail job loser about 4 years ago

>be dropout retail job loser about 4 years ago
>mum treats me like comlete garbage and actively tries to fuck me over as I crawl out of it
>mum hears that i have career now and is asking me to visit and pretending to like me now
>don't really want anything top do with her
What do I do here, robots?

Attached: 1481856410210.jpg (1138x1435, 228K)

Wait for her to die. Don't claim the body.

I wouldn't visit her.

Yeah my mom's doing the same shit. She told me not to come visit for Thanksgiving, always treated me like shit when I was home, now she's constantly messaging me and texting me and trying to call me

If you want to talk to her then do it.
I wouldn't be able to have a relationship with someone I don't trust though

Based Swiss cunts


Drop her out of your life and be very low contact with her

I blocked all of my family as soon as I moved out so you could do the same

Continue to live your life without her in it .

family has actually literally no meaning

>fuck you mom i hate you leave me alone ugh
Sounds like you haven't matured at all over the past four years.

Toxic relationships within your nuclear family are one of the greatest indicators of antisocial behavior in the rest of your life. I have observed this countless times in my life. I'm sure your mom is proud of you and will probably buy you something nice for Christmas.

Ahhahah good one user.

I have no father so the nuclear family thing goes right out of the window

Ignore bro. Just move on

Just cut your mom out of your life, block her on everything and at some point she won't bother anymore.

>I have no father so the nuclear family thing goes right out of the window
Not necessarily. Perhaps nuclear family is the wrong term, what I really meant is that toxic relationships in your IMMEDIATE family are bound to spill over into your other social and/or professional relationships.

>mum treats me like comlete garbage and actively tries to fuck me over as I crawl out of it
There's obviously a lot to unpack here, but I just think that if you allow yourself to completely ruin what was such a formative relationship in your life (maternal relationship), it will hang over you for a long time and will spill into other aspects of your life. Not everyone will be able to be on amiable terms with their parents and that is fine. But completely cutting your only parent out of your life seems like self-sabotage.

>parents are cunts
>dude how come you don't like your parents? Something must be wrong with you, not them.
Kill yourself.

nigga when did I say he should like his parents? Learn to read, retard.

tell her to fuck off and wait 2 years to talk to her again.

>Sounds like you haven't matured at all
Saying "fuck you mom leave me alone" is the most logical move, to call this immature just shows you're a retard.

Holy Fuck this picture reminds me of any medieval scene where someone dies, theyre just emotionless. Maybe this was their version of the wojak, emotionless and dead, an ironic thing on which people could look to and relate to an extent in an odd way