When are we going to have a respectable Asian male protagonist in a movie that isn't the dorky...

when are we going to have a respectable Asian male protagonist in a movie that isn't the dorky, intelligent weirdo or the karate/kung-fu master?

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then what the fuck do want them to be?

when gene editing allows us to be White

apparently not a dorky intellegent weirdo or the martial arts master you fucking retadr

Dude from crazy rich.
>he's hapa
Don't care. he looks asian, stop whining so much kek.

after whites leave positions of power. their egos are too fragile to allow a power non-white man be a sex symbol

Do you even watch movies OP?

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fuck u chang, im not gonna stick around for u chongs and dings if Whites ever skip the scene.

its still bullshit. its like making a movie about black people and only having lightskin men and women as the star

don't diss Bruce Lee, he was badass and attractive at the same time

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women dont lust after lee like they do for a reynolds or a gossling

Asian guys dont look nearly as good as OPs pic related. In fact he might be a hapa

no. fuck this! im tired of these minorities complaining about not having White roles.

nn to shove minorities into our faces. nobody needs that

>hapa is conveniently used as a positive trait here when incels typically use it against them to shit on them

I smell Stormie in this thread.

>(((((white))))) roles
unironically neck yourself.

OwO;;... desu its not fair to call me out, u know im here, nn to point fingers.

>he thinks user is one person

yes WHITE roles, nn to see uglies on my tv when we have perfectly angelic White actors and actresses available. thank u

There are literally thousands of anime with strong, intelligent protagonists. Asians have more media representation than any other race on the planet. But you are probably a Americanized-Asian faggot who only cares about hollywood.

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they should make a movie about a White supremacist troll thats a yellow kid.

or Ian Somerhalder even up to his late 30's (Holy Feck)

why do fags who use asianmasculinity go on r9k and whine about how hard being asian is?

>There are literally thousands of anime with strong, intelligent protagonists.

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cus they get tired of each other and CRAVE the company of Whites

In his defense, you idiots tend to be a hivemind with no original thoughts.

If it's an action movie, how can he be the lead without fighting skill

with quick thinking and undeniable charisma? kek

So it's fine as long as he doesn't do stereotypical kungfu stuff.? He can be like Jason Bourne or john wick?

no he has to have a massive cock and fuck white women on screen

what the fuck do you expect. you're on a shitty chinese cartoon img board

revenge of the green dragons was fun

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who fucking gives a heck! desu i was pretty happy with Oscar from the Vampire Diaries. it doesnt even matter that he was an asian vampire during the American Civil war when there werent any ricebros around.

i'm not asian but i'm writing a screenplay with one
he's a yankee street thug type

Because the op was talking about movies and the film industry by extension under representing male asian leads that weren't type casted.

when asian men learn to be themshelves

each county has their own people star in movies, how is that so hard to understand. Go watch chinese or korean movies you fucking idiot, bollywood has indian mains, hollywood has white mains, its a fucking white majority country so why the fuck would they cater to asians.

Non-whites need to fill their niche if they want screentime. You darkies are our jesters.

>fucking white majority country
haha not for long. pretty soon you will have mexican leads right?

The last good asian character I've seen has been the asian dude in Sorry To Bother You played by Steven Yeun (who is korean, which is a seperate race from asians, but I digress)

His character is way more than just "comedy relief asian dude" and actually fucks the main female of the movie, after GAMING the fuck out of her.

>asian representation
What did he mean by this?