>got accepted for a teaching job at an all-girls school
Will those little girls eat me alive?
Got accepted for a teaching job at an all-girls school
What are you teaching? Are you tall and handsome?
I'm teaching math.
I'm 6'3" but I'm average appearance.
You're fucked, run away before it's too late.
At that height looks don't matter. They probably picked you for the eye candy factor.
Amass a harem of underage cuties.
It's the only way! I agree with this post
Whats your plan OP? Originally
I don't have a plan, I'm terrified.
Not if you eat them out first.
>hiring male teachers at an all-girl school?
They're practically begging you to fuck them.
Holy shit, THIS! Then after you find out who the sluts are kick them out because only pure little girls are allowed.
It's literally a lawsuit bait, they don't care how qualified OP is, they just hire him so some soccer-mom can accuse him and the whole school can get in on the legal cash-cow/sympathy train.
This. Become the Chad you were always meant to be.
>they just hire him so some soccer-mom can accuse him and the whole school can get in on the legal cash-cow/sympathy train.
Why are you such a brainlet? How does the school ever profit from it?
Schools are terrified of it happening because they get a lot of the blame when this sort of shit happens.
Just talk loud and they will all be afraid of you.
Should I just go in there and emit pure testosterone to intimidate them?
emit pure cummies to satisfy them
>all-girls school hires r9k bot
if only they knew what they were in for...
how old are the students?
No. They may or may not talk amongst themselves about you but you really REALLY shouldn't care at this point in your life.
They are 14-18.
14 IS PRIME user
Holy shit user's going to jail.
ah, the golden ages. what are you teaching?
gl opie try not to go to jail
How old are you user? Cause even if you're uggo if you're late 20's you'll still get far too much attention
I'm teaching math.
25. I'm not ugly, I'm just average.
No, schools like that are usually strict and the girls are usually well-behaved. They will probably gossip a lot but you shouldn't notice much of it in class.
You'll definitely be a lot of girl's crush in that case.
My sister went to an all girls school and the few young male teachers that worked there were fawned over constantly, even the awkward ugly autists
Holy shit you're getting laid OP. Keep condoms in your wallet.
Read this manga and learn from it.
I can't think of a more unsexy being than a math teacher.
user you're a young average looking dude who's going to be stuck in a room with girls for hours. Not only will they start getting the mermaid effect but remember these girls are getting pumped full of fucking hormones at this age. Also a lot of them will doubt how attractive they are, girls tend to hate their bodies at that age which means they're even more likely to crush on something they think they're worthy of. Like a math teacher
Just be careful OP, remember you're a teacher not a gigalo
reddit's that way buddy. Op's gettin some succ after class.
>What the hell is this and why did my grandson like it?
Oh god lol
one google search away from the right spelling
You need to post the name of it first
fuck off shill cunt fag
Check the image name my brobot
As an advice to OP if he's not a larping faggot, you fuck one girl and everyone will know. Every single being in this fucking school. Girls at this age can't keep their fucking mouths shut and might even use it to blackmail you.
So yeah, do whatever you want but accept the consequences
lelno because the girl will be ridiculed as a whore if anyone finds out so she'll keep it quiet
teen girls are far more vicious to each other than anyone else
You don't understand girls then. She will tell. Someone definitely. She won't keep it to herself and that's a recipe for disaster.
how the fuck would you know, faggot
>Jow Forums poster claims to understand girls
That's gonna be a hard "yikes" from me dingaling.
My class consisted of 23 girls and 4 guys including me. Also, I am not a social sperg and average looking so there's that.
OP please don't fuck your students, be a mentor to them and get the respecc
mentor them in the ways of your dick
shape their vaginas to fit your pp perfectly
is it a doujin/hentai manga?
A good friend of mine was a computer/maths teacher at an all girls secondary/high school. I would say he is a social outcast.
He ended up getting baited and mocked because the girls found his online dating account.
Why'd you accept a job at a place you're supposedly terrified of?
He's not wrong. Teenage girls are treacherous - she'll tell her best friend in confidence who will then tell another friend then it'll spread like wildfire. Think back to high school and rumors that circulated around the class bicycle. There's a 95% chance her "friend" spread it around.
I went to an all girls school and all I wanted was sensei to give me the dick. Too bad I was too ugly and whenever a teacher got caught it was with some other roastie.
6'3" and a maths teacher. You will literally be crawling in pussy.
In the tiny chance you aren't roleplaying, be prepared for every girl ti be lusting after you.
It'll be a trick of course and they'll just be trying go get you arrested for the lulz but be prepared.
you are so fucked dude, wear a fucking body camera and stream it somewhere
>all girls school
>male teacher
>sjw era
you're fucked