Cute togaposter who will be chaotic's bf respond respond respond

cute togaposter who will be chaotic's bf respond respond respond

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Where's Dante

Why is it so satisfying to see Gabe in a jealous rage

>who will be chaotic's bf
what are you talking about

Hello I have to sleep soon though because I wage tomorrow but thank you for making a thread.

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that's ok you just have to promise to keep us updated with threads about how things go ok?

Chaotic?? You mean Tomoko Chaotic?? He finally found someone?

I promise I will post threads if he's okay with that. On phone now sorry no more Toga.

Hi I'm not OP but I've been in both of your threads, good luck with your future bf always ignore gabe the retard and bee yourself

he won't get chaotic.
he won't get chaotic.
die die die die die die.

that's ok have a good sleep toga user

Thank you so much anons..

If you're also from Ohio then this ship has sailed

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That would not be a berry happy end desu

It's pretty obvious togaposter wouldn't hurt a fly

I only like chicks without dicks kys shill

Fuck off you newfag wannabe

Stay salty faggot


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You couldn't induce salt in the fucking ocean, and the only reason you're namefagging here is because you probably got btfo by plebbit.

Nice try togafaggot, no one cares about your daily posts. kys faggot.

big yikes
there are no daily toga posts on this board retard

If chaotic gets a boyfriend I'm going to cry

r9gay literally cucked

I've never talked to or associated with Chaotic in his threads or elsewhere but I fucking love how good he is for newfag and jealousy bait

who is chaotic?

>inb4 newfag kys

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>I've never talked to or associated with Chaotic in his threads or elsewhere but I fucking love how good he is for newfag and jealousy bait

The astral projection of Tomoko onto r9k

Tomoko/toga/other anime girl/tfw no bf/lonely poster who BTFO's sluts and newfags look for him on desuarchive if you're curious

Its a meme gay shills try positing on me, aka Christ in the flesh, to confuse and detract lurking femanons. I am going to fuck you all up for this.

>1 away from 616

Based and godpilled

Jack's threads are being deleted this is bullshit

He's my dictionary word of the day and my favorite shitposter

>2 away from dub 3s again

posting tfw no bf with tomoko at all is a instant 30 day ban risk
janny's just go through phases is all

so what I can gather is he used to spam tfw no bf tomoko threads, then larps as a cute boy, then leaks information of the people that send him slutty info about themselves?

is this right

Reminder gabe is worse than orbiter tier and will never be as good as nuDante

Cvnka is the one that larps as attractive people Chaotic actually is attractive

he's an underage crossdressing wannabe tranny but he was the og orbiter

I haven't seen a single confirmed photo of this person who is apparently so popular...

I'm getting memed on aren't I

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So literally chaotic's tomoki lmfao

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I think he orbited cebruz before he knew chaotic though

it's the boy with flippy hair and cute eyes and a white bandana

but is it a meme that everyone here is actually keeping up with his relationships and stuff?

I can't see how any of this is possible without at least some semblance of discord faggotry (which kind of hurts to realize because these threads usually have the nicest posters)

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>his relationships
He doesn't have a bf that's the whole premise of his posting

I don't understand why people don't just add him to ask him stuff
I think he even accepts most people now

but he doesn't post anymore does he?
i kind of want to add him but all this hubbub is making me very nervous

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ya but it's more complex than that because we've had almost 10 years of this now

>10 years

isn't he all broke up by now though? Especially because he's a supposed twink...

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He was posting tsugu today but got deleted

Chaotic hasn't been doing this for 10 fucking years the tomoposters as a collective have and there's 3 of them.
They're all still baby aged except tomoki because they got here as preteens and fucked themselves mentally.

Ceb was cute until he started orbiting edgy literal who fags

these threads always die when I'm not here

why is that

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You stink like a fishes vagina and scare everyone off

I want to be chaotic's boyfriend!!!

Dante was a manipulative monster

lol I'd like to see proof

dante is purer than chaotic imo

I wish he stayed as a retarded orbiter and never got to meet James. I honestly hate him.

cvnka is chaotic