What does Jow Forums think of Thomas the tank engine?
Did it scare you as a kid?
Do you watch it to this day?
What does Jow Forums think of Thomas the tank engine?
Did it scare you as a kid?
Do you watch it to this day?
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I loved Thomas. I had th let little movie when they used real life people and you would get a red train with it. Reminds me of the little papers with displays of all of the train sets you could've gotten as well. I remember getting Henry, the Green train and I remember being really excited because he carried foal, unlike Thomas who didn't have resources to carry, besides the two passenger carts (which I also had).
I fucking loved that show as a kid
>Do you watch it to this day?
No. What, do you?
Its sad they are sentient and live in constant fear they will be replaced by better technology.
>What does Jow Forums think of Thomas the tank engine?
>Did it scare you as a kid?
No it was comfy.
>Do you watch it to this day?
I liked it, it didn't scare me as a kid, and no I don't watch it to this day. Shitposts on YouTube ruined/enhanced my early childhood when I found them though, like that biggie smalls version of the theme song.
>Its sad they are sentient and live in constant fear they will be replaced by better technology.
just like white bois haha
Has any engine on Sodor been replaced by better technology?
Some have been improved by better technology (including Henry who got a new firebox) but their future seems pretty secure.
I loved it as a kid. I always hurried up to get home to watch it. I started watching it less when it got more and more animated though.
They have that grave yard for some reason. And Thomas is always obsessed with being useful. I thought that was just him being afraid of sent there. I remember some bus got forced to be a hen house and they took his wheels so he couldn't move.
Yes, it actually scared me. Like a lot of other shows ATM, I always got scared when a certain character showed up, and for this show it was Sir Toppomhat or whatever, he always sounded so mean and scared the shit out of me
They ruined it with the animation. Like everything...why couldn't they just okay the classic re runs for the the new generations?
It will always have a special and weird place in my heart.
>Last few months of high school
>Finally have friends
>Finally feel good about myself
>Every morning I go to school Thomas and Friends is on TV
>I hate it, but watch it every now and then
>A song about how wonderful friends are strikes a chord within me
>High School ends
>I enter College and I have literally no friends
>My confidence disappears, my self-esteem is low, I'm entering some dark times
>Thomas is still on TV in the mornings
>The song about friends plays again and breaks my heart
I am a huge fag, but so what?
They're often threatened with being "sent away"
Another pile of corpses
Iife in prison
loved it as a kid, had a train set. I used to play Gordon and attack Thomas all the time on my autistic town carpet. Parents were never around, so Thomas and frens were my frens
Obsolete engine moments before execution (stayed by official pardon)
I loved it as a kid. My parents tell me that I memorized every train's name & number, but I don't remember anymore because I was 3 or 4 when I stopped liking it so much. I haven't watched it in years. I had a huge collection of wooden tracks & different characters from the show, but I moved on to Lego and gave the train set to my little cousin.
Thoroughly enjoyed the show and had quite a bit of the wooden tracks and trains as a kid. I can't say it was scared of it except pic related episode spooked the living shit out of me and I had a few nightmares about it. Also the one with the ghost train that still goes over the bridge after it fell off or something was pretty eerie
What's the song called?
I love songs about friends, never really had any.
Shit is creepy as fuck
/ourguy/ youtube.com
I used to love it as a kid, it was my favorite show. I guess I just kinda grew out of it as life started to come on more heavily. I mean, don't get me wrong, my development was stunted somewhere, but I moved on past childhood at the least.