Why aren't you transforming yourself into the person you wish you were?

Why aren't you transforming yourself into the person you wish you were?

Attached: transform.jpg (1331x1325, 420K)

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i can't because it's impossible

im waiting to DIE
say everything out loud, no goodbyes.
why lie when times gonna fly by
already empty inside my mind

Because I already am the person I want to be

one smart shredded motherfucker

Attached: Me-Soon.jpg (373x480, 39K)

Nothing I do will ever make me taller, or add girth to my penis.

making jokes on my debt
theres no peace on my set
no rest when youre wet
i have a comfy crypt with internet

unironically wish you the best of luck if you are doing something to better yourself. life can get better bros

>thinly veiled trap thread
Nice try reiko

I wish nail bitting cucks would all die.
When I see a nail bitter in public i go out out of my way to humiliate them for being pathetic cucks.

Is Josh the only one of these who didn't go through a shitload of surgeries and/or hormone replacement therapies?

Lol, is this a collage of a bunch of trannies and Josh peck is just thrown in there because he used to look like a fat lesbian?

Nicki Minaj isn't a tranny, just an extremely altered black woman.

What's wrong with surgeries and hormones if that's the path to your goal?

Kinda looks like a nonpassing tranny in the first picture and the extreme bimbo look only makes it seem more like a tranny.

Because thats what furfags do

I'm one of those people that always makes fun of Nicki Minaj for being a bimbo but goddamn, if that pic is true then she did improve herself.

I'm in Florida and have family in Georgia so I've been around a lot of black people and she definitely looks more like a black woman than a feminine black man. The lighting is pretty bad in that pic, it's more clear that she's just an average black chick here.

I'm pretty sure she's an industry plant too so that and her own, justifiable, insecurities probably explain the...everything.

Attached: nicki-minaj-before-surgery-main-630x473[1].jpg (630x473, 56K)

You have to have self awareness and independence to do that. Most people here have helicopter parents so they understand neither.

I want to, op.
I'm a mix of top/bottom left
>overweight but not josh weight tier
>still pretty high at >35lbs at least but visually you can't quite tell
>want to get in shape and be overall physically/mentally healthy
>want to feminize myself and achieve slender/no hair body

Instead of wanting to improve your physical / mental health, you should do it.

Attached: trans before after.jpg (1500x1000, 986K)

This CANNOT be real. I fucking love shemales but there's no way this is fucking real, is it?

Attached: 1500623814260.jpg (112x220, 12K)

I can't give you hard evidence on why it's wrong but I'm working on it. Plastic surgery is against a principle I go by and that principle is consistent with many things that have already been shown or suggested through statistics to be true so I plan to study human behavior and neuroscience so I can get the answers.

This principle is consistent with so much that I'm sure I'm not blowing smoke but I need more data.

how many trannys do you guys think went that route because it was the only way to get sexual attention?

>guy becomes a woman
>immediately starts wearing bondage and leather fetish shit on the reg

Attached: vomit cat45.jpg (1052x1463, 307K)

Yes it's real, they post on reddit.

I fucking hate people who tell others how they should live their life. If you are not bullying, stealing, raping, or killing, chances are whatever you're doing is ok.

already did, losing fat and getting into good shape is pretty tough, but it was worth every bit of effort

It was a holloween costume, black widow from avengers.

i want to know what his dick looks like

>itt: another Jow Forums tranny thread, but this time pretending to be a """self-improvement thread""" to get under the radar

I just recently had a very successful interview at a place I think I would love to work at, and everyone seems really wonderful there. I am working hard to stay on top of my education on top of that and plan to save most of my paycheck for an AW11 MR2 since thats the car I want and think will be super awesome to replace my current shitbox
t. sad /o/ user

>already androgynous facial features
>hair straightening/weave like black girls do
>years of HRT/androgen suppressants
>several surgeries on face and body, including removing or shaving bone
>breast implants

I just picked images of trans people because their transformations are more dramatic and impressive. Fuck off with your conspiracy theory shit

Like a shriveled, veiny tic tac.

>they post on reddit


Attached: vommiting intensifies.jpg (585x1470, 272K)

Op pls reply to this post I'd like to hear your thoughts/validation of my insecurities.

You literally told someone to transition ITT with

>just go right ahead and do it
I've thought about it but I really can't convince myself without at least attempting to aid myself along the way in terms of exercising and eating right. It would only benefit me in the long run, but I also haven't been to the doctor in a while either. I need first a diagnosis of my current health then bring up the possibility of a prescription.

I already did but then I gave up
Why did I do that? Because I'm a fucking idiot

Everyone tells you what to do, what I want to do is find the facts and help people make educated decisions based on reality, not the lies they're being shown.

I didn't try to 'convert' a cis person into a trans person. All I said amounts to 'follow your dreams'

If you have a micropenis (less than 2 and a half inch) or have dwarfism (less than 4'10) then I legitimately feel for you, but I still encourage you to live the best life you can. If you don't have either of those things then I strongly suggest you get therapy.

If you start over or pick up where you left off, then you never truly gave up.

So not even a SINGLE human on planet earth felt their life was improved by plastic surgery? Fuck outta here

>So not even a SINGLE human on planet earth felt their life was improved by plastic surgery

Better example because you really pissed me off.

I didn't tell that person to be the person *I* want them to be, I told them to be the person *they* want to be. I could have posted a picture of a skinny guy become muscular and said "No you're wrong, THIS should be your goal". That would be just as wrong as telling someone to be trans who isn't. Fucking idiots like you are why the world is filled with miserable, unfulfilled people too scared to be who they wish they were.

>plastic surgery goes against my principles
>I need to gather more data so I convince people that my beliefs are correct and theirs are invalid

You might have a case if there weren't literally millions of people who are happy with their plastic surgery.

I'm too lazy and have ADHD

You're backtracking, you said one thing and are telling me you meant another. Put a fucking bullet through your brain.

No I'm not.

>be the person you want to be
>follow your dreams

This is the same fucking message. Tell me SPECIFICALLY where you think I'm backtracking so I can demonstrate that you're a retard

Not that user but i'm afraid of losing facial expression ability and sensitivity in those areas worked on.

Only you can decide if surgery is actually good for you. Of course you have to weigh the risks, benefits etc. Personally I don't ever want any kind of surgery but plenty of people do and if they want it, it should be an option for them. That's all I'm saying.

>no pity for the 5'4" guy with the 4 inch penis

Just fuck off m8.

I live in the south and every day I see tons of mexicans who are 5'4 walking around with their wife and bunch of kids. You fuck off with your defeatism.

>other people were born with advantages I don't have
>other people were born into an easier life
>other people have it better
>therefore I should never try to better my life
You're your own worst enemy and you're making yourself more miserable than you have to be.

It's real if you want it to be.

Okay, you're a fucking idiot and deceived through context and poor English. However, you did say the equivalent of "follow your dreams" but it didn't come through that way.

both wanted to get in shape/become-mentally-healthy and become feminine.
IS telling him that he should improve his mental and physical health but it EASILY READS as "you should do the thing in my picture, instead of improving your health, get feminine". This is because "it" /could/ be read as improvement or it could be read as the feminization the guy talked about and the feminization you posted. So it's as if you said what you said but nudged your head toward a poster of a MtF transition while you said "it". It does not read as if you were suggesting improvement.

To further prove that I'm not a fucking psycho, the guy you were replying to responded to with Read that post, your post was relayed to him as a command to not improve but to instead transition. You posting the picture of the tranny was reckless if that wasn't your intent.

No, you fuck off please. You can boldly assume that I'm not trying to better my life all you want. Fact of the matter is that I will never, ever be able to
>transform myself into the person I wish I was

How can I transform into a cyborg ninja?

Retard alert. I WAS telling them to transition *if* that's what they want to do. There was no secret meaning there. My post and image went together, they were not contradictory, I posted that picture to show that the goal HE STATED is possible. Getting in shape to be more feminine and slender is improving your health, being overweight is unhealthy and losing weight for ANY reason is good. If that guy is unhappy looking masculine or being a guy then being feminine or transitioning to live as a girl could actually improve his mental health, you're always going to be miserable if you're not living the way you want to.


Practice ninjutsu, make money and invest into cybernetics, or maybe just get into cosplay and roleplaying.

Because that's vanity and vanity's an extension of selfishness. My main aspiration is to be less selfish.

>My main aspiration is to be less selfish.

That counts. Transforming yourself doesn't have to just be about your physical appearance.

she posts here, you newfag

Attached: cheska.webm (576x1024, 1.97M)

You posted a completely different person my dude

Jesus fucking Christ, life isn't fair. I'll never be her, i'll never have her sucking my cock.

If gave you the credit because if you meant
>Instead of WANTing to improve your physical / mental health, you should DO IT
You were just being reckless

but I initially accused you because it read as
>Instead of improving your physical/mental heath, you should transition
which is much more actively malicious and is what was relayed to the user. It seems that this is also what you meant so no credit at all. You're a huge piece of shit.

If a friend or family member wanted to put their hand in a wood chipper and kept telling you that not doing so made them miserable you don't let them do it unless you don't give a shit about them. Sometimes people's wants are against their real best interests. This is why your parents didn't let you eat all the candy you wanted, because they cared(jk your parents were probably shit or absent).

Because there's nothing I can do, no surgery I can get that will make me into the ethereal psychosematic horror I wish to be.

Attached: RedPyramid1517885.jpg (1000x983, 471K)

you want to suck cock?

>expressing yourself freely is comparable to sticking your hand in a wood chipper

You need therapy

>This is why your parents didn't let you eat all the candy you wanted
If a grown ass adult has earned money and wants to spend it on candy and eat until they get sick then that is their right and FUCK you for saying otherwise. Humans should be allowed to decide for themselves what is or isn't in their best interest.

I can't change my brain

You could play one in a movie or play video games that let you be in that role. I know it's not the same but it's something

Because I have to wait for transhumanist technology to get more advanced

Attached: modesofbeing.jpg (520x307, 25K)

I have, I can't get enough of em.

>Permanently changing your endocrine system and molding your bones and your skin is the same as simply expressing yourself freely
>Putting yourself in a diabetic coma is the same as expressing yourself freely
>Shoving your hands in a wood chipper is the same as expressing yourself freely
You shouldn't be let around the mentally ill, you're an enabler, a shockingly proud one at that.

>Humans should be allowed to decide for themselves what is or isn't in their best interest.
If they're going to do something bad for themselves then you don't need to verbally abuse them or, verbally or physically, control them but you should inform them of the possible or very real dangers they could inflict on themselves, and if you really cared then you would argue them down, you wouldn't enable or blindly nod your head, knowing full well all the bad shit that could happen to them.