/self harm/

Post anything about self harm
>when did it start
>any tips
>do you care if people see

I would say that burning can be much worse than cutting as you can burn really deep into your flesh and it takes ages to heal.

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I personally like burning a lot more than cutting. I make brands out of paperclips in cute shapes like hearts and stars, and decorate myself all pretty.

I used to practice light cutting for about half a year in high school. It was just a form of release for me, the adrenaline that built me up to cutting myself was intense, like I had just been in a massive fight.
Once I started driving and improving myself I stopped, because I was in a better mental state and didn't feel the need to harm myself physically anymore because I was so pent up mentally.
I always cut lightly on my arms because I feared anybody would see them, and I was still able to play it off as cat scratches when it was rough. The worst I ever did was on my thighs, blood ran and I dont think I'll ever get rid of the marks, but I dont exactly regret them.
I sympathize with anybody here and I wish them the best of luck, however self harm isnt the answer to everything and only mentally bandaids your conflicts and puts them off.
Please, help yourself.

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Holy fuck is Randy Stair posting from the afterlife?

there's literally nothing to do down here
please help

>when did it start

>any tips
Don't harm yourself you stupid fuck

>do you care if people see
Implying I give a fuck about anything anymore

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cutting is so retarded lmao. If you want to hurt yourself to distract yourself from other things then do something productive like working out. If you do high intensity work outs you will feel intense burning that probably feels worse than cutting.

How do you heat up the paperclip?

Just a bic lighter works fine, although butane torch is faster

>when did it start
back in middle school. ended up stopping when high school started and recently began cutting again
>any tips
don't do it?
>do you care if people see
yeah, i only cut near my stomach/upper thigh
thanks user. i'm glad you don't do it anymore

I heated up a knife with a blow torch and stuck it into my leg to make letters but I pushed it in until it was cool.
took months to heal, massive scar.

I havent needed stitches but im scarred as fuck and cut all over my thighs and arms.

I like watching the blood flow from me, and just seeing myself be as the trash I feel I am

yeah its me AMA, im a ghost girl now.
I used to work out etc, you dont get it.
cutting is nice
you are attacking your body and bleeding from it.

I cut nice lettering on my arm so its fucked anyway so I just cut there if I want.
I am too scarred to cut letters on my thighs as I ran out of room.

>when did it start
I self harmed as a small child but stopped and only started again in my 20's
>any tips
dont waste your space, cut some cool letters or something, looks better.
also use a razor you can like buy a ton on ebay for cheap.
>do you care if people see
Yeah I kinda do but I dont give a fuck anymore

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Why not attack your muscles and make them grow? The muscle fibers literally get shredded, it's way more wicked than slicing skin.

Started in college
I practiced on my forearms. I got better at it as a went on. Start from scratching then go slightly deeper. Make cuts shallow so that they hurt only temporarily, I didn't want to actually injure myself.
I do care if people see. It sucks.
It'll prevent me from joining the military in the future.

Oh yeah. And don't do it. It's dumb.

turning emotional pain into physical one can feel great, although doing it for the sake of attention is stupid

I used to cut myself some years ago, my arm scars are already gone but my thighs scars are still there
Stop it, get some help.
If you don't want to get help try cutting from your wrist to your elbow (vertical cuts), there is more chances that you die.
>do you care if people see
I don't care if someone see my scars, if they see me without pants I have some kind of trust in them and I know that is none of their business what happened before they arrived.

>TFW have bruise on my chin
>Don't know where it came from.

based ricardo poster


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I've never cut or anything but I often slap myself in the face or punch myself in the head when I get stressed and feel intense self-loathing.

One time I stretched my palms as far as I could reach and smacked my face with them a number of times. It hurt so much I had a headache all night :(

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cut my legs with a razor when i was like 14- 16
Not for any reason other then it felt so damn good.
All healed up now so no harm no foul i guess

>when did it start
11, after daddy left lol
>any tips
just use clean tools, wash your hands before touching, cover wounds
>do you care if people see
no, at this point I like how it looks. my therapist knows I'm not going to stop and it's something I do for personal reasons

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dont do that friend.
cuttings safer than punching head
i actually like how I did lettering on my arm its liek a tattoo but scars, doesnt look like "emo"

dont self harm dumbass
if your really that fucked up just do drugs instead
at least then youl feel happy for a bit
self harming is retarded
not saying ive never done it
but i know from experience its completely fucking stupid and pointless

i started purposefully sabotaging myself as punishment for not living up to myself, failing and not trying hard enough. I thought physical harm wouldnt cut it since its temporary so i needed something lasting like regret that would haunt me for the rest of my life and maybe beat some sense into me to fail less and try more. Unfortunately it became a witches circle where taking away things made me want less desire less try less care less and now theres just regret, id say it kinda worked but i also realized desire and will doesnt come from fear of punishment but from actually wanting something which i do not and never will.

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I used to do drugs but I cannot anymore due to reasons.
I was alcoholic for 6 months.
I like making myself look like garbage.

self harming comes in many forms

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How long ago did that shooting happen?

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Most depressed people don't have the motivation to go outside and go to the gym and lift. I do both and it's not the same

Wtf, what's wrong with you people, why can't you relive emotions in some other, fucking jerk off I u feel down, why harm urself?

I recognise that it's cringey autistic shit that is very pathetic, however I can not stop doing it. It is a temporary feeling at best and leaves scars, honestly one of the worse addictions out there

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>jerk off If u feel down
I dont even orgasm, I feel NOTHING.
No I dont fap too much, my brains just fucked.
It is incapable of feeling pleasure.

I used to be chad fit and it doesnt help those of us who are really fucked.
I like that it scars man, I want people to see me and think im pathetic.

For some reason, girls who self harm are mad attracted to me. Not sure why, I think its cuz I never take advantage of them and always gave them the time of day to talk. Their previous Bfs we're toxic fucks. Feel like a Chad when with them cuz they like to stick close to me.

Some people want attention. Others are going through a serious problem(s). Rubbing one out works for me desu a nigga ain't gotta chop himself up

i thought cutting would make me feel anything or have any kind of effect, but it didn't.
i've cut deep and it didn't do anything for me. i remember just doing it out of pure boredom since cutting would never help me """cope""" at all, but it just...was nothing.

Being self destructive counts as self harm?

doesnt make me feel good but makes me look ugly which I like.
>Being self destructive counts as self harm?
yeah man