Greentext what you've done over the last 4 hours
Greentext what you've done over the last 4 hours
nothing as cool as that picture
played pokemon ultra moon
left n2ds recharging
listened to a bowie song on repeat
>browse r9k
>listen to music
thats it
>talk to girlfriend
>listen to music
>tell her goodnight
>browse r9k
>Wake up from nap
That's it
>watched scrubs
>made a sandwich in bed
>>made a sandwich in bed
>woke up from four hour nap
>played runescape while stressing over exams
>videos on Go
>Videos on chess
>fap to loli
>jerked off
>jerked off again
>jerked off once more
>oh hey i jerked off
If you want me to continue, i can.
>drank two 7% tallboys
>watched some angryjoe
>refreshed a meme girl's socials
>took some weak hits off my vape
>thought about going for a nightwalk
>can't do anything fun since since I have to wake up at 8:45AM tomorrow and login appear online by 9
Wagecucking sucks wish i was pic related
>went on date with gf
>came home watched tv w gf (we live together)
>gf go to sleep
>watched youtube mini series on serial killers
>browsing r9k
>Stare at a java project for finals with no clue what to do
yeah im fucked
>play hacked Caravaneer 2
are you retarded? why would you even go this, what is the need or appeal?
>got off work
>Ate dinner GF made
>Fucked GF
>Smoked a joint
>Played guitar
>Fucked GF again
>Played Ultra moon
I keep pb&j materials by my bed
by all means user, please do.
why do porn wants, no NEEDS to be relevant? attracting all kids? its fucking cringe how they are doing everything hip n cool just for attention its pretty pathetic
pb&j is a horrible bed sandwich
>woke up from shitty nap around 10:30
>went to my mom's
>had a nice bowl of soup and a Reeses
>went home
>tried to watch more of Zombie Land Saga
>currently listening to Bandits Of The Acoustic Revolution and chilling in bed
>might take a shower so I can feel better about jerking off
>get off of work
>go to Walmart
>get some McDonald's
>go home and fix myself a strong drink
Now I'm laying in bed contemplating which porn star to jerk off to. I'm thinking Angela White.
what did you talk about with your mom?
>browsed r9k
>browsed /cow/
>came across brittany venti's relationship story
>watched it
>video of some Jow Forums-obsessed guy spazzing out rolling in cat shit and broken glass shouting "i look good" and crying, among other things
>thought about it in comparison to what i've experienced in my life
>felt better about my life
>listened to a half hour song with no instruments that's just a great musician feeling like shit and getting normie-envy
>felt a lot like him except for the great musician part
>watched some experimental videos to distract myself
>it worked
>kept posting on r9k here and there
>recommended a movie to some girl
>fuck it's morning i need to sleep
>saw this thread
>posted this
You sound like the archetypal 20 year old doomer
>played vidya
>did some maintenance on my weed plant for about an hours
>ate some food
>jacked off
>ready for bed
actually suprised how productive Ive been now that I type all this out
>play lasertag
>get drunk
>contemplate fucking a cute tranny over my current GF
the usual
>watch YouTube vids about smash ultimate
>eat dinner
>studied for final for a couple hours
>drank a single beer because it was the last one in the case
>sitting on coach shitposting for no reason instead of going to bed
hold up, so wanting to fuck traps does not go away once you get a gf? i thought it was just a prison gay thing
not at all I just want to even more now that I am not allowed to
what do bros ?
>play some vidya
>play guitar
>curl up in bed
>music time
>think about life
>cry for an hour straight
why do I do this
Nothing important, we just talked about how our days were. She walked in on me dramatically fake-conducting a performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 Op. 92 and that was kind of weird
>woke up
>shitposted on Jow Forums
>ate a salad
>did a little reading(fiction)
>played Runescape
>cleaned the kitchen a bit
>played Runescape while shitposting on Jow Forums
>ate some ice cream
>posted ITT
It's a convenience thing man, I ain't got a mini fridge for cold cuts.
i only just woke up
now sauce on that picture
>got a haircut pic related
>fried potatoes and scrambled eggs with gravy
>won my fantasy football game
>texted dad about it
>stared at the contact info of a girl I fucked things up with
>debating if I should hit the block number button
>finished online work for a class
>checked work schedule to see if cool coworkers are going in tomorrow with me
>browsed Jow Forums
>realized i'm not autistic because i was able to write boskeletonrp without much difficulty
>tried to get quad 6's
>failed and got 88
holy FUCK checked s
>Water garden
>lurk boards
>wash clothes
>wash dishes
>listen to music
>back to 4chans
>ordered pizza
>put on bra and panties
>jerked off on to pizza
>ate pizza feeling like a cumslut
>looked at traps
>jerked off again
>ate my cum
>looked at traps
>saw this thread
>woke up
>Beat off
>Beat off
>Now at friends house on r9k
>Made coffee
>Went outside
>Listened to some violin
>Mom came home; talked to her
>Ate cookies
>Went to my room and cleaned up a little
>Read some articles
>Browsed Etsy
Now I'm here... hi
Beat each other off
>sitting in a discord vc
>not saying anything
>study for biology final
>woke up
>go to college
>play CS:GO
>go to sleep
>VC with someone im probably going to fall in love with
>Worry about that
>sing the lion king
>Dox myself
>Put spoons in the dishwasher
>Post on Jow Forums
>woke up
>grabbed a brush and put a little makeup
>hid the scars to fade away the shakeup
>wondering why I left the keys upon the table
>email music journalist why I quit music
>feel sad and listen to CD I've been working on for 2 years
>see this thread
Post music user . Will be nice , swer
Jow Forums is a dislike magnet sorry
>work on some programming projects
>listened to music
>played some vidya
>jacked off
about to go to bed
>Played DMC2
>Wanted to die every step of the way.
Fuck every single person who has ever said "it's not a bad game, just a bad DMC.
>>was traversing a downhill lake in a cave, a bunch of obstacles to climb over just below the surface
>>a bunch of people doing the same thing
>>a guy behind me is playing a crash cymbal sloshing in the water to a song
>>it's deafeningly loud
>>can't breathe because of it for some reason
>>can't pull head above water
>>wake up
>remember the song in the dream
>was actually pretty cool
>record me mouthing it out so I can work it into a real song later
>came on Jow Forums
>sleep until about 15mins ago
>Wake up
>Check phone
>Message gf and go on r9k
>Post in this shitty thread
>woke up
>took a snus
>had a shower
>just put the kettle on to make coffee
>talk to girlfriend
Get out
>woke up
>took a shower
>forgot to brush my teeth?
>heated up canned chili
>ate chili and half-stale bread
>took my meds
>checked work to make sure nothing needed my attention
>started browsing r9k
>be me
>get bitten by mosquitos
>gets genius idea
>grabs knife and starts punching tiny holes in effected areas
>stops itching because it hurts
>mfw it was worth it
>mfw when people will think I have been mutilating myself bcos emo or some shit
Currently 1:20 AMhere, so
>9:20 - 11:00 PM at work as a night time custodian at a high school
>Get home at 11:20
>Drink some pre work out (basically caffeine)
>Play Red Dead redemption 1 until 1:00 AM
>Be an watching South Park ever since
>Jerk off
>Went downstairs and pace back in forth listening to metal on my phone
>Went back up stairs to charge battery
>jerk off
>downstairs to listen to music again once phone is recharged
>Battery low again-put phone on charger
>open Jow Forums
>see this thread
>Woke up 4+ hours ago.
>Laid in bed for a while till my alarm went off.
>Got up, prepared to leave for school, went to school, et cetera.
>Am now in school waiting to go home.
>woke up
>went to school to collect my results
>somehow passed
>came home
>now lurking and shitposting
that's about it
Just woke up, made some toast and now i'm reading this thread
fuck off already r3ddit we dont care about your need to mock us you cunts
>finished babysitting
>went to my roleplaying night
>came home from roleplaying night
>ate dinner
>post-dinner smoke
>listening to mitski
and after i post this im gonna go out for another smoke
>woke up
>fucked my gf
>drank coffee
>ordered takeout
started quite nice but now gonna waste the rest of my day
>wake up
>browse internet
>help Dad run cables through ceiling so the electrician can come and mess around with everything to give me air conditioning in my cave
>eat a packet of Honey-Onions chips and drink a cup of off-brand Raspberry soft drink while watching Second Life trolling
>have noodles and beef that smells like sweat for dinner
>currently been on the toilet for an hour and 45 minutes because there's 2 toilets and I find sitting on a toilet oddly comforting while I fap and shitpost because I have no privacy in my room until the rest of my PC arrives; I can fap to as much degenerate shit and porn-modded Skyrim as I want while my new AC keeps everything frigid
>still have another half-hour before I take a shower, lay in bed for about an hour, then go to sleep so I can wageslave tomorrow
>Honey-Onions chips
Fucking filter
This exact thing.
>got home from work
>took my boots off
>sat on couch
>wondered what the point of it all is
>wake up
>go take a shit
>post in your thread.
>fucked my gf
>walked into kitchen
>fucked my gf
>eated a cup of milk with some biscuits
>fucked gf
>played Red Dead Redemption 2
>fucked gf
>Died in Red Dead Redemption 2
>fucked gf
>Woke up
>Went to school
>got high
>made spaghetti
>looked at tv's for sale
>forgotten how i got here
>had a dream I missed one of my finals and failed the course
>woke up
>went on /v/
>then went to Jow Forums
>looked soc looking for a friend in my area
>did a quick lets play of gungrave
>uploaded it
>browse on r9k while thinking about whats it like to have a loving friend
>calc homework in the shower
>bake hardtack
>feed cat
>spin revolvers
>browse r9k, obviously
>woke up
>drove to uni to fetch transcript
>sat in car eating KFC thinking about how much of a failure I am
>came home
>taking a shit right now
>Read book
>Fall asleep
>Wakeup to read book again
>Fall asleep
>Wakeup to read book again
>Fall asleep
>Wakeup to read book again
>Fall asleep
>Wakeup to read book again
>Finish book
>6am and i've been up all night
>Shitpost on r9k
>Shitpost on r9k for 90 minutes
>Go to class at 8
I'm guessing you're studying for finals?
Starting from yesterday cuz i just woke up and im about to go to uni
>talked to fellow DM about some rules and stuff for our campaigns
>almost hit a kid in the face with a rogue lunchbox (lunchbox plebs)
>went to marketing class to make a shitty powerpoint with friend
>got home and shitposted on Jow Forums for a while
>made food and petted pets
>shit poasted for a while
Here we are now
I've been picking some nasty smelling shit out of my bellybutton and wishing I could sleep at night.
you're supposed to greentext GODDAMNIT user
I feel ya on the sleeping part though. Best way I know how to sleep is to silence your inner voice and just visualize whatever scene comes to mind as vividly as possible, without thinking about it or making observations. Let your mind be your theater, and you the silent patron, and you're off before you know it.
maybe I'm a robot because I can't follow instructions
I have a white noise machine, I sit in the dark except for my f.lux dimmed computer and I (foolishly) take dph most nights, but it just never helps.
Do you know whether my belly button crud smelling *really* bad means that I'm dying?
God Bless.
>Do you know whether my belly button crud smelling *really* bad means that I'm dying?
No, it just means sweat got in there and the bacteria are having a heyday. Clean it every time you take a shower and rub some isopropyl alcohol in there to quell the bacteria rebellion.
>watch teamfourstar
>stare at a word document and occassionally write things down for assignment
>jerked off
>been up since 10 am yesterday. Currently 8 am
>eat hersheys kisses
thats it
>play KCD
>wake up
>kind of start jerking off my morning wood
>stop before anything happens
>get a quick shitty shower
>spend 40 minutes driving to work listening to Rush and some music I found on spotify premium
>get to work
>sit in boiler room for 2 hours shitposting on on /v/ and r9k
Pretty comfy day so far, I probably won't do anything at my "job" either so that'a nice. I'm working a student job if anyone is wondering, I basically just sit around for days at a time waiting for something to happen. Probably going to go home 4 hours early too because no one keeps track of hours and shit never happens anyways.
>watched mr. robot
>went to sleep
i'm sick
>have a music concert to play, one song with band one without
>band plays highway to hell, sounds good
>get hope that I won't find a way to fuck up the next song
>fuck up the next song
what do you play in your band?
>browse Jow Forums
>play rs3
>browse Jow Forums
>masturbate 5 times
>write 2 essays
Fucking kek lmao
>got hungry
>ate a small amount of food
>vomited again
>looked up symptoms of colon cancer
>looked at some used cars in my area
>checked my credit score (it's poor)
>checked insurance premiums for a car I was interested in (2014 VW CC R-Line, 6 speed manual, $13,500)
>$750 for six fucking months of insurance
>can't sleep
I hate being alive
>get drunk
>literally watch soul calibur 6 character creation characters and laugh my ass of for 4 hours.
> now 6am
>browsed /ic/
>browsed Jow Forums
>ate microwaved food
>watched random Christmas movie
Productive much