
>play csgo
>really good at game but no one adds me
>send friend requests
>never get befriended

pic unrelated but wanted to give something in return for your ears
>try small talk
>get ignored
>chad brother comes over to apt
>"got any games on your pc?"
>boot up csgo for him
>does horrible in the competitive match
>just spends his game laughing while dying
>and talking shit
>name calling
>blaming team mates

Next day in the morning I see I got 7 friend requests from the people he was playing with

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Bout how it goes for me too

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Chads live life on easy mode. When something big happens in science, do you think they put the beta nerd on the t.v. and congratulate him? Fuck no, they get the company's face/chad speaker and shake his hand, and they put him all over the newspapers.

Fuck where do you get a bitch like this as a Hispanic male

>Posts really hot bitch
>Doesn't post more
>Just a stupid, uninteresting blogpost
Fuck off.

>be an asshole in chat on any game
>spamming shitty normie memes ironically
>saying dumb shit like "my mom beats me" "anyone else get fucked by their dad last night" "I'M PICKLE RICK" "fuck white people" etc
>get quite a few friends

Just shitpost, user.

When you say Hispanic, do you mean Spaniard? Then anywhere where Asian women are at really.

If you say Hispanic but mean a mestizo brown savage, then good luck, Asian girls tend to go for crackers.


>that feel when I wasn't planning on fapping tonight but might have to edge

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Why are people naturally attracted to shitposting? Do normies really like that stuff?

Thanks, user. You're a fucking badass.

They like and are attracted to people that have fun. I'm a fucking anxious wreck internally but I mask it by saying whatever I think is funny and trying to entertain myself. Normies like me because I say the absolute dumbest/meanest shit and I laugh like I don't give a fuck.

It's been freeing to be an asshole. Now I just have to tone down my mental issues and I'll be golden. Try it for yourself.

I'll give it a shot user, I'll try to tonight. Will post if I fail miserably.

breath taking

did you say something opie?

Don't just do something to be mean or funny. Do it or say it because it's what you generally find funny. I don't hold back my laughter when I insult/joke with people and they can genuinely see that I'm just funning. Make sure it's something that you truly feel in that moment.

Whew. How the fuck will OP recover from being a hole?

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Not the ones in california. One girl I knew dated a half white half mex, then she went and dated two full mexicans. Had kids with the second one.

Asians are supreme adaptors.

>People in games are finicky picky little beta's and when a good group of people are online your brother happened to swoop in and "charm them".

But most likely it's because people feel that by befriending you their just leeching try being bad at the game and have a little brewski to ease your nerves, just enough to be tipsy in my honest opinion, I've made some freinds onling through being a fun drunk.

Oooowwe wow its almost like everyone doesn't take the internet videos games super seriously and are just trying to have fun playing a game omiiigawd

>comp cooldown
>fucking casual
>only use r8
>say "fastest hand in the west" a ton
>sing random songs
>say nigger a lot
>get 1-3 frag everytime
>mfw fastest hand in the west
BlazeXM is my steam uwu

1-3 as in 1st through 3rd uwu

>really good but no friend requests
this is a fucking lie or you're unironically delusional. every online game I excel at (mainly fps) I get random FRs from people I rape/carry and don't accept 90% of them anyway.

Nobody >likes< small talk OP. It is the thing people do when they are too uncomfortable with silence. If you want to make friends you have to either be funny, or have a common interest.