Femanons, post our minimum requirments for a bf and your ideal bf

femanons, post our minimum requirments for a bf and your ideal bf.

>biological male
>taller than me (170cm+)
>not obese

>has a job

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Standards that low
How fat are you?

why though why is this so important to you normalfags

>6'6" those are two different measurements
I'm ugly though so I doubt you'd be interested.

>not ugly
>not SEA or black
>doesnt smoke, could drink occasionally
>on the taller side
>doesnt want kids
>not religious
>white or mixed
>good job
>good dick
>good height

>good dick
define, also tell me what bad dick is.

anything under 9 inches

this. OP better answer or OP's a normalnigger

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90kg plus other factors that make me undesirable

got everything except for the job, discord?

Not single but
>biological male
>we have a good time together
>same/similar sense of humour
>not abusive, not alcoholic or drug addict
>treats me like a human being
>treats me like an equal
>taller than me (I'm 5'3)

>good body
>good dick
>has goals and ambitions

>good dick
seriously, does this just mean a big dick?

Yeah kinda. For me I'd say 6.5" and above.

Average dick and thick girth is better than big dick and medium girth

>treats me like a human being
>treats me like an equal

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I see.
bleep blop bopav; avpoh original dickerino

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No. It has to have nice skin (not darker than the body, not discoloured, smooth, soft, no warts/bumps & not tricoloured) imo

Ideal length and girth depends on the female

I'd assume she means anything avarage or better.

Do you like capybaras, user? I want to meet a domesticated one. They make good pets.

Yeah, I love the onsen youtube videos of them. It's kind of gross they're rodents, but they're still pretty hecking cute. I didn't know they could be domesticated.

how many of these points does ur bf meet?

>Respectful (won't lay a hand on you or treat you as a lesser)
>Devoted (put time into the relationship, make you a priority ie not try to make you jealous by running off)
>Empathetic (give a shit about what I have to say and not "eh, that sucks" or ignoring my texts)
>Trustworthy (doesn't do stupid shit, keeps promises, is also open and honest)
>Healthy (takes care of himself, decent diet and hygiene, not addicted to drugs, manages diagnoses)

>decent paying job ($40k+ a year)
>Mellowed out and down to earth. I imagine an middle aged man with one of those cute coarse laughs and a grey stubble that doesn't take much seriously.

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>Biological male
>Not too fat or too skinny
>Fun to be around
>Wants a family
>Can look after himself

>very tall (6'2"+)
>brown eyes, brown hair
>wealthy enough so I can be a housewife and have 5 kids
>Extremely intelligent
>Extremely romantic

>It's kind of too bad they're rodents
I felt this in my heart. I luv animals but have a deep hatred for rats and mice. All other rodents give me the creeps with the exception of syrian hamsters. I love hamsters and they need to be protected at all costs. But yes, capybaras can be kept as pets in the united states. It has been a while since ive watched a capybara documentary but im almost certain. I will check out onsen capybara videos thank you.

the crowds reaction at 1:37 gets me:

Hey gonna pop in and ask (I'm insecure btw) if a fatbot would have any chance?

>not a hambeast
>not a playboy
>good hygiene
>doesn't dress like they have autism
>doesn't treat me like an idiot
>not a normie (i don't mean they have to be completely original in everything they do, just not the guys equivalent of a basic bitch)

>smarty who tells me about things i don't really know about without being patronizing
>pale and on the lankier side
>would prefer him to be a bit jaded or bitter in some way so i don't feel uncomfortable being myself around him, but obviously not a complete downer

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Thank you for sharing this with me, fren. It made my night.

>tfw reading these lists where people describe someone like
>know its near impossible to meet a person who likes me irl
qt gondola btw

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Stop making these threads. The vast majority of the time dumb roasties don't even follow these ideals they list. It's like asking a kid what's their favorite toy. You'll get a different answer all the time.

Close, but not going to get a job unless you proved yourself worth working for.
Even as a NEET you can live rather comfy.

Fellow fatboy we gotta lose the weight we don't stand a fucking chance out here

Minimum requirements

>Ellen degeneres

>5/10 Western standards
>An adult
>Not a midget
>Not a gay
>Within 15 years of me
>Mostly healthy
>Smells normal
>Likes me somewhat
>is Alive


I meet all of these except powerful and possibly within 15 years.

>not anorexic. Skeles are fine if they let me fatten them up.
>max 30 bmi
>Able to physically hangout
>at least trying to get a job
>not abusive in any form or a creep.

Height isn't a big deal since just about everyone is taller than me.

>Anything that meets those minimum standards.

do you meet thise standards?

Honest and intelligent makes it sort of hard to be full-tier abusive outside of tight controlled BDSM RP though.
It simply isn't smart to regularly damage what you want to own, and any fully honest guy will tell you so.

Would you consider one who is highly possessive and controlling of you instead?

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I meet all these standards (I may be unknowingly creepy though since I have SAD+social retardation as a result but everyone seems to like me) and aiming to improve.

no surprises itt, all women care about is dick and money

pls originally be my e-gf

Bare minimum
>has a penis
>doesn't smell bad/hygienic
>not a manwhore

I don't have an ideal, but I guess being a weeb would be nice.

You know I wish I could find more gems like you willing to settle at this point

I don't agree with the dick part, most of us don't care overall and larger sizes are simply some girls' preference.

The money though, yes. Each partner should be at least trying to help financially support the two of them and their kids (if they have/are going to have kids). If they come to a point where they don't need two incomes, the man can support the household through other means (working a garden, cooking, cleaning, raising kids etc.) if that's how they want to organise themselves.

If you're not willing to help provide, gtfo.

They do not need basic providing, any NEET with half a brain can get a girl food on the table and roof over the head. At least in my part of the world, muricans are pretty much third worlders in those regards.

They want the extra money solely to dazzle their social circle with their gadgets and FB shots od their exotic vacations.
And if that is a "basic need" for her, she can go be a whore somewhere else.

Dole bludgers are the worst and raise feral kids who grow up to be just like them.

It's sad that you think aiming for a decent standard of living is wanting extra money to "dazzle their social circles". I bet you wouldn't berate men for wanting a good life.

> I bet you wouldn't berate men for wanting a good life.
They usually work for it themself and not plan on mooching off the gf, albeit there are sure exceptions.

And my life is pretty decent, I am just smart with my money and not give a fuck about trying to raise my status by buy shit I do not need.

>when you meet even the ideal requirements for a bunch of these but theyd never be bothered to look at you irl regardless

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It feels strange when you read someone describing you.

>loves me
>devoted to me
>enjoys spending time together
>no crazy mental issues
>not an animal abuser, rapist, pedo or otherwise religious
>does what i say

You can smell the crazy

>willing to settle
Those are still pretty high requirements. Majority of men is not kind and is promiscuous.

>not an animal abuser, rapist, pedo or otherwise religious

Beh. I only rape you when you got your safeword and enjoy when you call me daddy, I am tame that way.
Also my cat is one happy camper and organized religion is a scam.

>does what i say
When the sun flares out, or when you prove yourself more capable in the matter on hand, whatever occurs first

I am going to use myself as an example, I am pretty relaxed and I care about the person I consider my S/O more than most, also I am not smart enough nor want to cheat

ideal bf
>has a job
>21-30 years old but looks no older than 24
>good taste in music
>not fat
>nice eyes
>not a porn addict or cheater

>Majority of men is not kind and is promiscuous.
I'll give you the first point, as I am simply not a kind person.
But unless you are one of the crazies who thinks looking at any female but you equals preparation for cheating you are far off your rocks on the second.

Well tell me why don't you have a boyfriend?

Considering im a 1/10 i will take anyone who is nice to me

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>not sharing his porn addiction with him

In most households, the woman and man both work for what they have. It's not mooching to pool together and get what they both want. If they have extra money to spend on unnessecary purchases and are okay with that then good for them.
Women have to work just as much to get what they want outside of relationships and it's normal for women to do so before entering one.

Not everyone is happy with that.

I'm right here. Original me of course

I'm down for that also same user

>When the sun flares out, or when you prove yourself more capable in the matter on hand, whatever occurs first

That's fair but not a good match. I'd want someone willing to go along with me like a semi-slave, not a completely independent partner

Be my life partner pls

>biological male
>not fat
>taller than me (5'4''+)
>IQ > 115
>doesn't do recreational drugs or smoke
>not alcoholic
>nice to me

>believes he would be a good father
>introverted, introspective, intelligent
>groovy haircut that shines with the gleam of a thousand computer screens
>doesn't leave footprints in the snow

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Alright drop contact

>biological male
>not obese / deformed
>average appearance
>not abusive physically or emotionally
>no hard drugs
>wants kids eventually, is open to religion
>no severe mental or physical illness
>my height or taller; 5'7
>average dick

>all above plus
>blonde / blue eyed
>Jow Forums
>6 figure salary, or a salary that would allow me to be a housewife for the first few years of my children's development
>no drugs or alcohol
>dick bigger than 6 inches
>has appealing personality and similar interests

>biological male
Is the even a problem for women?

You know this is just robots talking to other male robots to make them feel better right?

Just here to correct your grammar user
".... are promiscuous."

transgenders are multiplying

That is only the new 'normal' that your generation grew up with though.
And its mostly only kept a normal by thinking you have keep up with all the shiny shit your peers have, instead of looking at what you really want or need.

>and it's normal for women to do so before entering one
There are a shitloads more women not working, since they usually do not catch any social backlash for living of parents or a bf though. Facing that sort of outlook must be one of those "male privileges"

>Not everyone is happy with that.
Lets not get started on how women in the workforce are exactly what drove both sides wages into the ground, and ended up making both males and females less than happy. One could open some anti-feminism thread for that.

That Wojak got some nice milkies.
I wanna drink her until they're saggy little socks so she can be a hucow again.

Dont be so hard on yourself, you look cute! I mean, I'd date you

>No drugs or alchohol

Does mild use of caffeine count? I like a cuppa black tea in the morning.

>drop contact
Welcome to

>6-8/10 face
>Same interests as me

I rather be alone than settle for less.

> I'd want someone willing to go along with me like a semi-slave, not a completely independent partner
Same I want in a girl desu, sounds like an impasse. Tell you what, three-part deathmatch!
One round intellectual competition, one round physical wrestling match, one sexual pleasuring contest.
Winner gets to hold the leash, loser gets the maid uniform. You up?

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All y'all raycis I thought white wimmin loved tha bbc.

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Well what are your interests? Oroigi

no, everyone uses caffeine.
i meant more along the lines of
>weed, hard drugs, hallucinogenics etc

That shit only works if you fucks loom like a mountain in front of them and scratch your balls like you have an STD every 15 seconds by my observations.
You spearchuckers simply SUCK at online, sorry. Go out and try there.

Good list tbqh.

I'm all of these with the exception of being 5'8 and have little to no idea how to be romantic because of a lack of experience. What do you suppose my chances of finding a girl that basically follows what your requirements are? Loyalty seems horrendously short in supply today, and it makes me not even want to try sometimes.

The only femanons ITT whose minimum standards I meet are

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I was matching up so well here, but you completely lost me at vegan. No thanks!

>has goals and ambitions
GET OUUUUTT while you can, you fool.

Okay user now take out your peepee

Thank you for correcting my mistake! English is not my first language, so I really appreciate your help.

By "promiscuous", I don't mean unloyal, but having a big number of sexual partners. Anything over five is just too much.

>loves me
>doesn't cheat

>TFW meet all of the minimum standards and most of the ideal standards

Why did I have to be so short and awkward during puberty, I started browsing Jow Forums because of it and now I'm here forever, wasting my time.

Amusingly rare thought in a girl, but more doable then for a guy I suppose.

At least you will not be limited to "get them while they are young" as Jow Forums proves nor will you be thought of as a predator for it, assuming you are indeed born female.

I said minimum standards, not ideal

But I fapped like four times today so it doesn't want to come out

Femanons if you were to meet a guy you liked, how and when would you meet them? What sort of activities should a guy go out and do to find someone nice?

in what regard

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I've met my husband on /a/. I guess it all depends on what kind of girl you are looking for. Church? Forum? Instagram? Con? Library?

Not that user but powerful ideal is Littlefinger

I thought all women prefer blue eyes, feels nice

>even considering speaking to a fembot
Enjoy porking the literal dregs of humanity

Assuming I could even talk to them, I'd organise a place with an equal enough distance for both of us to travel to a public place/venue.

Come to my house. Jk, go do something that interests you and try there. If you're both interested in the same thing, you've already got something to bond over.