It's THIS easy. Straight up ask to fuck

It's THIS easy. Straight up ask to fuck.

Attached: Screenshot_20180911194623_Tinder.jpg (1080x654, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't believe me? here's another.

Attached: Screenshot_20180912215930_Tinder.jpg (1080x672, 135K)

>Dick pic first?

Attached: 1498719090001.jpg (1024x768, 70K)

And another, courtesy of Jow Forums
If she does this, just skip her. If you're truly that desperate for sex then this bruteforce method will work.

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All it takes is confidence i guess

But what if you want an actual relationship that's not based off sex?

then you a bitch nigga

show us the pics youre using

ok but thirsty thots are gross and worthless

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then you're a woman.

Why would girls want dick pics?

make friends with a girl, ask her out for a date and pray to god you don't fuck it up. There's not really any advice I can give you other than you'll learn from your mistakes. Just keep trying. Confidence is key to pretty much everything in life though.

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send girl A a big dick and send girl B a small dick
post results

or just skip the ones asking for dick pics. Women are a diamond dozen, you don't need to stick to one.

Whenever I act confident people seem to hate me more, is it me saying "no" to other people's stupid bullshit is why?

No, it's not that easy unless you are literally a god among men in terms of looks.

I'm average, about a 5 and 6, so not ugly nor great looking. if I try that shit out all I will get is a "Eew, you're a creep".

What models pictures are you using to catfish, OP?

Sure, don't try it out. It's only your loss.

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What are you doing to act confident?

Vsad ;(

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>a diamond dozen
unironically lost

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>grabbing drinks with tinder girl on thursday
>she isn't looking for anything serious
any tips anons? whats she chance she wants to fuck?

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I'd say all the chance

>tfw ugly dick

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Unless you want a quick fuck.
It's like getting a hot pocket instead of a steak dinner or a regular dinner with family.
You won't feel nutritionally balanced, but it sure as fuck satisfies you. It tastes guiltfully good.

How do I initiate? How do people go from casually drinking to fucking?

When she fucking says this:
>I'm not looking for anything serious
>B-but we can do something else
T. My autism.

This would not work because of my race

what does this originally mean user?

cringe and betapilled

these, gentelmen, will be your future wifes and mothers of your children if you'll be lucky enough to make.
it's depressing honestly.

can you post a picture of yourself or at least tell us how attractive are you

To have emotionless sex, yeah. Exponentially harder to find a woman worth marrying who considers you worth marrying.

These approaches have gotten me arrested in the past.

They wouldn't if you were Chad


I dont see any "asking", just a lot of 3rd degree premeditated assaults.

And the roasties love it.

You know what they say: unattractive guys with confidence wind up with sexual harassment complaints.

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>Implying I want to "Just fuck"

Why don't normalfags get this? I want a deep fulfilling relationship, not some shitty cheap pickup. I want to fuck with passion, to be so emotionally connected to my partner that we fuck in spirit as well as in flesh. I've GOTTEN offers to just fuck but that's not what I want, I want depth, I want dedication. It's not that hard to understand.

Normies feel that all the time even with casual fucks.

That's why they gush about their exes and the "good ol days"

*Why don't normalfags get this? I want a deep fulfilling cock, not some shitty cheap pickup. I want to fuck with passion, to be so emotionally connected to his cock that we fuck in spirit as well as in flesh. I've GOTTEN offers to just fuck but that's not what I want, I want cock, I want a big black cock. It's not that hard to understand.

Thanks for telling us about what you want user.

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Check out my pussy grabbing skills

Like an uncaring person.

>Confident people don't care about others
>t. level 5 autismer

I fucked a half asian girl I met on tinder once. It was the only time I fucked a girl from tinder and she was the second person I ever had sex with. She was dorky and I couldn't tell until she took her clothes off but she was pretty thick. I actually didn't intend to have sex with, her, we were just watching something and she kinda pounced on me

she was a very nice girl and sex is nice, but to be honest, I felt kind of hollow afterwards. All the sex and cuddling was ultimately limited to a few hours and it would all be gone, leaving me feeling very empty inside and craving love. I don't think I'll ever even try to have a one night stand again.

Yeah if I looked like Chad maybe.

What do you want them to do, turn you away at the door ?

You conveniently leave out what you look like.

I'm guessing it wouldn't go over so well if you looked like pic related.

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Confidence may not be about not caring about others but it is about minimizing how much you're emotionally or cognitively affected by what the other person is saying. It's something that doesn't seem easily built or learned for robot types who are often riddled with things like anxiety, OCD, autism and depression. It also has detriments if you always have it on, sometimes(not always) you need to share the emotions of the room and not just your own ego.

Not that guy btw. I've never tried to act confident. I literally turn my ego off and say whatever makes sense/isn't going to get me ostracized/killed if I'm in a situation where I shouldn't act myself. It's kinda gotten me to act really boring around girls and stuff where people try to "open me up" but you gotta hide that power level son! That's also why it's not confidence, even though it also minimizes nervousness. Confidence allows you to expose your ego, this does the opposite, it's like meditation with your mouth.

Show your profile
Is it yours or chadfish btw?

Damn post more, this sounds like he got laid for sure

This is degenerate.... Unless you fuck her good and make her your gf. Make sure you haven't fapped for a while, to have a better game

Don't worry about that. Really don't, it will sort itself out. All you need to do is be a fun and charming guy, as in genuinely, be interesting, make it an enjoyable night. If there is chemistry you will find yourself back at your place or hers. Having a transition plan is pointless and distracting.

Which male models pic did you use to catfish?

Emotionless sex is a meme. All sex is emotional, even if it's a one time slampig

Why are you faggots so obsessed with BBC jesus christ