Why haven't you just settled for a comfy night shift job as a cashier in your local store 5min away from home?
>literally 10 customers per shift
>quiet and tons of free time to browse Jow Forums from phone
>random easy tasks like laying out goods
>night shift guard is also idling so he'll easily take care of any drunk retards trying to spoil your day
Why haven't you just settled for a comfy night shift job as a cashier in your local store 5min away from home?
These threads are so comfy so I'm giving a bump. Tell me more user. Any stories?
Supermarkets close at night in my country
night shift security guard right here. shit is easy cash all i do is dick off 90% of my shift on my phone
Americans need access to food 24/7.
because night shift is usually very understaffed and night time jobs aren't really cozy anymore since more and more people are staying up past traditional bedtimes. Stores are still pretty busy late at night and you are expected to stock/clean the store when there's only 2-3 people working and there's dozens of customers to tend to.
im tired of micromanaging lazy retail supervisors and shit making every day hell for me
>quiet and tons of free time to browse Jow Forums from phone
If I was your manager and knew this, I would fire some of you.
Literal waste of space.
Overstaffed and shit.
Actually, if I were your manager's boss, I'd fire him for overstaffing too.
What is a good job for a social autist like me? I had a cashier job and I wanted to shoot myself everyday because I had to fake being a normie and small talk
i was a late night stocker at one of the busiest supermarkets in the area, that shit is not comfy, i was constantly dripping with sweat, always on the move. multiple 10 - 14 hour shifts with little to no breaks just because we were understaffed and had too much to do. only plus was no one gave a shit if we stole because the situations were so bad so we would constantly snack and drink soda and energy drinks.
also i was only making 8.50 when i first started, but by the end i impressed the managers to where i was making 11.50 by the time i quit 2 years later.
The nearest store is 10 minutes away and closes at 9. If I lived somewhere with night shifts sure, but I don't.
I can't really get night jobs because I'm still on my learners permit despite owning a car... I've been on my Ls for like 4 years.
i worked retail as a teenager I can't do it again it would feel like taking three steps back I can't handle the misery of knowing that I am in the same position and wage i was as a 15 year old 15 years ago
But your not our manager nor our managers boss and you never will be. Keep dreaming though sport.
it would have been comfy being a night stocker if it wasn't so stressful
>constantly anxious over not finish all my stuff
>ended up not really getting along with anyone, nothing in common really
>about 1 month in saw like 3-4 young couples, in addition to another employee making fun of me, had a breakdown related to that + gender dysphoria at b eing jealous of all the young women i saw
>drove to the park and cried for hours thinking about how i wanted to kill myself
now I work at a hardware store as a clerk and it's pretty comfy, also on hrt
>more people are staying up past traditional bedtimes
What do you mean
Because I am a janitor and life is easy mode when there's two of us bouncing around here.
Granted I deserve more money, but fact is I can get a side job, jerk off in both with my skills, and ultimately win life in like 6 years.
Slow? Yes, but fuck parties.
more college kids doing their shopping past 9pm . A lot of stores aren't prepared for it. It isn't the 60's anymore where stores stop being busy after 7pm.
Most of the stores around me are by chinks and shitskins and I think they only hire family.
That sucks. One more thing for normalfaggots to ruin for me
the only really close by night shift place that's walking distance/5 minutes away would be 7/11 (my area can get kinda sketchy at night sometimes so that's a no go unless I get out by 1 ish)
there is no store near me and it isnt open at night ?
What do you guard? I've been looking into a security guard position but idk what type would be good
degenerate lad
Because I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and my delusionals and hallucinations are amplified at night. I don't know how a normal personal can ever feel like they're not about to die whenever they're out at night
I work only in 100% vegan businesses.