If you ever met a robot irl, would you befriend him?
If you ever met a robot irl, would you befriend him?
The only guy I've met that I would consider a robot was in high school. We had some good times but he wasn't to be trusted, and he never trusted me either. It's logical, since we are naturally pretty scummy people.
i dont know how to befriend people, also generally once im out I try to get home as soon as possible, so befriending people is skipped
I would like to but I wouldn't be able to
abso-fucking-lutely not desu
>If you ever met a robot irl, would you befriend him?
Fuck no. I hate you guys even more than normalfags.
if by "befriend" you mean "blow"
I do meet other robots IRL sometimes, but we're usually disgusting people so no I don't befriend them.
Yes and a week later i will ghost him lol
I know a few robots irl. Most of them are wholesome people. Far less boring and rude than normies. Robots make good friends once you get past the first week of awkward conversation
I do not befriend people, unless I am forced to by circumstance or they are female and it isn't about the friendship but the mating.
inb4 "manipulative nice guy" screeching, I make damn sure they know it is about sexual/partnership ends.
no because robots don't think of women as human beans
And most of you continue coming here because at heart you suspect we are not far from the truth.
And it isn't like we all are into mistreating our pets.
>And most of you continue coming here because at heart you suspect we are not far from the truth.
That women are lesser than men? I disagree with that completely, hence why I wouldn't befriend a misogynist.
I once found a guy who worked at my same job on the r9k zeemaps. He didn't seem very interested in talking to me anymore or hanging out or whatever. I think he was an interloper who was just trying to use r9k to meet girls.
This kid added me off a melee group i was in and we went out for lunch and i explained robot life to him since he just finished highschool, hopefully i helped him
>I disagree with that completely
If you say so.
I found that quite some girls feel otherwise, when they reflect on their own actions and are switching their princess stauts off for themself.
Odd enough, those are the ones who have enough introspective to qualify as an equal more than the others.
I have a whole slew of robot friends.
Infact all of them are strangely.
It's the normies I can't stand being around.
I can't stand being around someone who has a successful career or a gf, or a wife and children.
It doesn't make me envious, or bitter, it makes me sad.
I played my part in highschool. I saw kids sitting alone all the time. I always imvited them over to sit with me. I thought they looked lonely, but really, I was just afraid of being alone myself. Now. There are no tables. There are no kids. Just me and myself. You can try your hardest to delay the inevitable but it will always catch up to you. I know now that if youre a real robot, youre most likely broken. I know I am. Not the type of broken that can be fixed either. If hes a robot, he already knows this. This world was never ours.
I know a couple
>one of them is this japanese faggot who probably will see this, hey man
>the other is this absolute autist whos an actual robot and acts like it too, dosnt wash, has giant pimples, literally has green teeth, probably gets his normie-teir greentexts from reddit. Most likely only comes here for shitty hentai
No, you guys are as bad as normalfags if not worse.