If so, please explain why?
Do any of you fembots here have racial preferences?
Other urls found in this thread:
Brown guys
Not black, white, Asian, or Indian
Latino, Greek, or Italian
Better personalities, more romantic, more masculine without being baboons
They're strong men, good fathers, and the best lovers
They aren't smart, but they work hard
White men are such pussies. All of them are cucked and onions.
I've always had preferences but they change when I meet someone I like that doesn't meet them. I've always crushed on white guys because I've only been around white guys. I don't care about race that much though mostly just culture, I could never be with anyone fresh off the boat.
I like white guys because I find white features attractive and want my children to be white.
Based and very redpilled
I prefer fresh faced white guys with the exception of certain hispanic italian looking guys that act white and are usually tall.
Ive never been attracted to indian or black guys except this one time I met an emo black boy who was really cute. He had white features and a really nice nose and this high pitched raspy voice that I find cute on guys.
So I guess id only be comfortable with fucking a white guy but if i was attracted to anyone outside my race they would have to be extremely whitewashed.
white men only. i'd prefer my kids to not be mutts
Wow Jow Forums is really having an impact on society
its only biology
if you see Jow Forums as "society" you need to go outside
white people are dying out and are the most beautiful race by far
Well Im sure Jow Forums will be pleased
Sounds a lot like me desu nice one for summing it up
Anything but black girls. I have never met a black girl that looked pretty or I was even remotely attracted to. Never ever.
If you mean romantically, I'm not attracted to most black girls or Australian aborigines. No experience with Middle eastern women, though I would be suspicious due to the religious beliefs of Islam.
Don't care beyond that, though. I picked up a black hitchhiker 3 days ago and bought him breakfast.
>>Picked up a black hitchhiker
This is why women get raped and killed as often as they do.
I'm a lesbian so idk, anything.
"and here is why that is a good thing"
Are you a vegan as well?
no i'm not a vegan
Yeah, that probably would have been the second thing you mentioned if you were.
why is this thread continuously being remade
Because it needs an answer
Im not sure how to answer this if im fully honest
White guys. Because I'm white. They're the only people I ever interact with, and the only people that look good to me sexually. Even the most attractive guy of another race would look like a 7/10 white guy.
Plus they're decently smart, share cultural background and values with me, all that shit.
i like white and asian guys. in my culture pale skin is often put on a pedestal so maybe thats why i like white guys? also light colored eyes and light brown/blond hair is really pretty.
What race are you? Please let me send this and dont make me do the thing again
>without being baboons
That is very much a PoV thing, lel.
an ooga booga sea monkey/chinese mix :( luckily my skin color is a lighter side since
*since i stay mostly indoors. i hate going outside
As a white girl i feel like i have to be attracted to black and arab guys, we need more diversity in Europe.
>>Ooga boga sea monkey
Dominican?? Im genuinely curious. So youre blasian?
oh sorry its just southeast asian/chinese. i just consider us ooga booga because i find my culture to be... underdeveloped
Ah well I get you. Dont be too hard on yourself femanon.
ill try not to. just sucks cuz i have a huge inferiority complex to white girls, who im surrounded by everyday. thank you though kind user
Can I just say, as another asian femanon, no offense but you are racist, cringey, and spineless. Calling yourself a sea monkey? No one will respect you more for calling yourself a slur. it's unsightly, get self awareness, grow a spine and gain some self respect. the way you view life is creepy.
This asian femanon is right. You cant expect anyone to love you if you cant love yourself. Its fine to criticise your culture and to aspire for better but you have to appreciate the positive aspects as well. Theres no reason for the inferiority complex, all you need to one guy who views you as the most beautiful girl in the world and everyone else doesnt matter beyond that. Find him, theres someone like that for everyone.
i dont think id be on Jow Forums if i had more self respect for myself. i appreciate what youre trying to do though
yes I prefer my own race generally
I hope when you are older you can stop being a bitter creepy racist. You need to grow out of it soon, it's childish and unhealthy. Learn to like yourself. No one has any reason to love you when it would be hard for them to even respect you.
Ogre, he is so beautiful.
>Hating yourself is muh racism
If a white person does it to him/herself its woke and progressive, but a minority girl? Awww send help!
why do stupid people like you bother to post? you add nothing, you're a low IQ retard
Well hes not wrong though. Both people doing it is wrong. But society encourages of one and not of the other. Top notch social commentary imo
He's wrong. Both are retarded to do. Doesn't make either right by bringing up society. Society wasn't relevant, it was a brainlet argument.
Do you live in America or something?
Whatever it doesnt even matter really
> the thots on Jow Forums are just as racist as the male kkkrackers
Lmao glad the white race is dying
Lmao, self hating sell out
>>White Womenz wont touch my pee
>>Das Racist
This is incel tier
No such thing. Everyone that claims to be a female is a guy larping to get attention.
Selfhating white college boy got triggered
I kek'd hard.
Here, have a (You), you deserve it.
Yes, but white guys are a no go now. Black guys are what all my friends are talking about but it doesn't mean they are more attracted to them. They are just the coolest and most assertive right now. White guys are always playing games or act like I don't exist.
I got pregnant by a black guy I had sex with once but my bf now is white and expect we'll get married. Only thing I am concerned with is our children will look different than my first child. I don't want him to feel out of place.
But like it's true? Nothing wrong with being honest and admitting your people are underdeveloped
user I know youre angry but bullying white Boys on Jow Forums wont make you feel better. Also if youre gonna larp be realistic, no one whos a parent uses this cesspit. Jesus Christ
>single mother
Congratulations, you fucked up big time. Your current boyfriend is making a mistake desu,
The question was do any of you femanons have racial preferences and the response was a unrelated cuck post... and you fell for it. Wtf
I shouldn't have had unprotected sex and I was young and stupid but my child isn't a mistake. My bf loves me and don't think he thinks of me as a mistake. He's good with my son too and don't think he would treat him differently if we have children. I just worry my son will feel bad if his brothers/sisters are totally white.
none of those things are true lol
You obviously have no idea what a cuckold is, mine is not a cuck post. I said I prefer white guys, had sex once and got pregnant by a black guy. However, I agree there is a social stigma among many white girls against white guys and positive reinforcement towards black guys now. I think it will change just like all bf's I ever had and my bf now is white.
I think if white guys tried harder it would help them.
I'm white too retard
Not as such. I probably wouldn't date a black guy, not exactly out of racist views, I don't tend to find them attractive in looks. But if I did he would have to be "white" in all behaviours.
Also my parents would be pretty upset, this isn't really an issue though as I live in Scotland and never even met a black kids until I was 12. Even now I don't really have blacks enter into my daily life in any way.
On another note I once had a crush on an iranian guy who was a total gentleman and bro in all ways. I guess features I do find attractive are dark hair and strong noses, warm brown eyes. Plus he was basically white and cultured English in every way anyway.
No but kinda yes. Growing up with mostly white people I feel safer around and with white people. I would have no problem if the guy I'm darin would be black but the chance of that is very smal because I would be more comfortable to begin a conversation with a white guy
Racist crackkker bitch then lmao
White and Indian are just more attractive to me for some reason.
>here is a social stigma among many white girls against white guys
Do you live in the ghetto or something? Where I live, the only white girls who date black guys are either fat, or ridiculously trashy.
U liek Indians?
Show bobs and Vagnene pic now pls??????
Are you fucking serious or is this bait reeeeeeeeeeeee
What kind of area do you live? State? Type of area
I not fat and do not live in a ghetto but in a city 98% white in a county over 80% white but the cute middle/upper middle class white girls meet the black guys anyway after hooking up on social sites.
you must live in a place 20 years behind the rest of the country or still wearing a mullet
Only black guys
White 'men' are a joke
Wow, future single mother over here.
No abbos and no niggers. They're just ugly.
Other races are decent to pretty
I have zero racial preferences, I'll be with anyone that treats me right.
but at least the black guy won't kill me if I leave them. white guys do that shit
Date me then I'm tanned pale
Statistically your chance of being killed by a black are much higher than a white
I'll be your boyfriend for the next 100 years, where do you happen to live?
If women understood statistics no woman would ever go near a black man. Literally 75 percent of black children dont have a father in their life. Coalburners are literal retards.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
bullshit. white men coined the phrase. "If I can't have you no one will"
My strengths: I'm rly loving and depressive but I'm trying to moving forward and also would take care of you always
My weaknesses: mood swings, not that cute
Idk what you rly meant but there's that
>tfw white
>have a thing for middle eastern guys
Why did god make me this way. Even when I find myself attracted to a guy who I think is huwhite, he is usually a jew.
>Not that cute
This is like when women say they're 'curvy' online and IRL are just really fat. If you're going to be honest, say
>I'm really fucking ugly
By race/ethnicity, non-Hispanic black women had the highest rate of dying by homicide 4.4 per 100,000, followed by AIAN 4.3, Hispanic 1.8, non-Hispanic white 1.5, and A/PI women 1.2
Literally 3 times more likely to be killed by a black partner than a white one. I knew Coalburners were fucking stupid but Jesus Christ. Good luck paying your toll
I'm ugly then? It's the same lol
Drop your discord user maybe we can chat for a bit and see where it goes from there, you sound adorable
I won't date outside my own race. Upsets a lot of people who think I'm "racist" for not being attracted to black, asian or arab men. If they love them so much, me not wanting one just means another for them so they should be thankful. lol
I'm half Jewish and I can't stand Jewish men, would take literally any other race.
> Female Jew
> "I'm half Jewish!"
Your also a liar.
Judaism is matriarchal. So you're FULL Jewish.
T. Fellow Jew.
No I don't fetishise people for their race. Most people in interracial relationships don't even remember until it comes time to get the families together for the holidays.
>all these mildy racist fembots
Feels fucking good.
>Tfw no mildly racist fembot gf
Such is the life of a hermit I guess
Its an ethnicity you tard, not just a religion
No, it isn't.
We aren't ethnically different enough to be a separate race. HIGH amounts of inbreeding among Ashkenazi, yes, but we're still caucasian.
Go talk to your Rabbi about it next time you're at the Synagog.
Oh my god, dummy. Race does not equal ethnicity, fine I'll use the word nationality so you get it. Jews share genes with other jews, that means its genetic, we're caucasian but we're still related to each other unfuckingfortunately.
We still aren't a separate race.
You need better guidance. Talk to your Rabbi. He'll explain to you why we say we're separate.