What's your favorite streamers Jow Forums?
Personaly love to watch Sodapoppin
Favorite streamers
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I watch only fembots streamers because i can give them money
I like the guy who beat his wife. Watching people play vidya is boring as shit, but he knows how to make it interesting.
she's pretty alright, and watching her fail spectacularly is funny
444sen and Jeremy
Any bajs here?
Never really watched any fembot streamers, does it give you pleasure having given money to them, or is it one of those streamers that will write ur name on a whiteboard while shoving their ass in the cam?
I watched Forsen recently, but mostly just watch him when Soda and Asmongold is offline
Oh wow
>Good looking guy
>Great personality
>Successful career
>Not gonna die alone
Great choice Faggot.
I like anaxjor, she is almost your basic twitchthot but has tons of geese and ducks. I can appreciate the usual gimmick. I also like lucianplaysallday, Metricula, colmer, and Bardeeno. Mizkif is alright too.
Small world. I was just watching her Cuphead stream the other day and pondered whether or not she was retarded.
forsenboys are insufferable pretentious morons with a superiority complex
Guess i just wanna watch someone who has what i'll never have
lmao'ing at your life, perhaps stop hating others and improve yourself.
FORSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!! Hes a pretty casual gamer tho kinda gay
oh she most certainly is, just recently she was playing Undertale and failed that easy puzzle with the two X's across from each other.
perhaps it's a certain strand of autism.
Oh wow someone who wasn't shit on by genetics talking down to me. Fantastic.
xqc and the guy who beat dark souls on stream
bad genetics isn't an excuse to be spiteful over someone having a better life.
it's petty and childish, perhaps go to the self improvement threads and fix your lot before slinging venom to a person that did you no wrong.
perpetuating hate for no reason is without reason nor any benefit to you or the person you are targeting.
if you watch anybody but avoidingthepuddle youre a bitch
Genetics is never a reason to be bitter
I hate most streamers, I like Broteam tho
Ez for you to say, what difficulties did you have to improve on? Being an asshole makes me feel good so it definitely benefits me.
Lol idiot. It definitely is the one of the few reason to be bitter.
lmao k'ay
Kek when the platitudes fail resort to plan b.
nah, talking to you is a zero sum path.
I'll leave you to your blackpills
Old forsen was the true era of twitch
Mcconnell is the true robot streamer
Aris and Jerma
I like moonmoon quite a bit, but other than that I'll just watch speedruns
What type of speedruns do you watch?
Usually I'll just go to the speedruns tag and watch whatever looks interesting (usually Mario Odyssey, but I've been watching the really really long-a-thon recently)
any eggers? mizkifEgg :wine_glass:
I like anaxjor! Her retarded birds a cute
I don't get any enjoyment out of watching other people suck at games
ice poseidon
Criken and Bedbanana
I mostly watch their highlight videos on youtube though.
He hates weebs, though.
>onlyafro, for his qt trap cosplays
>otzdarva, for his qt accent
>squillakilla for being a good souls player
you can't ever improve your genetics
some people uncontrollably were dealt the fucking worst cards at birth
it is absolutely a justified reason to be bitter
distortion2 is cool and goes fast and has cute face cam now
Kvbtv and tobias fate
the ape himself
Lirik is the best streamer and is clearly a robot. His voice is really nice to listen to and he isn't a bitch to his viewers too.
Otherwise I watch disguisedtoast when he plays hearthstone bc he's pretty funny.
GGX too but he never streams
streamers suck. so boring 99% of the time Ive got no clue why people watch them. genuinely only useful as background noise
Ggx normie now
>le genetics
Forsen overrated anything he does his chat just OMEGALULS
GGX clintstevens and ice and tyler if he ever does variety
This at best. Usually smaller ones in which they don't get donated or whatever every 5 seconds interrupting the whole stream to say thank you to some autistic zoomer wanting attention.
Asmongold is the true robot streamer. He even has his own disgusting cave.
>never leaves his house
>sleeps all day and up all night
>literally everyone makes fun of him
>no friends
>hot sister with Chad bf
He's literally /ourguy/
He has the exact live I wish I could have so I just watch him to cope
I have never seen a more perfectly "jewish trying to masquerade as white" face in my entire life.
ayy I love Clint
His chat is really funny and he interacts with everyone
Plus he's not super pc
A list of streamfags I like:
>Jaboody Studios
That's about it.
Forsen, Plebo, Reckful
mah boy StaySafe
>hot sister
post pics
For me it's hitch the hitchhiker. Literally the comfiest stream ever
Lowko is pretty chill if you're into SCII.
tobias based tobiasURSELF
Sounds like you described MethodJosh.
leaguefag here. I like to watch pro league players typically, favorites being doublelift and bjergsen
Jerma985 is the best streamer in history
Creative, actually funny and interesting
The amount of work he puts into his work is just fenomenal
I like oney but the smash stream he did the other day was just PAINFUL.
What does Jow Forums think of Turd Flinging Monkey?
Pretty much this.
Jerma is the only worth-while streamer.
Ya. You can't really top jerma
Samefagging its probably jerma himself
Name a better streamer
If you're anything like me, you need to get away from Twitch asap. The background sound of their voices is no replacement for real relationships and hinder your progress towards a better you. Take it from a guy that had his face stuck to that site for three years, there is nothing of value there. It offers nothing. It's distraction in it's purest form.
I mostly watch Twitch for the twitch chat, not the streamer. Twitch chat reminds me of old Jow Forums, the underage chaotic retardation of it makes me feel nostalgic. The streamers who let their chat spam and go crazy are my favorites, most have already been mentioned: Forsen, Moonmoon, Clint, Greek, etc.
Jerma is funny but much like Criken and Vinesauce his chat is boring as fuck. Any time someone in chat says something edgy or non PC he puts it into sub only mode
using twitch for any reason is more cringe than posting selfies on instagram. if you watch people play video games you should kill yourself
Jerma is fun
Jerma is mad (part 2)
Based I agree with you!
xqc and trainwreckstv
i also like bjergsen and ap0 but they rarely ever stream
Destiny and watching Mitch Jones spiral into suicide. Personally I hate Soda, he's such a weak faggot.
that guy's fucked
I like to watch
>Dan Gheesling
>lovelymomo aka k8 aka Northernlion's wife
Too bad they're all fucking normies, so I can't really relate to them. Mainly just watch them for the rare comedy nuggets and to chat with other folks. Out of all those though, Flack is the only one I watch consistently, as in I watch every stream he does which is pretty much daily. He's also the least normie of the streamers I watch and he does song requests so every night is pretty much a never-ending stream of auditory torture.
Truly a robot milker
>watching other people play
it's the same as watching TV.
Based and slappilled