Why are Jewish people so smart?

Why are Jewish people so smart?

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Real answer is because the holocaust was elite jews culling their weak

Holocaust means burnt offering

Israel as a whole has sub 100 average IQ, so it's not jews, and ashkenazi jews are also something like 15% more likely to develop mental disorders than the general population.

Smart Jews were allowed to reproduce

Actually the Holocaust probably robbed the world of immense genius. How many future Einsteins or Norbert Wieners perished in the flames?

Israel is 20% Arab and something like 5% other, you can't use Israeli population as a substitute for Jews, and Ashkenazi Jews are more prevalent in the US than in Israel.

This is true. Ashkenazi Jews are 90% of the American Jewish population. This is changing, though, due to higher birthrates among non-Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews.

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A charming, kind, and beautiful woman.



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They're not, they just meme dumb people like you into thinking they are.

>you can't use Israeli population as a substitute for Jews
I brought up Israel because OP said "jews" as in jews in general, despite his sourceless graphic specifically saying ashkenazi jews.

Still not smart enough to know that the goyim would figure out their holohoax lies.

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I don't think Charles Murray and Richard Lynn are dumb.



Agatha is pretty smart despite being half Irish.

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Theyve made it so that the only game people can play is life, while telling people theyre playing monopoly while theyre actually playing risk

they've won this round, but it won't be long before galactic national socialists arrive and right this wrong

Chinese will master embryo selection soon. IQ differences between groups will become irrelevant.


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get back in the whole beta male...Back, BACK I say. who TF let you out of your cage anyway.

>whites above east asians

I don't even

(((ETERNAL Angl0)))

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This is deceptive because Jewish verbal/mathematical IQ is quite a bit higher than their mean IQ.

if Jews are subhuman then explain this: youtube.com/watch?v=ckVYO9oI8vc

Yeah it takes a really high iq to suck the queen's saggy tits.

because they have money obviously

1) Jewish rabbis can have wives and children, while christian priests cannot. A rabbi is required to be literate to interpret and debate holy texts. Written Hebrew has existed for 2,500+ years. That is generations upon generations of strengthening signal recognition and processing (alphabet), which gets passed down to their children. Not to mention theological arguing and debate, sermon delivery, which increases verbal abilities.

2) Judaism had no rules against charging interest for loans (strictly forbidden by Christianity and Islam), so Jews found themselves naturally in banking and finance for centuries. This requires mental math, good memory, keeping tabs on people, their accounts, how much they owe etc. This increased mathematical abilities.

This is why both the nuclear programs of the USA (oppenheimer, einstein) and USSR (lev landau) relied heavily on Jews

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Societies killed off all but the craftiness of jew and so selected for smarter and smarter ones.

This is nice, i love polka

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I think pic related is a better explanation.

Attached: AshkenaziIntelligenceExplained.png (1026x1052, 156K)