Why do I hate the fact that women have easier and better lives than most men? How are men "priveliged"?
Why do I hate the fact that women have easier and better lives than most men? How are men "priveliged"?
Men aren’t privileged women are.. even this fucking ugly tranny faced troglodyte has a bunch of beta orbiters
While even above average men get overtly entitled and delusional women these days with an army of beta army men ready to white knight and defend their princesses
women are trash these days
Why are you lying?
Who are you quoting
also women are privileged, OP ain’t lying
Take your incel whining to .
>t. roastie
OP, how do you deal with the fact you're gay?
I masturbate to white and Asian sissies only. That's not gay since they're essentially women.
Yeah dude, roastie btfo with facts and logic.
women only have it easier up to a certain point. if they get pregnant its game over for them
if they get raped its game over for them.
their success only depends on other ppl helping them. men always have the option to create their own successes.
if ur lazy then yeah women will beat you. but if u work hard. women will always beneath you
reminder that the house you live in. was built by men. not women
That privilege ends at 30.and God forbid you're ugly, you'd have to settle just like you'd have to settle as a dude. If a man's capable of doing anything other than playing video games his desirability will go up after 30, so hang in there.
So for the first 30 years they have it better than men, then the playing field gets even?
Yeah well attractive people of either gender have it easier in general, I ain't gonna sit around and mope about it
This is the privilege I got, I'm a piss ugly hag so I have to work my ass off, I did settle for a beta in my 20s before I became undesirable and this man is just fucking shite. He's fat, hairy, has no personal hygiene, and he's so lazy I swear he doesn't even wipe his ass. He tracks in cig butt's from outside and I have to pick them up or the kids will put them in their mouths. Attractive people regardless of whether they're male or female will get whatever they want. Big Bertha isn't going to get your time of day, and you completely discount their existence when you talk about privilege. You gotta stop reading reddit and r9k, and start to get to know real people. You'll see the world is more than just chads, Stacey's, and you.
Ugly women are less than men, but you could have gotten plastic surgery, no? Like the Kardashians you chicks love to watch.
I'm too old for it now, would be like putting a chandelier in a haunted house
Men are privileged at work, since men never get the job through bed, so everyone will assume that if you have good job then you earned it. Meanwhile attractive women at every position will attract rumours that they fucked their boss.
Which is funny, because my (male) manager got his job by fucking the CEO of the company. Horny woman.
One thing I'll never get is shit like a girl's Twitter which is just bitching about men and moral support from her friends publicly. If a guy would go on there and start saying women are trash and shit like that he would just be less marketable whereas a girl doing that just attracts more male attention.
Plus the fact that everyone assumes competence from a man but would constantly over explain shit to women.
Or the fact that men can wear the same outfit for a month and no one would notice. Or the fact nobody will ever comment if they have an obvious flaw that "should have been covered with make up". Or they won't get passed over during hiring when recently married, because everyone assumes women will be with the baby so there's no point hiring her.
Times are changing I see. Still, it probably won't matter that much. Most men I know would rather fuck a dirty poor but attractive women rather then rich and ugly. What's your opinion on this? Do you think that bed promotion will become as common for men as it is for women?
Nice fanfic femcel. I bet you wish you were in a position of power so you could take advantage bof a man. Oh wait, you probably have a few beta orbiters yourself.
>tfw incel uses femcel as an insult and then denies the existence of femcels
Not the person you're responding to, btw
Not really, ugly bitches will still get men. But men on the other hand are very likely to die alone even if they are a bit shy.
I'm simply redpilled and see both sides. Doesn't mean malecels don't have it worse.
>see both sides
Pick one
>Most men I know would rather fuck a dirty poor but attractive women rather then rich and ugly. What's your opinion on this?
Eh, I'd rather avoid the golddigging slime. Doesnt matter how attractive she is, I'm not paying half my shit for sex. I'd rather get a whore.
>Do you think that bed promotion will become as common for men as it is for women?
No clue. As more women get into power, I don't see why not, especially given how emotional women are. Pretty damn easy to abuse.
>Nice fanfic femcel
If you think I see this CEO as a woman in a "position of power", after literally giving power to a guy because he fucked her, you are retarded.
>Plus the fact that everyone assumes competence from a man but would constantly over explain shit to women.
Depends on the job really. Some of them are male dominated, so that's why it happens. Still, in my cunt (Poland) it doesn't seem to be very common, unless you want to be female lumberjack or builder. From what I know, women here usually occupy middle positions in the job. If you are the lowest level worker, then you will probably have a female boss, but she will have a male boss. I think it stems from female nature rather than real discrimination, since women avoid big risks. For example, most judges in Poland are women, since men usually open their own offices. The latter gives more money, but you can't know if you succeed, meanwhile judge is the very stable job.
As for the outfits, it's mostly women fault. Men don't care if you wear the same thing everyday. In fact we often laugh at the women needing their 323 pairs of shoes and their complaing that " I have nothing wear" while their closet barely seems to fit all the clothes there. The thing about flaws is half-true also. People will notice if you have bad skin or something and will probably mention it once they befriend you, but obviously nobody is gonna tell a straight man to cover it with make-up. The thing about marriage is true, I will admit that. Though it's not that much of problem here, since many women prefer being housewife to working at "Biedronka" or other supermarket. Many women work only, because one person can rarely earn enough to support the family on their own in Poland. It's the reason why we lost some of the female workforce, when government started their 500+ program. Essentialy, a family with 2 children gets 500zł, family with 3 children gets 1000zł and so on, which negated the need for second provider in some families.
Ugly men still get girls. The only men who die alone are the garbage tier incels like you.
>I bet you wish you were in a position of power so you could take advantage bof a man.
>guy seduces woman and fucks her
>she gives him a massive promotion in exchange of... the guy getting to fuck her
>position of power
I don't know, as a girl, this all sounds like the guy has the upper hand here, and is hard manipulating her to get everything he wants.
>Some of them are male dominated, so that's why it happens
In my country, England, this happens in pretty much every field. If you're not working in an office, as a teacher or as a secretary the vast majority of men will over explain shit to women of the same rank "just in case". Perhaps it is a cultural thing, but maybe Poland from your writing just don't have enough women in the workforce for you to really notice it.
The outfit thing is bollocks. I've never seen a woman comment on it but men will comment to me all the time if they notice a woman in the workplace has worn an item of clothing two days in a row. They blame it on women's "flashier, more obvious clothing" though, so your mileage may vary. The only time I've ever seen a dude's physical flaw mentioned is joking or malicious but never for "advice".
I'm not saying any of these are necessarily bad things or unfair but to say they don't exist is retarded. Also super kek that this was moved to r9k, based mods actually doing their jobs.
>Also super kek that this was moved to r9k, based mods actually doing their jobs.
This got me as well. Based Mods making me laugh.
As a girl, it feels often like men just need to compensate. I don't see it as an insult when men take time to explain how to do my job, I just let them get that feeling of superiority they crave, and then go do my job as usual. Especially in an office job, a lot of the pencil pushers here are really insecure about their masculinity, so they need a way to get that daily fix. I don't see the problem in helping with that. It's better than watching a couple of guys have a dick waving contest over who works the most hours.
It might a cultural thing, but our female workforce is probably bigger than yours. During communists rule women worked just as much as men did. Probably even more since despite working a normal job, they also worked at home. So men worked usually a bit harder jobs like builders or the factiory workers, but they relaxed at home, while women occupied jobs at administration and such, but they had the second job as the wife.
Oh aye, as a woman, people of any gender being retarded doesn't affect me but to say it doesn't exist makes them a smooth brain.
I was going off your writing but having had a look at censuses it is that Poland has a lower female workforce than Britain, so.
Another point is than being a wife is a second job but being a husband isn't anything...
>but to say it doesn't exist makes them a smooth brain.
It definitely exists, I just dont see it as a problem at all. It can sometimes be annoying if I am already stressed out, but it's minimal, and much less annoying than a woman who starts talking about her fucking husband not doing the dishes again.
Being a single lady at an office is tiring.
It seems that I was mistaken then, my apologies.
As for the wife being a job, while husband wasn't, it's commies fault. Traditionally, husband was supposed to provide for the family, while wife was supposed to take care of the house. When the commies took over, they added women to the workforce en masse, but they didn't change the gender roles, which left men without one (as they shared the role of provider with their wife). The reason for this is probably the sexual revolution in the early USSR which failed terribly. So women got the worst of two worlds. Nowadays it's changing and men are expected to help wife at home, unless they are rich enough to support family with traditional gender roles.
Nah, I've already had a gf and had bitches approach me. I'm just able to recognize how unfair the dating market is, don't get mad now, dumb cunt.
Because 5/10 woman can sell their shit and make good profit.