To work, or not to work

Are guys cool with dating unemployed women, provided they help around the house, try to find work and/or try working from home? It seems like something lost to history unless you're a super-duper conservative.

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Most women who value 'not working' are super transparent hypergamous robots driven by wealth and greed.
So if you're wholesome and can actually feel emotions it could probably work out for you.

I'd like a gf and future wife who stays at home but I don't make enough money for two so I wouldn't mind if she worked, most working women aren't fucking their Co workers unlike what anons will have you believe.

I'm not attracted to women that drive or own vehicles, Saudi Arabia has the right idea

Naturally, since there barely even is any proper work around here. It's all mostly run by the Shit Mafia.

Probably, assuming they're actually trying to better themselves.

If they get stuck in unemployment and stopped trying to find purpose in life, I'd probably dump them though. At that point you're just enabling.

What if she just can't find a job?


yes. I think the idea of having a gf with a part time job that is there when i get home from work or uni is comforting honestly.
but genuinely as long as she''s satisfied with ehr live thats what matters.

Shit, where is this mafia?

I'd be fine with that.
Looking after the household is a lot more important than modern culture says it is.
Honestly I'd be happy to be able to spare the woman I love from daily wageslavery.
If she can find a way to work from home doing something she likes, that's cool, but I wouldn't expect it.
It'd be nice to come home to somebody.

As long as she is realistic about a single income lifestyle.
I make above average, but it's still a little below a dual income.

>super-duper conservative
Is this a problem, or just a commentary on modern culture?

>tfw no housewife to come home to after work
I think I'll retire and die early.

I am going to be lazy, so
Still unsure on what you deem conservative.

if my income is more than enough, sure

if not, not for more than a few months

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Cute women that can handle housework can always find jobs. People WANT to hire these types of girls for cashier, fast food, office assistant etc. It's The Current Year. Maybe it's not possible if you live in the middle of no where, but I wouldn't know because I don't live there.

Just the ones who are crazy about living a 50s life style and gender roles. Conservatives aren't bad in my opinion (I agree a lot more with them than leftists), it's just the ones who get too carried away with it.

I'll literally just give you money you don't have to date me oh god I just want to provide for somebody

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I'd be okay with it but I'd want her to still be outgoing and interact with some friends of her own. I've had bad experiences with a neurotic woman that was cooped up in a house all day.

Can you give me money user? I'm poor and can't get a job because of my mental illness.

>Are guys cool with dating unemployed women
yeah if theyre hot. but unemployed Stacys can make money quite easily these days on social media, twitch etc. just gotta make sure they pay their taxes.

Ah, that makes sense.
I kind of understand the sentiment of the 50s LARPers, but it's just awkwardly trying to transplant a culture that was the result of some pretty specific circumstances.

In freemason run areas. I don't know the specifics.

There's barely any jobs where I live, my countries job market isn't doing too well especially in places considered regional (regional doesn't mean rural here, it just means it's not in the area of a major city). Finding work is brutal.

The thing is, house work used to take a lot more work. If you have a washing machine and an electric stove, someone doing "housework" like in the 50's isn't adding much economic value, so not a lot of men could afford it. Note that doesn't apply if the woman has an etsy store or similar home business, but I live alone working more than full time most weeks and I've never had trouble finding time for laundry or to cook a nutritious meal.

Dual income is required nowadays desu.
I don't think I'm compatible with someone who expects to get by in life just by existing. Really depends on the mentality and ofcourse a relationship isn't solely an economic arrangement.

It doesn't get me employer points so you can keep it, thank you though.

Careful of getting into this lifestyle. I've seen a ton of girls from my province get boyfriends that basically enable them to move to the city. They can't afford places on their own so their relationships are always filled with deceit. They basically drop one boyfriend and move in with the next one the day after. Sketchy!!

housewives are a dime a dozen, don't listen to the feminists

The percentage of women who are SAHMs & SAHWs has been increasing for a generation
Most give up discretionary income to stay home, so....

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It does not have to be LARPing to have a SAHW

i would want to help around the house, but my bf makes sub 40k.
we've already made the arrangement of if we decide to get married, he'd be the house husband because the entry level wages in my field are around 80k
i'd prefer it to be the other way around because i feel like i'd do a better job at maintaining a household, but whatever.

>Dual income is required nowadays
As with job opportunities that depends very much on where you live.

I could sustain a girl that does not go crazy on outings or luxuries quite well, and I am a NEET myself.
Even a good earning guy with a fulltime job in London or NY could be fucked trying that.

>adding economic value
Look at the the Materialist brainlet.
Imagine just this synergy
>SAHW canshop sals during the day, cook more from scratch, make you meals for at work, etc. and otherwise reduce costs
>she is not commuting (a huge expense), does not need work clothes (another expense), etc.
If she is not bringing home north of $60k a year gross you are losing money having her work

No, of course not.
I'm talking about the people who actively try to emulate the entire culture.

Meh that 50s lifestyle shit is a nice level for a fallout game, nothing more imo.
But if they can make it function for themselfs, more power to them.

Not according to reality

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I'd be okay with a stay at home husband too but if I got one we'd both be homeless :/

Don't know about that, they may not work outside of their home but that doesn't mean they don't work at all, notice the wording. That's what I'm assuming at least, and if that's the case it would explain the rise in SAHM's.

Read the actual report, they mean the husband/bf counts as Sole Earner for taxes.
Sure, she might sell jam or something, but she is not pulling a W-2.

>calls me a materialist brainlet
> immediately makes economic counterargument
Everything you're talking about I already manage to do with a full time job. Bully for you if you can afford to support your partner at a standard of living you both enjoy, but if her contribution is making you a bag lunch every day she's not working as hard as you. Nothing wrong with that if neither of you mind, but not everyone has work that can support two people.

If she has a part time and helps with the house stuff.We good.I don't want a lazy lardass.

Dunno, I am okay with a lazy sticc girl on my couch if she is kinky and obedient enough.

>Part time
user do you know the definition of unemployment?

I have a highly paid job and can cook so she can be a NEET and play games all day long while I'm at work. I only require for her to do cleaning and be available for sex anytime I want.

Yes, hello. I'm applying for a NEET gf position. I only have one term which is no kids so that we can afford a comfy lifestyle for good.

It's lost to history because it fucking sucks. Women entering the work force and finally being allowed to pull their own weight is the best thing to happen to men and women. It practically doubles your household income.

>It practically doubles your household income
Utter bullshit, the cost of living raised right with it.
And women are only a hindrance to work, see metoo and the assorted HR bullshit.
Not even mentioning the impact on child raising and generally happiness of both gender going down the drain.

Except not really because now two average incomes are pretty much the same as one was back in the day.

Raising children is the most important work any woman can do.

>woman can't conform to unnatural practices
>don't enable her living according to her nature!

>pulling their own weight

That's now how women work

You are arguing for...
1: less household income
2: having a woman leech off of your hard work


Yes I am. What matters isn't my income, it matters what I can buy for it. I can't eat or fuck money.
And (can't believe I am saying it, but it is true lol) I would actually WORK, if I had a loyal woman that is mine relaying on me at home, and not some bored career cunt who will fuck around simply because enough girls in the office tell her that is the cool and kino thing to do in (nearly) 2019.

I have no desire to support somebody to sit on their ass all day and watch day time television. Being a housewife or a stay at home mom is not a full time job. I have lived on my own maintaining my own house, cooking my own meals while working full time and then some. If anything I want a woman who works that can help contribute to something greater for us

You mean a housewife? If youre good at cooking then its okay. If you laze around all day and cant even cook a meal then no

Yeah but not permanent. I want to work but I worry that since I'm not atm no one would want me in the first place. The other anons have helped out a bit though, thanks fellas.