Daily reminder that there is no such thing as a femcel. It's easy for females to get sex if they want it.
Femcel meme
Also incels are a meme. It's easy for anyone to get sex if they want it
>easy for females to get sex
>they also have to compete against pro traps like this
>pick one
About as easy as it is for a guy.
If you're a 2/10 and go for an 8/10, generally speaking the 2/10 would get rejected regardless of gender.
This. If you really want to fuck then almost anyone could lower their standards and bump uglies with someone. But it's not actually about having sex: it's about being desired by someone you likewise desire.
you say this and still here i am, a 21yo virgin who has never had a boyfriend. social skills are everything. i'll never be able to get a boyfriend if i can't even hold a conversation. also fuck off.
Don't look for a boyfriend, just become a slut and have casual sex.
i would actually rather shoot myself
How? It doesn't rain off the sky like it does for females. Fuck outta here roastie!
>unless chad
>knows it'll never happen
>casual sex is therefore only possible with incel
>an hero is better option
Femcels don't exist.
heheh u retard
your degenerate vision is what's wrong with society if you think casual sex is ever good. play this mind game all you want. you would never choose to be a femcel over your current life.
idk man, do you really see yourself fucking a fat girl? desu all you need to do as a female is to keep a healthy bodyweight and you're fine. Remember, women fuck who they want men fuck who they can.
this, just look at how each sex uses tinder. Girls can have casual sex ez which means they arent celibate.
Incel is someone who cant maintain a relationship. incel doesn't = virgin
Femanons don't need social skills to get a boyfriend. Are you a fat? Don't lie.
Lol, no. Unless you are some faggot.
Or have money.
See this is why you don't have a boyfriend. Nobody wants to date a prude who won't have sex.
I would trade a femcels attention from the other gender for mine in a heartbeat. Lets see if ANY girl would want to make that deal, and how long she last before offing herself.
Holy shit you're stupid. Incel mean involuntary CELIBATE. I'd tell you to kill yourself but that won't do the justice about how I feel of you right now.
>if you think casual sex is ever good
Why do women always lie? You'd let chad gape your anus with his tongue and creampie you the first chance you'd get.
So you're volcel, got it.
Incels don't exist. If you're not having sex you're a volcel.
I'm not fat, but even fatties get boyfriends. It's impossible to get a boyfriend without social skills though. I've been rejected by every man I've attempted to ask out, and every guy that's ever approached me got creeped out and decided it wasn't worth it. They have told me that I 1) make weird facial expressions 2) appeared nervous 3) I seemed like I was going to murder someone. Social skills are everything and only normies who are capable of interacting normally with others take this for granted.
Why are incels so obsessed with how allegedly easy women are and the sexual exploits of 'Chad'? Why do they fantasize about 'Chad's' prowess in bed? Are they secretly cucks/repressed homosexuals?
no, women have to drop their standards way lower than men so it's unrealistic to expect them to stoop to that
if you look at femcels it's conceivable that incels would fuck them, but if you look at the absolute state of incels then you can see why they would rather just have no sex or relationships at all
Someome tell this roastie to get the fuck off our board, she's not welcomed here. Go fuck Chad or something you whore
>A w-woman?? On my incel board? >: Do something, guys!
Incels are betas and they know that deep down. They expect their women would cheat on them and so obviously have major trust issues. Or love it hence the cuckold interest.
hm I c. Post tits and I will help.
incel - Someone who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one.
So you can pay for hookers you're still an incel because it isn't a romantic relationship. you're paying for a service
Cool greentext, roast. Post your sloppy pussy so we can judge just how bad the meat curtains are.
Right after you autofellate yourself and provide proof that you are a male with a penis.
Incel - Involuntary Celibate
Involuntary: done without will or conscious control.
Celibate: a person who abstains from marriage and sexual relations.
Fuck off tranny.
>do you really see yourself fucking a fat girl?
Fat girls have no problem getting laid. Whereas you would never tell a man to play the field without losing weight first.
I want sex, explain why I'm a virgin.
It's not a matter of 'ease'. I think it's more that the longer you go being an 'incel', the harder it is to connect with people and find something you have in common with them. I mean, a guy can just get a hooker if they really wanted to 'get sex', but many still don't.
Because sex isn't even really the important part, just not having an intimate relationship with someone can leave you developmentally stunted. The longer it goes on, the harder it becomes to have that relationship, because your mind is just constantly distracting itself from it's lack of human contact and emotion.
I think it's possible to turn it around, but we're probably the first generation on earth with a problem like this. Personally I think more attention being drawn to it can only be a good thing, as far as actually solving it goes.
But that's just me.
If you're a girl you could get sex easily.
So you're saying the average Chad who pumps and dumps a different chick every day is an incel. lurk the fuck more before posting jesus fucking christ
Literally no one is interested in me. I'm probably going to die a virgin with only my flock of birds to keep me company.
Literally no one is interested in me.
literally, tell any degenerate here on Jow Forums where you live, and they will do it
R u in australia? Ill give you some of that sweet Vegemite cock
Maybe you're fat, if you would have taken care of yourself you could land a guy. Is too ez to get a bf if you have at least an average body.
>Literally no chad is interested in me
im a guy, but im in Australia, y'know, if ya want?
There's honestly probably a reason that you're not saying, whether you acknowledge that reason exists or not.
If you aren't ugly, shit social skills passes as being shy/quirky.
the girls actually want to fuck him but if you pay to fuck her a hooker you're still an incel.
Nah, they exist, it's just rarer. People exist on a standard distribution curve. Similar to a standard distribution of intelligence by gender, you'll find a disparity on the way the populations of men v women fall. Women are more likely to be socially successful, but it is not impossible to fail as badly as a man. Men are more likely to fail socially, but it is not impossible for a man to be more successful than the majority of women
Yeah, if you pay.
Otherwise, no, it is not.
>Women are more likely to be socially successful, but it is not impossible to fail as badly as a man.
Bull.Shit. All any woman has to do is make a dating profile and accept offers.
>it's easy for women to get sex
>don't be fat and you'll get laid
So I have to put in work for something that I apparently have the ability to get without effort? Right-y-o.
fuck off you have a wet hole, literally don't dress like shit and a man will want to fuck you holy shit
I only want a guy like the ones from Shy Boys IRL. I couldn't care less about Chad cock.
making a online dating profile already means you failed
not being fat is literally so easy. if thats all it takes to get dicked as a woman than you have it easy.
dont even have to dress super well.
Stop making excuse you fat lard, all you have to do is keep a healthy weight and an average body and you can get a bf maybe not a hot one but you can still get something most of us dream of.
Take pic related for example she claims she cant get a boyfriend because she has an ugly face and an awkward personality. But she has a hot body and anyon ehere on r9k would fuck her brains out regardless of ugly face or shitty personality.
Getting fat was already effort in the first place, hon.
You simply enjoyed shoveling shit into you more then you do the prospect of getting desired.
>Shy Boy
Why don't you go find one?
If there's something preventing me from having sex or relationships, does that not make me a femcel?
>anyon ehere on r9k would fuck her brains out regardless of ugly face or shitty personality
Can confirm. I'd eat that booty all day.
Wow, another reason I'm not having sex.
if you're or then havent you already kinda been shown you can get fucked? this is bait isnt it. you're not responding to many of the actual good points.
dressing well isnt hard but dudes would still smash plenty of the time even if you dont dress that well.
Didn't deny that you could be one. If you're genuinely trying and not just "teehee playing hard to get il wait for him to make the first move", then yes.
And you could all get prostitutes if you all felt like meaningless sex actually counted for much. I mean, I get you all don't live that reality so couldn't possibly comprehend. But it's no great thing to women that some guys will fuck anything and then laugh about "the dog he pulled last night" that's worse than not getting sex. It's cheap and disgusting. And you all know it, yet choose to judge on the woman's end for it. Make up your minds honestly. Fuck.
All this talk of fatness reminded me of something.
>have a gf
>she's fat/chubby and used to be far fatter, she's continuing to lose weight but I don't mind
>she has a past and has had sex with a handful of guys (she's my first)
>on the phone to her
>told her about a thread I saw on /soc/ where they have virgins lose it to each other
>I laugh about it being a sausagefest
>then as I'm scrolling I see there's a female virgin in there
>she says with audible sadness in her voice 'she must be huge'
>realise my gf's correlated losing her virginity and having partners with her weight loss
I don't know why, but it made me sad/feel sorry for her. Like she didn't value herself before and thought you HAVE to have sex to feel validated and desired. Femcels may or may not exist, but nice girls' thought processes aren't too dissimilar to ours. Women aren't aliens. Everyone wants to be loved, even girls that think you need to give it away to get there.
I wouldn't date her with an ugly face and her mental issues Kek. She said she doesn't want hookups. So that counts for nothing. That's a fucking average body with good angles you desperate faggots. There's no chance she works out
Then perish, I would thrust my throbbing cuck up her ass any day
>girls that think you need to give it away to get there
It's their fault for choosing chad. He's not known for being a good father.
I'm just enjoying them disproving OP's idea that it's easy for a woman to get laid. You're all giving me reasons why it's not easy. Their points all apply to men as well so should incels, by those standards, not exist?
This is almost feminist level mental gymnastics, I love it.
Her bodies not hot enough that most men would overlook her face and social issues and date her. Combined with no social skills and an avoidant personality she's obviously never going to find what she wants. Dudes will fuck anything. Not every girl wants that. It's like you never even read the thread.
I'm a healthy man who actively tries to find a partner and have been miserable for years. That is sad. Even if she was 400lbs overweight there's still plenty of guys who would fuck her
As if she'd let you, virgin. You're just proving my point
Chad is good at lying to them. That's what the 'pump and dump' meme is. The dump doesn't fall out of the sky, they get manipulated. That's how it is and that's how it will always be, until the end of time.
Scotty a cute desu
>chad is good at lying to them
Onions detected.
>femcels exist
omg you sound just like her when i saw her at that thread. Hey just know i am a huge fan :), if you're ever looking for some fun time let me know
they manipulate themselves. They ignore the guys who would actually treat them well, because even being chads pump and dump is better then dating a loser
Jesus she looks like a real life anime girl
wtf that's her? would thump all day.
>would fuck her brains out regardless of ugly face or shitty personality.
>would fuck
Not date, not love. Not have a rewarding relationship with.
How retarded are you
Lonely virgin male here.
I'm aware that I'm not a true incel.
If I put my ego aside, lowered my standards, contacted and approached girls, I'd be getting laid almost regularly.
I have even rejected a couple of 1/10 girls, honestly.
For "femcels" it's the same.
They COULD get laid if they wanted to, but from their perspective, it's notnworth it, for whatever reason.
They want a better exparience than what they could get at the moment.
That's actually a girl and she said to stop posting nonsense about her on Jow Forums
>Lonely virgin male
No one fucking cares, shut the fuck up
Is that really the ugly face she complained about? I seen worst
You would care if I said female though you fucking useless nigger
Lower your standards a huge amount, pay for prostitutes.
It's because most women don't want to be used in that way. Not saying women don't just want hookups, but they do want the exchange equal terms. Not using the fleeting validation as a crutch for her self esteem. Which is generally the case with less than attractive women
I'm only saying that you can't act surprised when femcels don't exist and at the same time believe that Chad is good at 'pumping and dumping'. These two ideas contradict each other. Yeah they don't exist, but at a cost.
>ignore the guys who would actually treat them well
That's because they've been raised on stories where the handsome guy comes along that does treat her right. Over and over again we want to believe beauty on the outside equals the inside. Chads are like scorpions in the scorpion and the frog story; they are good at pretending to be that 1 in a million handsome AND caring guy. And it's in women's nature to fall for it.
And her body is 10/10.
No, they don't ignore guys who treat them well. That's why they go for Chads. And stay away from incels who would be abusive and treat them horribly.
She really is delusional, maybe she dated some black guys and he hit her in the head really hard and made her brain dead. Still would fuck
Girls a headcase honestly. I fully believe she's forever alone. If she believes it then that's enough to make it so.
Imagine thinking that's a 10 body. Pathetic
Daily reminder that you're wrong.
Once again
>would fuck
Not love or respect. What's wven hard to understand about this
Exactly. That's the whole point. Now you're getting it. Even normies and redditors have caught on
Scotty I love you pls let me nut in you.