Have any of you felt it too? The sense of infinite dread...

Have any of you felt it too? The sense of infinite dread, like a dam is about to break and let loose upon reality an endless ocean of things so horrible they're beyond our comprehension? I know there's always a lot of "did you guys feel that?" posting, but this feels different. I'm not a religious person and nothing spiritual has ever been a large part of my life, but I feel fucking terrible right now. I feel the presence of pure evil on Earth. Something so vile and corrupt that it holds infinitely more malevolence in it's proverbial fingertip than every other sentient creature in the universe combined.

Attached: hell.jpg (500x382, 110K)

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Probably your latent homosexual feelings welling up op, you gay retard.

>writing verbose poetry on Jow Forums

For a criminal, justice is evil.

I agree, vaguely.

>those trips
Well it might be the prophecies unfolding, just resist it and enjoy the ride.

You should be thankful that this all flies over your head. This is one of those things where you can never go back after coming to the realization.

Finally the gateway we've been looking for!
OP is the gate!
Minions of our infernal Lord and Master, find OP and sacrifice him so the gateway can finally open!
The dark space between dimensions will finally be open!

>satanic trips
This is getting too real.

used to get this feel, like something was just unspeakably wrong. felt like a wave crashing on me and would be paralysed right after and have trouble breathing

Infinite dread sounds like a good way to describe how I felt in several nightmares I had as a kid in which I was being crushed into a corner by something incredibly large

>used to get this feel
>used to
How did it stop?

you should be thankful that your life is so simple that you can develop fears for spooky shit in a distant future rather than dealing with actual problems.

to be fair i probably had too much free time at your age and begged for attention in worse ways.

just tracked that nigga with his metadata in his image, posted them in the discord lets meet up at the field next to him tommorow.

I wish I were as mentally challenged as some people on Jow Forums, maybe my wind would be too weak to comprehend the normal problems.

I woke up today feeling that way. That kind of existential despair that becomes physically painful.

It's really not funny to joke about that kind of thing, user.

oh well it's fucked now but let's try our best to help each other out next time around

Those fucking trips, someone save us.

Attached: a09.png (600x600, 405K)

Next to him?

There's no one left to save us.

Attached: 1540203897630.jpg (1000x1000, 230K)

started when i was a kid and it would come and go for a couple of weeks every 2 or 3 years. would flare up when thinking about things like hell or the inevitability of death. just stopped eventually when i grew up

I felt like this for a long time until I did LSD a bunch of times. Now my brain has convinced me everything is just one big joke. I wanna try a lot of mushrooms next but I get this odd feeling telling me I will deeply regret it if I do.

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>but I get this odd feeling telling me I will deeply regret it if I do.
I thought it was the opposite, people being more likely to have negative experiences with LSD as opposed to mushrooms? I've only tried mushrooms so far though, so what do I know.

You probably will, shrooms don't fuck around with you. Do it anyway though.


It was just me Purode Murican!!!

What do you think causes such dread OP?

There is more control on lsd trips. Mushrooms will pull your mind where they want, you're just along for the ride. They call it a trip for a reason.

Did shrooms once and was acting like a mental patient. Wandering around my house looking all paranoid and it felt like i was experience all time and all what time could be at the same time. Really bad trip. Felt like a Death Grips album. It was an amazing experience though. Had a ton of fun. Really opened my mind.
Ever have a bad trip, just make sure nobody sees you and you realize it's in your head.

Does anyone have that long /x/ greentext about demonic aliens occupying Earth and after a space station crashes? They had entire torture complexes where they'd resurrect people after killing them, only to torture them more.

need to take a dump?

There's something to this user. Numbers are incredibly meaningful, you can't ignore this thread got satanic trips. Given the subject matter, that's really fucking important.

maybe it's a satanic turd

I got chills when I noticed that.

Attached: dead.png (633x772, 218K)

I get this feeling nearly every day. I think it's just my anxiety and depression spitroasting my pathetic brain though. Logically there's nothing immediately wrong, but you just can't shake the feeling.

Good work agent 6.
Agreed, and please inform the others that the time of the dark lord is at hand.
Also don't forget the ritual torture implements.
The flesh of the gatekeeper must be stripped from his bones as painfully as possible.
Soon the hoards of the abyss will be unleashed!

>soldiers of satan refer to each other as "nigga"

We ARE living in the literal end of times as mentioned in Revelations, I'm not even that religious, I just notice the shithole around me.

They are all black by default

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If the world is about to really end, I already know that I'm hellbound. I wish that I took god more seriously but I know that it is beyond too late for me. I probably deserve to burn in hell.

Nigger shut the fuck up desu

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>but I know that it is beyond too late for me
Isn't the point of Christianity that no one is beyond redemption, but they really have to try? I too am an awful sinner, but I want to gain the willpower to change my ways.

The pain manifest fuaaark

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>H-Haha, april fools guys! I-It's just a joke!
They flaunt this kind of thing out in the open because for most people, it's too absurd to believe. They are going to make Hell on Earth a reality, just you fucking wait.

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Nah but I wish I felt it. Part of the reason why reality is so terrible is because how mundane it is. There is no eldritch artifact in that abandoned mansion, only drugged out hobos. No destiny for you, only bills to be paid to exist till you die.

>No destiny for you, only bills to be paid to exist till you die.
We are living in a satanic slave system. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist.

Having sixth senses makes you above average intelligence not below average. Believing things blindly, such as a belief that normal problems require more intellect just because someone has said it is so, is a sign of low intelligence.

When I have problems with mundaneness, I crack open a video game with level editor and an online community and act like I'm an actual game dev.

I feel this user. I tripped once and went outside and there was a halo around the moon, soon I was morphing into demented shapes and I felt like a hole would tear open and pull me into the void. The next thing I remembered was running back and forth in my room like an actual lunatic in the dark. Running laps from my closet to my bed for no reason. I realized what I was doing and I thought I had finally contracted the schizo

These types of things really scare me. Sometimes I want to become religious but I keep having awful thoughts repeatedly inside of my head. they are always like
>fuck God duck duck God duck God
>god doesnt exist
I feel that if there is a god hes angry at me.

I get the intrusive thoughts too. I feel like I'm being sabotaged as a prevention against becoming closer to God.

>fuck God duck duck God duck God
Sorry, I was typing too fast without my glasses

>I feel fucking terrible right now. I feel the presence of pure evil on Earth. Something so vile and corrupt that it holds infinitely more malevolence in it's proverbial fingertip than every other sentient creature in the universe combined.
We call those things "humans", bro.

You don't understand this at all. Go through your misguided misanthrope phase somewhere else, you aren't even misanthropic for the right reason.

Well if you find anything worse than another human being, send it over for a coffee.

Theres a right reason to be misanthropic for?

Human beings at least have some light in them, they aren't entirely comprised of evil. There are metaphysical beings out there that are pure evil to the core, who want nothing more than to torture us until the end of time.

>it holds infinitely more malevolence in it's proverbial fingertip than every other sentient creature in the universe combined.

Very earth-centric thinking.

Even if this wasn't your imagination running away on you, you'd be dead wrong.

>Very earth-centric thinking.
What do you mean by this? Explain it to me like I'm retarded.

Sounds like the average woman on a weekend.

It means your mind and scope are affected by being a terrestrial lifeform on earth.

To you, everything you know is limited to earth-- therefore, you've made earth the centre of all life in the universe. But I can assure you there are things much more malevolent than us and our sins lurking out there. That's what I mean.

>But I can assure you there are things much more malevolent than us and our sins lurking out there.
That's sort of what I meant. I didn't mean to imply that whatever it is had originated from Earth.

Ah! I thought you implying a demonic presence.

Well that's far more believable. Do you have anymore info besides a crushing feeling of dread. I've had several visions of being on different planets, and while I take it with a grain of salt, I believe there is at least one race that knows we're around here somewhere.

Ever since the US mid terms a lot of bad unexplained shit has been happening to me. It's like I'm having a really really string of bad luck. Like for example. I was going to decorate for Christmas this year. I got the Christmas lights out for the tree and none of them worked and I couldn't get them working so I had to get a new set of lights. I get 3 boxes of lights and one set doesn't work only half of them light up and nothing I do would fix them so I have to return them. So I return that box and buy an addition box of lights and all of the lights work this time I got them to test them in the store before I left. So I go home decorate the tree completely and a few days later a string of lights in the middle of the tree goes out so I have to decorate the tree and take the lights off and return yet another set of lights. A day later the light bulbs in the room burnt out. There's even worse shit thats been happening lately.

The question about intrinsic evil or goodness is irrelevant. It s their capability to do good that matters.