Only 2 weeks to go, get those choons posted edition
1st for fuck trip nonces and fuck meet ups
Poley has ruined the meetup
2D tits and fanny lads
based poley bringing in the BANTER brigade
It's not ruined
We're still going to have a good time and no one from /brit/ will turn up and if they do, they'll just hang out with the rest of us
/brit/ is planning on noncehunting Poley if he turns up it seems
I was likely never going to come because i live too far away in the north, but finding out about poley is coming has put me off 100%.
you're not hanging out with us. you have burned too many bridges
>yeah we're more normie than /brit/ here
IMAGINE believing this, you're seen as the outcasts of /brit/, all the freaks who get bullied by /brit/ are here
Know your place.
I hope everyone turns up except for you
If I see you there I'm going to cave your fucking head in
Yeah I still play quite a bit, just not as much as I used to. Mostly single player now as well since multiplayer can be anywhere between 3-8 hours long for a game and I don't have as much free time as I did when I was a student.
Do you really think the people from /brit/ are any different from the people on /britfeel/
No we just don't like association with mons with zero self-awareness lad. No offense, more comfier here.
he went outside once so he's a normie by britfeel standards
no you're going to get your head kicked in you paki nonce
hahahaha good post lad
imagine being bullied out of /brit/ a place full of pseudo-incels
sad state of affairs
I just think it's more that it was a /britfeel/ thing and Poley has, as always, made it all about him and acted as some kind of a bridge between the two generals
I don't have anything against /brit/ honestly
Yeah I'm gonna have a great time caving your fucking skull in. Gonna kick you so hard in the bollocks you actually turn into a woman
>If I see you there I'm going to cave your fucking head in
it's 'comfy' because you enable and support vile paki paedophiles
you associate with people who call themselves "BritNormie"
Why did you molest your niece? I'm serious
As if mate. Anyone can read your thread and see the backward spastics that post there.
We have some too, but your thread is 100% spastics. Says it all that you feel the need to come here to talk shit, no one here could be arsed going to your spackathon
the types that post on /brit/ are that weird kid in the normie group that gets bullied, kept around to laugh at and shags fatties.
you know this is a fact.
They say as they associate with a 190kg child molester lol
honestly what are you lot like
Yeah mate know your place and stay here you twat
>tfw 6'4 and built like a brick shithouse
can't wait to see what you freaks have to say about /brit/ to my face
Lisicki, you're really riling up the regulars
Please could you integrate or leave?
190 gets bullied in /brit/ no one likes him
you cretins are actually nice to pakipoo
very autistic flavour of confidence in these threads
>Poley has, as always, made it all about him
That's not true, I just wanted a few more people to turn up in case we were let down by shippy and DM
t. weird victims that shag fatties
>the types that post on /brit/ are that weird kid in the normie group that gets bullied, kept around to laugh at and shags fatties.
>you know this is a fact.
oh my, such a temperamental post, you wouldn't happen to speak from experience would you?
He should take you with him.
Absolute state
Posted on r9k also
no one here is shagging anyone else.
It's better to be pure and have sex with no-one and die pure.
idk why you're acting like billy big bollocks
Moni runs britfeel
oh my daaaays state of this cope
Would it be weird to get my gf a 23andme kit for Christmas? I wanna know what kind of ancestry our future children would have (not that I would tell her that though)
>you wouldn't happen to speak from experience would you?
Yes, i have met your type. Pseud normies that are victims. you are definitely a victim, i can tell by the way you buzz off getting sex like its something special.
>oh my daaaays
do one will you.
I try to organise a comfy /britfeel/ meet for christmas. You have gone out of your way to try and derail it and make it all about you.
As far as I am concerned you're not welcome.
IMAGINE posting on the INCEL BOARD in a thread called FEEL like a load of actual women where you do nothing but suck off tripfags and share your bulimia blogs and what anime youre wanking to
lads where's 190
>that 10/10 use of bradleyposting
didnt even mention sex in my post at all but alri
>As far as I am concerned you're not welcome.
I'm sorry, I messed up
no surer sign of a seething virgin than liberal use of full stops haha
>and what anime youre wanking to
you trying to start something here mate
Is it weird that 2/3 of the trips ITT have been done for sexual crimes
they post anime in here unironically and don't get their faces stomped in lmao
Alright lads, found a pic of Poley's mum's womb
>moni mass backpedaling in /brit/ by telling people to fuck off from /britfeel/
Wolliam Bobbins!
Me and the lads try but some of the nonces here are relentless with that pedo shit. Anime outside of /a/ should be reportable offence.
the absolute state of this place grim grim grim
Why are you angry lad?
You that like no one from /brit/ does.
Why is Poley playing both sides off one another
One thing that is universally accepted is that he needs to fuck off
erm laughter usually means happy
nice 1 moni for bringing over the brit mongs...
britfeel actually like him hahahaha
they see themselves on the same level as a paki tranny nonce freak
you virgin freaks created it moni is britfeels responsibility
It's blatant now lad. Chillout
just shows you how manipulative he is, if there's one thing that would improve both threads it would be the posters completely blanking him out
Actual laughter does. Writing "haha" on here means you are raging
>why yes, i am a regular poster in the britfeel thread on the mgtow board of Jow
>why no, i do not shag, and thats a good thing
Why is Poley now acting like he didn't do all this on purpose
can /brit/ please leave?
you're a bigger general, how about you organise your own meet?
zeus please save this thread
He is one of you lads. You all tolerate him and encourage him. He just gets dogs abuse here
not confident enough to get a shag tbqh
b-but I'm pure you d-degenerate
>mfw this whole thread
is britfeel always this good?
whats the incel approved method to convey levity through text
only when we're here
/brit/ gang /brit/ gang /brit/ gang /brit/ gang
/brit/ gang /brit/ gang /brit/ gang /brit/ gang
/brit/ gang /brit/ gang /brit/ gang /brit/ gang
/brit/ gang /brit/ gang /brit/ gang /brit/ gang
I just wanted to ensure people would attend the meet by inviting more people
Yeah it's great lad haha
You should stay here forever mate (lmao tricked him)
See, now you are openly lashing out. What happened?
is laughter really shunned on Jow Forums
Post address I will come fight you brit fags
Noooo don't say that even jokingly, nooooo don't leave /brit/ 190 noooooo
only when poley gaslights 2 generals at once
reckon you all just need to have a wank and get the frustration of your system honestly
yfw you got caught out noncing on your niece
>what happened?
i said haha and you didnt like it
should i use smileys instead
So britfeel is delusional as fuck then
Making a big deal of pretending you are laughing is a bit weird mate
howling that this wasn't caught by the filter
That's why it's posted in /britfeel/ so people can decided whether or not to come.
You knew posting in /brit/ would do this and are just using it as an excuse to get attention for yourself.
You really deserve to be beaten up to learn a lesson for once in your life.
Yep, you not heard /britfeel/ Radio? Laughter-free zone.
The filter is easily bypassed desu
Come to the meet and I'll help you get a shag mate, with a proper women aswell.