Anybody playing League here?

Anybody playing League here?

if so
>favorite champ
>favorite lane
>favorite role

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the fuck do you mean by favorite lane and favorie role? like botlane supp-adc? lmao

Nobody plays league of assfaggots. Stop trying to be relevant, irrelevant ass fags.

I love Fiora.
Tank killer.

>adc remover

>Rengar (but i play him jng)


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This game aged me fast, getting chall and maintaining it for months was the worst.
I've stopped playing completely now, don't plan on returning.
I couldn't be satisfied with anything lower than my old rank now, and it requires too much work.
Im too competetive for that, and i get too angry.
It was time to retire.


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>Aurelion Sol
>One Shot Assasin

>favorite champ
>favorite lane
>favorite role
tower destroyer

Add me on NA. Rat noob. I'm derankingg account to iron.



Jhin mid or bot jhin adc

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>favorite champ
Leona Braum (old and new) Akali Nasus Darius
>favorite lane
Bot lane for MAXIMUM DUO FUN (or trio if you know the jungler too)
>favorite role
Support Tank hard cc I guess.
And high damage supp.
I hate Janna. (hopefuly Ardent Encensor meta was killed)

the place where you go in early

the role you fill in your team

those two are not the same

I don't get people who actually care about the game. I play 4 games per day but i don't even know what my rank is because i simply don't care. All i care about is that my games are fun.

Don't you play this game like a party game ?
You know , to have actual fun ?

>mid gp, obv bot draven
>highest dmg always skirmish ignite gp, draven while im on amphetamines and want to smash kids

edgy teens spotted

>ap assassin


Saving games is what I do

>mid doors

I really, really want Ahri to dominate me.

I quit League recently after years of playing and I highly suggest you do too.

It is like gambling, but worse. You go into a game with 9 complete strangers, 4 of whom have the capacity to make you lose. When you lose a match, you get frustrated and want to play another one so that you can win. And you keep playing because you want "just one win". And then you lose again and suddenly you've been playing for 6 hours and been demoted a league because you played jungle but your bot lane sucks, or you played mid but your jungle sucks, etc. This game is cancer and I can't wait for it to die.

I quit league like during season 5 when the devs just kept fucking it up with changes and balance got too atrocious to play, game was cancer. It actually is a bit better to play nowadays, why I got back into it and made a new account because fuck the peer pressure of logging back on to my old one. I don't have anger problems so people fucking up never bothered me anyways, I could have always done better. What pisses me off is when the game is either too unbalanced to play or the meta strictly prevents you from carrying if you are good enough, main reason I quit as certain changes made carrying almost impossible. Now you can carry again quite easily so all is good. Also the new tournament mode developing is too tempting to not get back into for.

>fucking oneshotting everyone with my unique build while being more tanky than an actual tank

>lee sin
i just go full ad lee every game and butcher everyone

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>now kayn but i change it frequently
>the guy that trolls teammates until they rq

you should unironically kys
like if we met irl i'd fuck your gf

>w/e is the best in the meta

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