I wish woman had to approach men

I wish woman had to approach men.

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I wish a woman would stab me to death

I was approached once. After a while I fixed the girl and she turned into a normie and I haven't spoken to her since. So either she has to be one of those almost mythical fembots or really someone very nice.

then let me ask you this. if you were a girl would approach men?

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There already was a post about that, every single guy said they hated the girls that approached them.

I wouldn't just approach them. I would rape them.

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Of course. I would search high and low for the best mate and submit myself to him. Only taking what comes to you limits your options immensely, and I know most guys who are bold enough to approach girls are players and assholes.

ahh a true patrician. would rape only shotas too?

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They do ur just ugly

I wish I could as well

the problem is most people are a product of their environment, so unless you just got a body swap you would also not approach men and wait for them since thats what society told you is normal to do.

My girlfriend proposed to me.

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Anything under the sun

Obviously. If were just born a girl I'd be as stupid as them and fall for the first bad boy that sweet talked me.

That would just reverse the situation. I mean I hate women as much as the next guy to the extent is healthy, but that's pretty much the only thing they have. They should be pitied because it doesn't last for them, at a certain age they stop being women and become useless old people, while men still get to be men no matter what age as long as they're useful

They approach men all the time.

ew. i would prioritize shotas and virgins. my fantasy is to be an immortal 15/16 year old girl and i would enroll in school and fuck all the cute shotas. eventually i would have to move to a different schools/are and continue my journey endless journey of pure bliss.

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Yeah when they're desperate or huge sluts, in other words it don't happen to most of us

No, they all have massively inflated self esteems and have no issues jumping on the chance when they see an attractive guy.

They already do approach chad

You're describing sluts right there hombre, my statement doesn't change

you're a nice and thoughtful person, user

I would kill or die for chance to live in that world.

I approach guys. But I'm also kind of ugly.

And how they react?

Understandable if you're desperate, reign them in if they don't reign you in

Then men would be stuck up roasties. Its not a matter of gender. We live in a society.

Reject me. I had a few guys offering to fuck me, but none to date me. Guys don't really date girls who aren't pretty.

Guys don't go out of their way to get in bed with 5/10s.

>mfw only gf ever had to ask in words for a kiss because I didn't have the balls to make a move

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Women do approach men if theyre Chads. They dont approach you because youre an ugly robot.

Don't just get them in bed girl, try and get one to marry you, better to get it done as early as you can, especially if you're 5/10. And have many kids(if you're white)

Nah, I'd never fuck people casually.
But good luck finding anyone under the age of 30 willing to marry now.

>tfw several girls have made advances on me but I was too afraid to do anything

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I'm barely a step above you and asked them if I could kiss

Try going for older men then(not too old though), I see women do it all the time. Your 5 might seem more like a 7 because of your age to them. Think about it, that's a solid plan

Age gaps over 5 years increase the chances of divorce exponentially.

It's better to have loved than lost, I'd still consider it

I wish women would approach me in particular.

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Dont be afraid user. Once you embarass yourself a couple times, you will realize it is a silly thing to be afraid of.

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thank god they don't because even the aggressor will falsely accuse you of rape. it cost him $200,000.00 to get him out of jail and it cost him his reputation. also he will probably have a hard time finding a job after the false rape accusation.


Not how it works for avoidant people.

>I had a few guys offering to fuck me

why don't you sperm jack them and trap them with a baby like most women do? also you can still get child support from them if they don't commit.

I wish I could approach men but they'd laugh behind my back about it so no.

Why would they laugh about you though?

Why would you tell her to do that? That benefits nobody, not her, not the baby and certainly not the man, unless you jew

Ugly women do have to approach men.

They do sometimes. I've had it happen at bars and the girls were ugly so I rejected them. Half of my girlfriends contacted/showed interest in me over social media when I had no idea they liked me or knew they existed.

Because I don't want to raise a child without a father, or a child with a father who doesn't want to be there.
I want to raise children in a loving family with two parents who care for each other and for them. Having children in any other way is extremely selfish, and I'm not a selfish person.
Or, really, a whore.

They'd either think I'm a desperate loser or whore. Some might be honest enough to give me a disgusted look.

I'm pretty sure most guys would be flattered even if they reject her.

well only single mothers get all of the benefits from the government and jobs giving them maternal leave. also the government will gladly point a gun to the man to pay that child support. I know a guy that got shoot for not paying child support already.

Single mothers aren't happy though and their children grow up to be fuck ups

They'd still only approach Chad/Tyrone

Yes it is. You just have to acknowledge that you are avoiding your problems and make a decision to confront them. I also used to be very socially avoidant still am I would say, but I am a lot better now.

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No you don't. That is the exact problem we have now. Women have all the selection power and the government does nothing about it.

i wish space jesus would return and kill everyone like he promised in the bible or whatever

I approached the guy because he was so beautiful and was showing signs of interest. I also asked him out and he said yes, we had fun dating

I dunno, I know men like the chase and all that but I couldn't help it, I would have been kicking myself if I let the chance slip away

Do you really want the government to step into your love life?

That's absolute insanity man. I don't think you're fully cognizant of what that entails.

And did you kiss? If so, who went for it and how?
Researching for an incoming date, my first ever.

>Do you really want the government to step into your love life?

Not the government at present. An ideal government would ensure women eat healthy and exercise so there are more attractive to go around. They would also implement a match-making system to ensure you can get a suitable mate.

If I lived in a serious country that cared about the welfare of the people that is.

Nice flex chad

Yes we kissed, he was the one that went for it

Hope all goes well for your date user! It's scary getting prepared for the date and all that but it should be a fun experience

The problem with that are the political-chads at the top of said government.

And who determines what is 'suitable' for you? even people who look like a perfect match on paper might be a very poor choice in reality.

I know you're just speaking hypothetically however.

Chads are actually not as bad as r9k makes them out to be. They have issues, sure, but white-knight betas are far worse, and those are the people who run the United States government now, them and literal homosexuals.

People in the past understood there was no such thing as true love. While I agree that there are severe differences between certain men and women that may be irreconcilable, a lot of times the man just has to exert dominance over the woman and bring her into reign. Right now men aren't allowed to exert dominance without receiving social and legal punishment so you have to be really careful who you marry.

Not really digging your lack of love for freedom.

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some do but you literally don't want them to approach you. Dude just trust me.

Well I'm a chad-lite, and I totally agree. Betas usually resent me when they first meet me, until they see I'm not here to hurt them or walk over them in any way.

No-- to clarify, by political-chads, I mean that you'll still have people at the top of the totem pole, Hoarding the good shit for themselves. And you're right about male/female partnership in a sense. It used to be a business partnership firstly, love, passion and affection secondly.

I think reliability is the most important aspect of marriage, not true love, so I can't help but feel that our values may align on that. But trust me, you don't want the government doing this for you-- they will mismanage and abuse it. I believe this because the government controlling your mating process is a surefire recipe to be held in thrall.

They would just approach Chad, never us

>tfw had women advanced on me but i was too oblivious to understand what they want

Just be frank and say what you want, roasties.

Post similar or real face

only fat 5/10 approach. Every girl 6/10+ doesn't do that. I mean straight as man do. They always show some signals that they might be interested.

That being said, I want 'betas' (though I don't think of them as such) to get the love and the affection they deserve as well. But that's something that solves itself, through the cycling of eras.

Have you ever heard of strauss howe generational theory. It won't shed light on how to solve this effectively, but it WILL supplement your knowledge on the general cycle of humanity.

>posting pics of myself on the internet.
I am chubby (150 lbs, 5'7"), have a big forehead and a strong jawline. Rest is okay or pretty cute.

then let me ask you this. if you were a man would approach women?

If Chad's didn't bed more than one woman I would have no problem with them, but this pump and dump shit devalues women.
Who wants a woman who has been publicly shamed?

just saw this Yuru Yuri ova yesterday

>I am chubby
Fix this and I will worship u 4ever

>dating a guy who only cares about you if you're perfectly thin
No, thanks.

Can you at least post someone who looks similar?

It's not the weight itself I just can't respect someone who has no self control or willpower

Yeah, I'm sure. It's fine to not like fat people, I'm not blaming you for it.
Just don't pretend you have philosophical reasons behind it, it's disingenuous and offensive.

How do I find a person who looks similar to me online? I can't think of anyone off the top of my head, I'm not bothering to find someone.

NAWALT cuck lmao

Attention whore tbqhdesu


Bad idea, hombre. You don't have to treat her like shit, but you want to display enough strength to have it work the other way around-- it's hard coded in their DNA. They need to be led most of the time.

>They always show some signals
Which social inept poeple like me usually manage to understand roughly 4-5 hours later.

Speak plainly if you are interested, girls. Signals are just too broad in interpretation and some of us do not want to have hopes just to get them dashed.

>Who wants a woman who has been publicly shamed?
No problem with that, desu..

>reply with pertinent things to the topic
>get asked about my experience
>give my experience
>attention whore

i wish you would grow a pair and do it yourself

Love that femrationalizing. You are another easy mode whore complaining about not being able to get good enough guys. You say all men to only refer to men good enough. A liar to the core.

Why? Girls pretend to choose anyway, so the least they could do is flat-out cut out the princess crap and approach who they want to fuck.

I literally never got approached by one guy. No matter good looking, bad looking. Literally not one.
When I asked guys out, they told me they "weren't looking for a relationship" but we could hook up.

Do you want to be my gf?
Now you were approached and asked out by one guy.

You're doing this just to prove a point, you aren't asking me out.

>Implying that women who are much more necessary for procreation and biologically have to be more selective with their mates, don't peel men from as high on the competency hierarchy as possible to increase the chance of a competent providing mate. A process in which signals, such as being the one to approach the women, to indicate confidence is inherently more attractive.

>you aren't asking me out.
How could I be any more explicit?

No it is not.
You might be able to leave your rejections behind as 'silly' or simply forget them.
I can't. I remember those for years and years.

And my brain pukes them back up whenever I even think about taking a chance to try that shit, until I lock up. It sucks but I can't and won't approach a girl without a 'safe' pretext. Just not going to happen.

Because you have no intention of dating me. You're just saying it ironically/sarcastically to prove a point.
It's the same as saying "Oh dear, your cock is huge" sarcastically to someone with a small cock. He could say he got told he has a huge cock, but would it really mean someone thinks he has a big dick?

>high of competency hierarchy
>increase the chance of a competent providing mate
>while fucking thug guys who are hardly able to start their damn cars without help

Right sounds really realistic, bro.

>Because you have no intention of dating me.
Post your contact then, if you're so sure about that.

oh please I almost dated a woman back in my old uni because she did approach me and straight up gave me her number. She blew it though when she said that she doesn't like it when women are called sluts. That shit was a red flag for me. Now I'm lucky if I even get to talk to a slightly better looking girl at all

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