Refute this, maletards
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Retarted statement.
this wasn't a problem when women stayed indoors or accompanied their husbands
reverse dimorphism and literally none of this would happen and there would be no fear
>but I like big men
then live with it
Shes being irrational. Most violent crimes are committed against men, we have way more reason to be worried than woman. Most woman are killed by bf/lovers, men they chose to be with because they exhibited dark triad traits, aka more likely to abuse and kill you.
So am I, what's the point?
Guys dont feel scared walking alone at night? When they're more likely to be a robbery victim?
Literally all her problems would be solved by carrying a gun. Fucking retarded bitch.
Become a traditional woman and get marries young. Stay in the house and care for children and homemaking and you will encounter no creepy situations. when leaving the house your man will protect you. Now if you act like a whore who sleeps around and is a total hedonist then perhaps rape is gods way of punishing you?
Maybe stop dressing like a slut then
Men are the primary victims of rape
lmao incels have the same fears, they are just as weak and vulnerable as women
Women don't have fears just a need to complain. Sucks we were born to a generation of men that didn't understand you aren't supposed to take them seriously.
Totally retarded. I am scared of getting killed as well and it is way more likely for me than for her. Still I would not want potential murderers getting thrown in Jail without the necessary proofs. In dubio pro reo my friends in dubio pro reo...
This is the only thing that keeps us from becoming a fucking dictatorship
Well, whereas males can be falsely accused by anyone for largely any reason, it can be simple to fix those fears, perhaps, hangout with friends instead of being alone, carrying a weapon, or just not loitering in areas where you may be susceptible to having any rapey actions taken against you
I'm still not asking out women anymore, sorry bitches.
nice bait, but since you asked for a rebuttal i'll take it
this female belittled an actual fear that is prevelant in western society just to tell everybody shit that they already know
everybody knows what rape is everybody knows girls are scared to get raped
however, this does not mean that men who are falsely accused of rape are less important
belittling the entire concept like that is the reason men and women will never get along- everybody always has a "worse" problem
this roastie should get the fucking guillotine btw
They are always acting like rapist would not get persecuted. I mean sure I understand the fear, I would be scared as well if literally 50% of the population would be way stronger than me. But thats why those sick fucks get thrown in jail. Couldn't we just turn it around and accuse them of rape as well ?
This. Don't think I've heard of a story of a women just walking down he street getting brutally raped. It's always "oh I was drinking and went over to chads house at 3am"
Even if women were offered with this they would still not take it because they actually enjoy beeing victims which is why they fantasize about rape.
Yep, 99% of people are looking out for women at all times and they want to complain that 1% wants to hurt them
Well feminism is all about complaining about problems that don't exist
She should seek therapy and/or anxiety medication. I'm afraid of the possibility of getting into a car accident or having someone shoot up my campus but I still drive and go to college, I'm just mindful of my surroundings. Beinf mindful of your surroundings doesn't count for shit if you get falsely accused since even if you win the case the stigma will follow you everywhere.
>man is afraid of getting falsely accused.
>man avoids being alone with women
>man asks woman to record consent videos
>woman is afraid of walking alone
>none. Continues going out alone.
>woman afraid of going to car late at night
>none. Continues going to car late at night
>woman afraid of ubers
>none. Continues using ubers
>afraid of men
Funny how women claim to be "afraid" of these things, but they're not actually afraid enough to take precautions against them the same way men do.
You just have to look the wrong way at girl and she can accuse you of rape and your life's ruined weather you get accused or not. I've gotten robbed and jumped walking down the street 2 times and the cops did nothing.....
You can shoot a rapist but you can't do the same to a woman you may not have even met accusing you of rape.
Scared of criminals? Carry a gun. Shoot the dumb fucks. If you don't, then that's your fault.
Scared of being turned on by the law? Me too, good luck.
most people are white knights to women you dumb fuck and no one cares about men.
If women were truly so terrified of getting raped or killed doing these things, if there was even a 10% chance of it happening, they would stop these things. But they don't. Women continue going out at night and getting drunk among strangers.
It's like saying, I'm terrified of getting stung by bees, now I'm off to my beekeeping job. Maybe today I'll try that trick where I have a beard of bees, I'm getting pretty good at it now.
Good on Jow Forums never failing to get girls to expose their lack of thinking power
I don't even know why I bother, destroying a woman's argument is as easy as taking a leak.
If a woman is legitimately victim of the things she fears, everyone, men and women will support her, give her the victim points and attention she craves and deserves, sometimes turning her disadventure into a strength and advantage by racking up notoriety, telling her story, writing a book or whatever cunts do these days to make big bucks, she will milk this shit till she can.
This happens if she legitimately is a victim, we know women often make up and lie about this shit too, benefitting from false stories as well as described above.
Nothing to lose after the trauma, false or real.
A man gets accused, the average man not muh powerful rich white man.
Wether the accusations are real or not, the men are done for, they lose everything, family, friends , jobs ,possibly partners, hope in the justice system and mankind, most likely to get depressed and an hero, should I continue or did I paint the picture?
He has nothing to gain, no sympathy even if the accusations turn out to be false, it's just so easy to point a finger and ruin someone's life.
Can you ever picture a man using victim points to gain sympathy by saying they got falsely accused of sexual stuff? No.
Men will never make up a story about being falsely accused, if they are actually falsely accused they wish they just disappear, never wake up again, especially in a super controlled low privacy environment that plagues us today.
So yeah, if a woman is too retarded to take countermeasures thinking they are entitled to safety always, she's at fault.
It'll never happen, as I explained above, most women and up benefit from whatever shit happens to her, granted she comes out alive. Then whoever did it is based and blackpilled. Denying a woman her victim status is the only way to win against one. She won't be there to reap the benefits.
Get kekd.
If you constantly fear for your life by just doing daily activities as a white woman in the West, then you are just mentally retarded.
Most rapists aren't punished.
>"women are strong and independent!"
>women actually live in constant fear of men
Fucking hilarious. Maybe we should just keep them chained up at home so they can't accidentally leave the house and get another trauma.
Emmet Till.
Most rapes are consensual
Most "rapists" are falsely accused.
Its because the women who complain about this kind of shit are middle to upper class kids who have never actually dealt with any real adversity in their lives. They don't actually give a shit about people, they're merely virtue signaling to make themselves look good in the eyes of their peers.
Me and my sister used to live in a shitty apartment in a rough part of town. I wouldn't even leave the house without carrying a knife, let alone let her leave without one. If she was coming home after dark from school or a friend's place, I'd always go pick her up. We came from an abusive home originally so we were always extremely wary of other people.
If you actually live, or have lived, in those shit conditions, you don't fucking complain about it on twitter. You fucking plan accordingly and move on with your life.
I'm a 130lb male. I have all those fears and more (being raped by a gay guy)
Fuck u beef roast
I'm coming for your boipussi, user
getting raped doesn't ruin your life. sure, it scars you both physically and emotionally, but getting falsely put in prison, getting your reputation absolutely ruined, and probably getting raped in prison is unfathomably worse.
fuck knee grows
>it scars you both physically and emotionally
Not even that. It has the same psychological effect as getting beat up. Most men have already gone through the same trauma by age 10 yet women can't even handle the thought of it.