Now that gene engineering and human cloning are just around the corner, we might be able to make customizable waifus soon. What will yours look like? Are you going to steal your oneitis' cells and then clone her, or are you going to improve her template first?
Now that gene engineering and human cloning are just around the corner...
Other urls found in this thread:
>start my waifu clone today
>am 25, will be 44 when she is a legal adult
>will probably have to oversee her development into adulthood (who else is going to?)
>basically raising a daughter to grow up and be my concubine
honestly, if i could afford a clone wife, i could also just keep a live-in prostitute on retainer to play house with, and avoid all the weird fucking my adoptive daughter feels
>we are not even close to forced aging yet
Yay, we get to switch between" I am changing her diapers" to "she is changing mine" with next to no in-between time!
Too bad I am not into 3d loli or ABDL.
Think I'll have to do with sexbots, bros.
Mine would be strong, tall, beautiful, intelligent, loyal, caring, possessive and with a hint of autism.
We need to destroy that technology. The elites will just use it to replace us with their own ideal societies once automations renders us obsolete.
Pretty soon Brave New World will become a reality with the non-cloned hillbilly people living in shantytowns out in the woods while billionaires make entire societies based around their own ideologies using hand-picked genetic samples and robotics, and that's if we're lucky enough to escape into the woods. They may just decide to kill us all when they have that much power.
>forced aging
the problem with that is age isn't just physical body growth. If the clones emerged from a pressurized growth chamber, thick vapors pouring out of the pod, fully grown. They'd be totally fucked. No language skills, no social customs, no context for their situation. You are more likely to be regarded by them as a predator than as a lover. If the body is fully grown and brain fully physically developed, then the brain will not be able to learn these things anymore.
The natural aging process is necessary for learning all of the things you need to be a person, and the knowledge is not just some software that can be downloaded to your brain, it has to be developed by personal experience.
I think VR or some other sort of imprinting could help there, one is as much sci-fi as the other. But I see your point
I'm pretty sure with advanced enough technology you can perfectly emulate experiences.
Maybe in the future you can download these and experience another persons life.
gene engineering in humans will probably amount to picking your best sperm cells and your wife's best ovum, and maybe minor genetic interventions to prevent stuff like downs syndrome, but even that's unlikely, as they will be able to eliminate sperm and ova that risk producing those conditions to begin with.
It's gonna be expensive at first, but people are going to drive the cost down as it becomes more established as a technology. Then insurance will start to cover it, then it'll be like a vaccine, where everyone does it, and the people who don't are ridiculed.
Your problem for planing on those hillbilly kids in the first place, luddite.
Just do not try to touch my robowaifu or there is not going to be any need for you to worry about the future again
>gene engineering in humans will probably amount to picking your best sperm cells and your wife's best ovum, and maybe minor genetic interventions to prevent stuff like downs syndrome
Down's syndrome is actually the most obvious disease to use picking the best sperm cells. Using genetic engineering on Down's would be stupid.
Did you just describe AUTISM??????
So my genetically breed superior animu waifu will be severely autistic. Take that liberals
no, imagine the girl who was raised by wolves. after she was brought in, she never fully mastered table manners, and she couldn't string words together into sentences, though she could learn individual words. autistic people are still exposed to all the same stimuli as other people, they just process it differently. Wolfgirl was never given that stimuli, and her brain has grown past the point where getting it would cause her to develop into a normal person.
it was just an example. how genes manifest into particular traits is complicated, and sometimes a very good trait is 100+ genes all in a particular configuration, and sometimes changing one gene a little bit has a catastrophic unpredicted effect. Now that they're starting to do this in China, they'll probably start with the simplest conditions treatable by sperm selection, and gradually over decades start to make more sophisticated changes.
isn't that just the point of free cities+pregmod+loli?
just freeze yourself in while the clone daycare raises her. It's like pokemon breeding.
>wake up 18 years later
>the world is completely foreign to me and my skills that earned me money when i went to sleep are useless now
>place that froze me goes out of business
>they shut the power off
>my lifeless body thaws and rots
>clone daycare goes out of business
>i wake up and never see the clone i spent all my money on
>this kind of clone gets rights and shit while i'm asleep
>she doesn't want to have anything to do with this stranger icicle when i wake up
i dunno why i would render myself incapable of doing anything about changing circumstances for almost 2 decades.
>place that froze me goes out of business
>they shut the power off
>my lifeless body thaws and rots
That only happens in libertarian paradises without human rights.
BUMPERINO this threado
also whomstve is the girl
>make a new clone ever 4 years
>12 years pass and the first one is ready
>treat her like a princess for 4 years
>16th birthday comes around
>brutally rape her and beat her to death with my bare hands
>throw her mutaliated corpse in the incinerator
>change the 6 on the cake to a 2
See how the next one goes
You are now part of the problem.
He should just release those broken women back into the gene pool.
is this a custom waifu thread
yes, pleast post your pics/stats
can do
i just want to post pics of mmo-tier goth girls stop muting meeeeee
Your taste is plebeian as fuck
here's one for you
im just not into excessive make-up on tweens. She looks like Rob Zombie in drag.
This technology wont be here anytime soon. The elites have already established that anyone researching this seriously will be killed.
>masculine bitch face with giant tits
My dick
pls dont go against God's design
>implying an autistic and scared 10/10 model gf wouldn't be god-tier
if you're OP please post more girls your taste is way better than mine
otherwise shoo and begone