Which topics are too taboo even for Jow Forums to talk sincerely about?

Which topics are too taboo even for Jow Forums to talk sincerely about?

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>why should I bother you
because they believe in hell idiot

The weight of your mom.

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But what if the child originally consents?

People lose their shit if you talk about rape.

Favourite child porn or instagram "dance" accounts.

>instagram "dance" accounts

the instagram accounts dance moms use to post pictures of their daughters. Some of the shit they post is pretty lewd, their follower counts are filled with pedophiles.

>Some of the shit they post is pretty lewd, their follower counts are filled with pedophiles
This is your answer op

Which isn't your fucking problem now, is it?

always amazed how many brainwashed retards there are even on Jow Forums. there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

>there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile
said the pedo

can i see the dance moms asses instead?

Another one of those brainwashed retards I see. Go ahead, tell me what's wrong with someone being a pedophile.

Long-term mental impairment and trauma for the victim, and the fact that someone can accept something considered something so taboo in society suggests something about the person themselves.

People don't distinguish the attraction from the act. Keep your hands off children.

Anything that's considered harmful to Yotsuba, cats or Mister Rogers. Also, real-life CP.

>People don't distinguish the attraction from the act.
Are you trying to prove his point or something?

What victim is there? Plenty of stuff has been considered taboo in the past and now is widely accepted. There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile and nobody can prove me wrong without spouting brainwashed bullshit.

>people don't distinguish the attraction from the act
People are brainwashed retards. Stop spouting bullshit and equating pedophile with child molester/kidnapper/rapist/etc.

It's part of their religion to convert as many people as possible to believe in it...it's not a cult bro don't question it.

Jow Forums is an echochamber like any other. Taking any stance outside acceptable groupthink will result in immediate mockery and dismissal.

>Stop spouting bullshit and equating pedophile with child molester/kidnapper/rapist/etc.

It doesn't matter what I think, I'm explaining that nobody cares what you consider yourself, people don't distinguish the person from the act.

Whether or not you've ever pulled the trigger doesn't matter, so long as you're waving a gun in the air, people will only worry that one day you will.

>the fact that someone can accept something considered something so taboo in society suggests something about the person themselves.
tl;dr >hurr durr society says it's bad so it has to be bad

Pedophilia is bad but your argument is total shit, kill yourself.

Still have yet to prove that there is anything wrong with being a pedophile.

>pedophilia is bad
No it isn't, but enjoy being brainwashed

>If you are so sure the earth is round why should it bother you that I doubt it is?

>What victim is there?
The child you fucking brainlet.

Wasn't talking to you, mouthbreather. I sense some incest in your family lineage.

Pedophile is simply someone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent boys and or girls. There is no victim you retard. Already been over this, stop equating pedophile with child rapist/molester/kidnapper/etc. You're clearly a brainwashed retard.

Doesn't change the fact that there is nothing wrong with pedophilia.

All child fuckers are rapists. Children are unable to consent. They don't have the knowledge to consent and their psychology has not yet developed. You're probably the type to offer kids candy in exchange for sex or try to disguise sex as something innocent.

>herp a durp da durp there is nothing wrong with me wanting to stick my dick in a child

Pedophilia is a mental disorder. Either get some help for your condition or kill yourself.

>child fuckers are rapists
Okay, but what does that have to do with pedophiles? You're simply proving my point that you're all brainwashed retards.

So what isn't an echo chamber

>tl;dr >hurr durr society says it's bad so it has to be bad

No, you absolute fucking moron. The fact that a person can INDULGE in something that society says is bad and is considered one of the most immoral things a person can do, shows just how far this person is capable of going against what's considered correct, and therefore, they may have a warped sense of judgement.

>Just because society says it's wrong, doesn't MEAN it's wrong.

As a way to justify their detrimental behavior.

You're a pedophile. Great. Stop being so pedantic. No one is ever going to see you as anything as a disgusting child predator.

Read the post. Children are unable to consent so that makes you a rapist. Unless you are a troll
>teehee, they think pedophilia is bad! jokes on them im not actually a pedophile!

Correct, nothing wrong with it, just like there's nothing wrong with wanting to kill someone. Sounds like you want thought crimes to be a thing. If that's the case, everyone on the planet would be in prison.

Not even a pedophile as I find pubescent women sexually attractive too.

>i want to diddle kids but im NOT a pedophile, because i also want to diddle adults

Okay, pedo.

What does having sex with children have anything to do with a pedophile? You're equating pedophile with child rapist. Stop being brainwashed you retard.

Never said I want to have sex with kids, just that I have found some prepubescent girls attractive. Keep going though, just proving more and more how brainwashed you retards are.

And you're not posting links becaaauuuse why?

Never said I wanted thought crimes to be a thing. A non-offending pedophile shouldn't be arrested.

What I'm saying is that there is something wrong with wanting to fuck a child. Just like there is also something wrong with wanting to commit murder.

Who gives a shit if certain thoughts are "wrong" or not? There is no action so it literally doesn't matter.

It's simple. You have the means and the motive to rape children(because you're attracted to them and more physically powerful, and you cannot reasonably accept nor can they give consent).

It would be like if I had all the tools to make a nuclear weapon, and every reason to use it.

People expect on a long enough timeline you will rape a child, and you likely will.

>Never said I want to have sex with kids, just that I have found some prepubescent girls attractive.

fucking incredible

>means and motive
So does everyone. There are plenty of people that rape children who aren't pedophiles. What's your point?

>people expect
People are brainwashed retards. How many times must I go over this?

Incredible that you can be this brainwashed. It's okay though, everyone else is as well.

Yes, but having thoughts about something increases the likelihood of an action being carried out.

If I thought about murdering someone, I would have a higher likelihood of murdering someone then someone who never thought about. Just like a pedophile has a higher likelihood of child molestation than a person who isn't a pedophile.

Thoughts do matter, which is why pedophiles need help to overcome urges.

There are zero studies and statistics to back that claim up. I'd wager near everyone that has ever had a job has thought about doing horrible things to their co-workers or boss on a weekly, if not daily basis. How many of them actually do those things? Thoughts don't mean shit, only actions.

Stop. You're not seeing my point. My point is that a person who fantasizes about children needs help. A person who wants to commit murder needs help.

I think we're discussing two different degrees of thoughts. I'm talking about serious, genuine "I want to fuck this little girl so hard" thoughts. I'm not talking about
>oh janice was such a bitch today i just want to choke her lol
kind of thoughts.

Who said anything about wanting to fuck little girls? Stop bastardizing definitions to fit your argument. Pedophile is simply one who is sexually attracted to prepubescent boys and or girls. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Sexual attraction is wanting to fuck someone. If I'm sexually attracted to a person, I want to have sex with that person.


Nope. As I already stated, I find some prepubescent girls attractive, but I don't want to fuck them. I find pubescent & post-pubescent girls attractive too, but I don't want to fuck the vast majority of them.

No one on Jow Forums talks about anything sincerely and if you do you get called 'cringe'.

Are you talking about finding a little girl cute? Like in the way a person finding a 4-year-old girl adorable? If so, we're arguing about two different things here. If not, I don't get your point.

Are we talking about sexual attraction to children or not? A pedophile is sexually attracted to children.

. Try posting a rage comic thread

Pedophiles can't help it in the same way schizos can't. Doesn't mean they are okay, they need serious help.

And being sexually attracted to someone doesn't mean you want to fuck them. Just went over that. I can look at many women and think "yeah, she's really attractive", but that doesn't mean I also want to fuck her. There's a lot more that goes into wanting have sex with someone other than if you're sexually attracted to them or not.

completely debunked ops stupid fuckin pic with this one
the religious people think the doubter is going to hell or won't find peace in the after life so they try to save you that's why they care if they doubt it

Most "religious" people don't even know what their religious text says. They simply cherry pick the shit out of it and disregard the rest. The only real religious people are the extremist.

There's been decent discussions about that over the years.

It's gotten more difficult now that Jow Forums has brought a bunch of boomers to this site

Maybe your sincere opinions are just cringe-worthy reddit-tier cringepinions

That none of us actually exist as induvidual centres of consciousness we're actually one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively through many conduits.

Sexaul attraction is the desire to fuck someone.
It doesn't mean you will force it, it doesn't mean that you will even want to do it when you think about it rationally, but on some level you DO want to fuck her.
For example, you can feel sexually attracted to a woman while in a relationship, and still not want to fuck her because you think about it rationally and you'd be disrespectful towards your SO. But you do have that desire.

I'm done. There's no point in arguing. You don't understand what sexual attraction is.

I'll let you take over this argument.

Again, actions matter, not thoughts. If thoughts actually mattered to the degree you're making them out to, then everyone on the planet would "need help" and be "wrong".

Didn't mean to tag you twice. I meant to tag the first time. Sorry mate.

Its literally in the scripture to spread the word and try to save people lol

Bible also says a lot of fucked up horrible shit. Don't be a cherry picking faggot.

I'm just responding to the picture

It bothers me that fools walk to their death.
The Bible also said if I don't inform you that I'm responsible for your destruction.

But how is that a taboo subject? I do not think that people on Jow Forums are worried about talking about how much my mom weights.

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Do people seriously believe in hell?

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OP is cop knew pedos would crawl out of hole with this


What do you mean? In which way is it taboo to discuss rape on Jow Forums?

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I'm not arguing that pedophiles are necessarily child rapists.
I'm arguing that pedophiles feel the desire to have sex with children, and feel sexual arousal for them.
They may not act on it, they may actively wish to not act on it, but they do feel the desire to.

If those thoughts are intrusive, and if the actions that those desires are immoral and wrong, you do need help.
Like if you get intrusive thoughts about wanting to rape women or wanting to kill people. You do need help. You're not a murderer, you're not a rapist, but you're sick and need help.

He's not wrong. In fact a much larger percentage of the populace has found themselves attracted to a "child" than any of us would like to admit. But in the end the non-predator would find themselves disgusted by that fact and would still willingly hang/castrate any actual child predators. To be able to accept such an act is evidence in of itself of your own degeneracy and absence of humanity. Child predation has always been a taboo that far surpasses any other.

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