is it wrong to be attracted to kids? yes, no, why?
i think as long as it doesn't affect my children (which i don't have) they can do whatever they want
Honestly the bad pedophiles (pump and dumping 10 year olds) give us such a horrible name.
I consider myself a "good" pedophile, someone who would marry a 11 year old and keep them away from this degenerate society. Love her for who she is and groom he rto be my perfect waifu. This is how it was done in the past but (((They))) wanted to destroy the family unit.
Like, literally all the greatest hero's and badasses of history fucked kids. Too many to name so i cba.
Anti-pedo's are just sad lonely betas with no lifes so pedo hate is all what gives their life meaning.
Im anti-pedo because an 11 year old is not old enough to be able to make an informed decision over marrying some 20 something year old guy.
Fuckin /thread
Originally, of course
but if they are allowing kids to choose which gender they indentify themselves with why can't they choose to be married to a 20yold, or older, boy?
I hope you get cancer user. Disgusting pedophile.
Because children are not fully functioning, highly cognitive adults that can think for themselves and understand the long term consequences of their actions nor the complexity of bodily autonomy. Kids are fucking stupid and easy to manipulate into doing basically anything. That's why we don't let them drive or drink or run a business or get married.
what if the kid agrees?
Yes, from an evolutionary stand point you SHOULD be attracted to fully developed femalee that appear fertile and ready to nurture a child (basically meaning big titties)
This times one million.
Leave kids alone you depraved freaks.
imo pedos should be taken out back and shot like dogs
Death is an easy way out, there's got to be something better than that.
this board went to shit, full of triggered cucks
back in the day you could post cp on here nigga and nobody said shit
no bro it's simple. Around $0.20 a round, about how much their life is worth, simple. Someones gotta bury the body tho
t. newfag lol
how can i be a newfag if i'm pointing out that this place was better back then and it's full of sjw and non-virgins now
They should not be allowed to do that either. I hate the idea of that too.
I think you're mixing Jow Forums with kindzazachan you fucking pedo.
I don't know if you're a newfag it's just a guess. I suspect that that's the kind of thing newfags who are desperate for validation say.
y'all just mad bc you like lolis but would be seen as weirds for liking that en pedos just don't care and go all for it
okay kiddy fucker
fuck prdos desu imo
let's make the case that you marry the 11 y/o
what would happen when she grew up and became adult? would you leave her for another 11 y/o?
so pedos are degenerates?
what a surprise