>be quiet 21 year old white guy
>third year math major
>math professor is a black woman in her late-30s
>math professor is really nice to me since I'm her best student
>I was late for my last exam before the final
>thought I was fucked because the professor said there's no make ups under any circumstances
>arrive in class 40 minutes late
>professor takes me outside and asks me what happened
>I was honest and told her I overslept
>professor said it was okay and to come to her office after so I can take
>can't believe she's being so forgiving but don't question it
>went to her office after the exams were done
>thank her again for letting me take it
>she says I've done more than earn it
>sat across for her at her desk while I took the exam
>notice professor was just smiling at me and staring at me
>I asked her if something was the matter
>she says nothing at all and that she likes how I look when I'm serious
>I say okay and continue taking my exam
>she continues to just look at me but ignore it
>finish the exam
>she asks me how it was
>I tell her I aced it
>she laughs and says she likes my confidence
>we chat for a little while in her office completely alone
>not that good at talking to people but at least made her laugh with my corny jokes
>notice she was touching me a lot while we talked
>eventually she asks me if I want to have lunch together tomorrow
>don't really want to say no because she holds the power to end my good GPA
>say okay
>she seems happy and says great
>she asks for my phone number so we can contact each other
>I say okay and she gives me her phone number too
>I tell her I should go because I have another class soon
>she says okay and she'll see me tomorrow
>think my professor might like me
D-Does she like me? Am I just imagining things? The sexual tension felt fierce. I'm just some regular old quiet kid and she's this serious respected professor whos almost twice my age, why would she like me? Plus I'm a white boy, I don't understand.
My math professor is into me?
I hate when people like me. You have to keep up whatever facade you were using and it gets tiring
She might, try and go along with it for a bit to see if it's real. Don't be a whuss either.
>professor said it was okay and to come to her office after so I can take
>notice professor was just smiling at me and staring at me
>she continues to just look at me but ignore it
>she laughs and says she likes my confidence
>notice she was touching me a lot while we talked
>eventually she asks me if I want to have lunch together tomorrow
>she seems happy and says great
>she asks for my phone number so we can contact each other
She likes you and asked you out on a date. congrats you might lose your virginity if you play it right.
You getting the pussy user congrats, now just don't ruin it.
She wants that fat white dick my man. Black women can't resist.
>tfw your grade in the class is based on how well you diddle her skittle
You better fuck her brains out, white boi.
Yeah but when someone likes you when you aren't using a facade then it's incredibly satisfying.
She definitely does like you. I've got a boner just from reading it. Bang that milf, OP!
dont bang her. thats disgusting. get lunch with her though
But op is white, black women aren't very attractive and can be quite aggressive at times.
If I was op I would be terrified of rejecting her first because of my grade, but also because black women tend to be vindictive.
Chances are you've never gotten a lot of attention and are overly misreading the situation. She is paying attention to you because she is passionate about teaching and doesn't want you to fail.
did you read the thread? he's excelling in the class. He needed the make up exam but he doesn't need to see the teacher outside of class to make the cut.
wear a condom. Black women have crazy levels of STDs.
he should wear a condom because he doesn't want a mixed race son with downs syndrome
dont even bang her. disgusting.
save sex for a cute gf around your age
You shouldn't bang her until after you get an A in her class.
>>eventually she asks me if I want to have lunch together tomorrow
Ask her out to have lunch outside school.
Like, ask her if she'd like to go out for Italian instead of school food.
Yep. I can guarantee she's into you.
It's not unusual for older people to seek out younger partners. They're a little refreshing when people your age are really set in their ways, and possibly bitter from one too many bad relationships.
Are you attracted to her? speak plainly.
She's really pretty. She doesn't look old or anything, she looks late-20s at worst. And her butt is outrageous. She gives off a very mature aura though and it intimidates me.
>tfw no black mommy teacher gf
if you're into her though user, I hope you make it
>She gives off a very mature aura though and it intimidates me.
Don't sweat that. I impact women in the same way-- I've been called intense, intimidating, etc. But underneath my calm and professional demeanor, my intentions are entirely benevolent. It actually throws women off, once they find out how caring I am.
No matter how strong or competent or self-assured we are, at the end of the day we still need love-- as urgently as the body needs air. She respects you and sees attractive qualities, something worth reaching for. You should both be very happy, for you bring each other gifts beyond the material.
Why do you have to post this? Why do you have to make me feel bad?
Is she hot?
If yes, date her
If not, just be friendly
Damn, she wants to be bleached so bad.
if you do it you should record in case she tries something funny
Run out in front of a truck and hope someone makes you a zombie idol
Sapiosexuality is real. Good luck shy user.
Impregnate her and create halfling babies.
This. Record a sex video with her, and post a link to it here.
Dont do this, half breeds are gross.
>humbebrag: the thread
I'll find you OP. I'll find you and I'll mess you up
this is cute but roasties will say it's problematic
I'm really jealous of you op. But really go for it. Do it for me and all the other lonely anons
Go for it, make sure you don't fuck it up by telling anyone.
Report to us after the date
>get A
>metoo or fuck more
not quite, but it can be a mixed bag BA DUM TSS
You better integrate her pussy OP.
>in her late-30s
It's a trap. If you do put ponos in vagoo, don't get suckered into a long-term thing.
>get to fuck black qt milf
>automatically get good grades
>have blackmail material if she gets pissy
Seems like a win-win to me OP
I wouldnt do anything incriminating unless i saw more obvious signs user. Maybe its your own mind making this up. Be carefull whatever you do..
>You have to keep up whatever facade you were using and it gets tiring
fuck this is too real user
Is she hot man?
T. Virgin
Fucking professor qt asked user out. That is enough evidence shes into him
>at the end of the day we still need love-- as urgently as the body needs air.
Fuck you
Intelligent black women, at least my experience with the few I've encountered, tend to be a lot less shallow with their romantic choices. She probably just admires your intelligence and thinks you have potential. Or maybe she just thinks you're a cute guy. Or maybe she just likes you because you're white. Or maybe all of the above.
The point is, she wants you to breed her.
idk about you but I am infatuated with my uni mentor, she is a very touchy person and likes to mess with shy guys and be cute with them, but it always throws me when she does that stuff with me
I mean it's so refreshing to see a nice woman being so close to you while girls my age act disgusted with me, my mentor gave me big hug and congratulated me after an exam :3
I say go for it OP if she doesn't have a partner, kids
>I hate when people like me. You have to keep up whatever facade you were using and it gets tiring
you put into words a feeling I've had but wouldn't/couldn't put into words
You better calculate the best angle to put your dick in her.
OP don't be a faggot if you blow this chance to hook up with your teacher you'll be a cuck for life
thats fucking hot
>tfw no big tit-tay ebony prof gf
you're a lucky one, user
you need to become MASSA for your GPA's sake
user if you don't eat out that woman's pussy you are gonna be the biggest fucking cuck on this site.
OP watch out, this user is right. Half breeds are disgusting.
t. Half Breed please fucking kill me
Nobody has ever liked me
But the times people have been particularly nice to me is probably because they pity me. I'm not talking about general politeness, I'm bot paranoid enough to think that every one who shows me basic social etiquette is doing that. But I mean people who've gone out of their way to be nice to me. If any one ever did like me, it would be because they've only interacted with me when I was acting normal/faking it in public.
Go for it bruv good job and don't forget to continue being yourself
I don't say this often but kill yourself, embarrassing post
Jesus Christ, imagine actually writing that unironically. Cringe.