
Think it's about time for a big sweaty wank edition

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Fuck you op my wanks are the sweatiest

/britfeels/ aren't r9k
get out of my board you fucking normies

the only good thing of /britfeel/ is that it's a containment thread for all you cancer tumors

Would love to have an MBE ngl

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MiIk Cat 189

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Is this a kino soundtrack? youtube.com/watch?v=k-8qOQUzTxM

go off back to outer Jow Forums, where you can whine about women and fall for obvious bait that's been posted a million times before to your heart's content, and leave us alone
just don't pretend we're a cancer, when it's obviously you

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gonna line up a nice wank later on I think

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What's the worst place you've been sick?
I threw up at Heathrow before my first flight.

Aldi pizza for dinner

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>What's the worst place you've been sick?
Got a concussion in Spain and was vomiting everywhere in a local hospital surrounded by loud shouty spanish

That's a nice pic lad good job

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Uninstalled Tinder lads. Every time I matched with a pretty girl she would unmatch me instantly. Also I never have any fucking idea what to say.

Girls at uni are no better. All the vaguely interesting ones already have boyfriends obviously. Feels fucking terrible man. Brb whiskey

shouldn't have installed it to begin with, its a waste of time unless you are a good looking normie

When I was a kid I threw up in a Jag belonging to a friend of the family, I think it was quite a new one at the time.

is that the stone cold steven

I had Aldi one last night, the one with ham and mushroom and mascarpone on it. Fugging delicious

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
And I'll always remember you like a child, girl

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Can't believe it's only 17:43 now, time is moving like treacle today

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Chilly Austin McFreeze

oops new thread
if i went i wouldnt wank any of them off but i'd be happy to cuddle anyone except moni and zeus

Well, i don't know who's going but from what I heard the ones going don't live in London.
I hope it goes well but not in that discord reddit way were you all meetup and talk about the thread but in a britfeel autistic way which is a total dumpster fire so the lads who don't go can have agood chuckle over it

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alright lenlad? unoriginal comment

I must be a good looking normie then because I've gotten laid from Tinder several times.

yes lad that's the exact same one I've got, rectangular shape right? Fucking spectacular and only about 3 quid

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Lets see if I can watch this Hungarian movie about an underground train inspector

Hook came out on this day

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if you have had sex you ARE a normie.

Yep it's fantastic and I saw they won some awards for pizza services so good on them.I might try the other one with all the meat on it next time, but I'll buy the mushroom one just in case

Waiting for Dustin Hoffman to die so I can post how sad I am about them all being dead

As if a normie would ever post here lad.

>of course I'm going to the /britfeel/ meet it's gonna be great

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who really cares about that jewish rapist?

well you just did so there you go lad.


Can't speak for the others cause I get the same one every time, let me know what it's like lad

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Will do based pizza m8

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Would anybody like to meet up before the meet and hang back until we know whether the meet is successful or not

and speaking about Hook it is my favourite christmas film, will be watching it on the 23rd as per every year. cry my eyes out like always, even more so for robin.

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do i have yellow fever if i fancy Karen O? i mean shes hardly that yellow

pretty sure the chinks didnt cook my chinky right
doesnt taste good

good lad, we need some uggos to make us gigachads look better

try not to get salmonella

No, it's called "greasy indie chick" fever

Nah I'm all in on this bitch I'll be the first one there and asking strangers if they're from /britfeel/

they used old dirty frying oil the cheap bastards

its vegetarian so it shouldnt be a problem
i can already feel the shits coming on

This is a proven tactic


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I was on the bus and chad and stacey were snogging at the back. if only I brought some orange juice I could have got revenge

I'll be holding a loaf of tiger bread as a signal for everyone to gather round.

so nostalgic


RIP Poley x

I loved that film when I was a kid

desu lads i miss her already britfeel wont be the same without moni around
maybe we were a bit harsh on her?

rip poley
miss you big man
gone but not forgotten

>2 goodfellas pizzas
>Haribo giant strawbs
>Sports mix
>500ml Dr pepper.

>mfw people were initially joking about battering poley at the meet but, since the /brit/ saga, threats have taken a serious tone

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What if your pre-meet isn't successful? Maybe we should hang back and wait

maybe we should email her?

She left because she thought we didn't want her to come to the meet.

link the juicey /brit/ posts

Spare the rod, spoil the child

wait whats been happenin

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desu, i dont care if moni is a paedophile, or if she groped those children or whatever, shes /are/ girl

We don't, though? I thought that was pretty unanimous

poley has shit itsself and gone into hiding

no he left because he didnt want to cause drama which he did by leaving

You are right. Only people defending poley are either baiting or have become so desperate they want sum fuck

he thought we did though.
just imagine thinking you have friends, you're looking forward to hanging out with them but then you learn they all hate and were never your friends to begin with.

Well more fool him. He is about as universally hated as Mummy Mays Brexit deal.

I fancied her back when she was fit in 2005. Swear she doesn't even look chinkie at all now though.

>I fancied her back when she was fit in 2005
damn i wish i could fuck hot shota amer

poley invited /brit/ to the crimbo meet and they were talking about ruining it in their threads
then they were posting here and it was very uncomfy and juvenile

I guess i won't have the chance to cuckold D.C now

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What happened to D.C?

the sad part is poley was saying how he wanted to lose his virginity at the meet
won't happen now

>Jow Forums calling anyone juvenile

your literal greasy hair makes people uncomfortable pal

desu lads, thinking of ditching this thread for /brit/. those lads seem like they have got their shit together you know?

Alri sounds smart


The absolute fucking STATE of the virgin freaks who post in here
Fucking embarrassing

Used to bully twats like you when I was at school.

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>shitty, god awful threads that go by in ~20 minutes, which is far too fast to have any sort of meaningful discussions
>same terrible memes over and over again
>harassing summer until she was forced to make her twitter account private
yeah lad /brit/ is great

nobody here will know that I'm a culture vulture yank hahahaha
*sips tea*
big fan of footy me

alright pal, close the door behind you, heatings on innit

we did you all a favor you vile cunt, none of us are showing up but now Amer won't either

>brit/ to the crimbo meet and they were talking about ruining it in their threads
No we weren't you insecure mug, we were literally talking about beating up poley and nothing else. Not only that but we literally got rid of poley from turning up to the meet who was scaring regular robots off from turning up so how about you show some respect. We didn't have to do that y'know cretin.

Nobody is going to be hurting anybody at this meet. The girls will all be protected by the big lads.
Shut in has organised DM, Mayuri, Andrew, Sagiri and Saku to provide protection for the more vulnerable members of our community. You WILL be made to leave if you cause a scene.

Fuck lads was just thinking your bones are like the truest form of physical 'you' its really fucked up that we're basically moving rock creatures

you cunts killed poley

predictable as the fucking tides. I could post that 7chan is laughing at you in /brit/ and you'd all zoom over there and post as well.

Don't know don't care lid

good posts lads

this place Is the lowest of the low

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Only thing that's predictable is your virginity you fucking whopper

imagine being that sad that you need to harass another general of british lads. the content in your own thread must be sub par to do something like that.

I mean, /britfeel/ WAS talking about them. Can't cry when you do this and people respond.

>the girls

Don't tell me you're serious?

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i try not to think about whats inside my body because it spooks me the fuck out and i start having a panic attack