Are Eastern Europeans more prone to be robots than other people?

Are Eastern Europeans more prone to be robots than other people?

Americans and Western Europeans usually boil down to spoiled brats who get diagnosed with meme illnesses just because they were raised in a golden cage.
South Americans, South Asians and Africans are only rarely robots because their environment doesn't allow it.
And Eastern Asians aren't really robots anymore as being a hiki there is becoming nation-wide culture.

but almost any time you meet a Russian or other eastern euro on Jow Forums they are anime-loving autistic neets who hate people. Certainly way more often than any other nationality. What gives?

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Eastern Europe is an impoverished illiterate nationalistic shithole full of robotic cockroaches. You are right.

It's a literal robot breeding ground.Westerners have no fucking idea how good they have it.

im not in eastern Europe but I live in literally the same exact thing. actually its worse here. its more rural and small town village shit and probably even colder than eastern Europe.

I have like no one my age in my town there's like 5 people total spread out. one kid I know became schizophrenic and he was always crazy as fuck looking up weird magic shit on his computer and he would always yell and scream at video games and do weird shit

I have another kid who became schizophrenic and he just sits inside his room all day and he wont leave his house or do anything because he wont do anything thats not comfortable. he only will hang out with his mom and do stuff with his mom and he literally acts like a toddler like still begging his mom for stuff and acting like a child on Christmas

I have ANOTHER kid who became schizophrenic and he became a cross dresser and now hes becoming a full blown tranny (but cant afford the meds) and he shaves his entire body and says hes pregnant and shit. he sits inside all day I saw him outside once and hes like completely flushed pale from lack of sunlight and he looks really frail

the other 2 act a little weird and gay and they just like get high doing weird drugs and they're all on that macho man shit where they try to act tough and cool and everyone here just bangs the same girls and gets STDs

yes living in a cold rural area makes you destined to fail. im normal but forced to sit inside sad and alone and I always feel tired like I have cancer or some disease and there's no one normal here so its either hang out with scizophrenics or be alone. and trust me scizophrenics are very very unpleasant

Not at all. In Eastern Europe its reversed. Women outnumber men and have to fight to get boyfriends.

This is like the biggest meme I ever witnessed.Maybe in russia,in the rest of it it's just like the rest of the world,no fucking female fights to get a boyfriend,they all expect to be approached.

girls will never have to fight for guys dont be a retard

I am Eastern European, AMA.

t. someone who never even was in Eastern Europe

I am waiting another 5 minutes then you can fuck your thread.

Okay gone. Fuck your meme thread.

You can be a South American robot if your country is stable enough. I'm a rare argie robot who ruined his life by adopting toxic first world problems. But yeah getting laid here is much easier.

oh jesus... bloki
i hate these fuckign things, especially that they are very likely to be on city peripherals
i had "luxury" to grow up in tenement house aka kamienica in the centre of city in the western poland
holy fuck i am manlet, but still appreciate having ceiling at 2.5 m and actual brick walls, not some bullshit styrofoam shit or whatever
still shit is pretty depressing, good i have some park and more green areas pretty close to where i live

and im not autistic weeb. desu i dont know any. i dont really have many friends anyway xd

wrong. maybe it used to be like this in russia 20 years ago, when 1/3 of males died before reaching 25, because of liver malfunctions

>bad thing

Yeah i feel bad for eastern euros, id rather take them in western europe than other so called "refugees". eastern europeans have had a harsh history that reflects on them today. the ones i've met are intelligent but are stuck in an insufferable hellhole with emotionless people. they usually turn into complete alcoholics or turn to hard drugs. lack of opportunities and harsh desolate communities will turn anyone away. though i'm being subjective and not reflecting on the whole of eastern europe/russia. but there are those parts. they're truly robot tier than bs problems like much no gf at age 19. south korea and japan seem extremely robot tier with that dead end wage slaving, but there's still that harshness with eastern european countries/russia

in western europe we can cry about one problem: how everything is being pissed away. we're going to collapse in on itself either through bankrupted socialism when our demographics flip and swimming against the tilde of other rising global powers. we'll be down there soon, but we'll be islamic which is even worse. this applies to america somewhat too. still robot living is individualistic and does apply pretty much everywhere

>What gives?
Everyone is poor and the weather is shit. At least we don't have shitskins.

Its the slavic soul, they're deep for some reason. Westerners are shallow. I would move there if I could make a living but I hate the cold and have no skills to transfer.

>the Slavs in this thread
Your one of the most hated groups in places like Britian and Ireland, your genuinely disgusting annoying people who have no common sense and trafficking each other for money. Just go back to your shithole your no better than pakis, char-nooh.

99% literacy every state, you may be correct on the other things but kys faggot

>anime-loving autistic neets who hate people
not really.
t. 26 khv neet

Go prep Tyrone and apologize for colonialism

I think Finnish people who were born to lower class in the mid-to-late '80s are another likely robot-cohort.

I don't know how it is over there but here in Polska B post-communist rectangles are what most people live in. But hey, at least I'm not living in Podlasie.

It's amazing how many misconceptions Westerners have about Russia and neighbouring countries. The Iron Curtain is no more, guys

What's the difference in the upbringing and growing up experiences of a robot vs. the upbringing and growing up experiences of a neckbeard? Robots want to hide all the time, have low confidence, feel inferior yet angry and skew towards collective ideology like religious extremism or communism or Nazism.....

Whereas neckbeards are into extreme individualism like Libertarian, Objectivism, or anarcho capitalism, are into rationalism and think of themselves as intellectuals superior to others, have confidence, and have no shame such as bringing MLP stuff in public.

slavs are epic and based prove me wrong

>ya kamen i vot vredniy govnyuk

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>im stone and mean shitter
what did you possibly mean by this