Which one of you sick fucks was this? Come to Odessa Texas and try this shit bitch

Which one of you sick fucks was this? Come to Odessa Texas and try this shit bitch

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Nigga you literally tried to get a 14 year old to move in with you,fuck off with this hypocritical moralfagging bullshit.

Sounds like your daughter wants the dick bad

Prefer milfs tbqh desu

Bitch she is 17 and we were going to be in a nonsexual relationship. i wanted to protect her from the creepy FUCKS like YOU

Good, that is not predatory

Odessa's in Ukraine ya eejit

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bet your daughter met same of them already :)

Kids look for sexual situations with adults often. When I was 14 I got groomed by some girls on steam who were 20+. Now that I'm an adult, lots of underage boys/girls try to bait me into that shit, which I don't fall for. They just have a platform that makes it much easier to have and form these relationships.

>and we were going to be in a nonsexual relationship
Yeah it sounds really believeable coming from a guy who only liked that little thottie for her body and who posts his microdick in every thread.

>When I was 14 I got groomed by some girls on steam who were 20+
Fuck off chad, your sort aren't welcome here

>having a daughter

Either way his daughter is going to turn into a whore lmao. If the parents are too easy on her she will be a whore, if they are too tough on her she will still become a whore. Its a lose lose situation

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>Trying to troll me while actually thinking I am a middle aged parent

Fucking brainlets

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>some dumb gash is LITERALLY asking for it
*snore* what else is new?

I have a big penis bitch come to Odesaa Texas and say that SHIT to me FACE

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>20 year old women wanting prepubescent dick

Jow Forumsthathappened

Link the thread, I want to see what the moralfags have to say.

bait, no one reply

Are you Toby or Seymour OP
I forgot which one lives in Odessa

My name is Samuel Hyde

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more like the parents failed in teaching her common sense when dealing with strangers.

Not him but what's wrong with dating a 17 year old?

Ive seen soft dudes that were bigger in gym

Hey I'm with you man, fuck discords and anyone using them


Lol that is pretty gay my dude

I'm in Odessa TX and I've been grooming girls online for 5 years and you've failed to do a fucking thing. Your daughter loves me faggot and I've grown fond of her. You lose.

>We have blocked all access to the internet at home.

I feel like this is only going to make things worse.

>Come to Odessa Texas and try this shit bitch
Hi Boobie how's the leg? Still fucked from that last football game for Permian?

Come to Odessa Texas and I will show you something soft bitch

Bitch meet me at Fast Eddies this Friday at 4 PM and I will fuck you up look for the blonde guy you fucking pussy

You give Texans a bad name. A true queer-fucking steer (like myself) appreciates all forms of loli.

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On the off chance one of you fucks is doing this to my sister I am going to let all you fucks know if I find out will literally kill you


Pleasant farms here.

Hi user, where you at?

We probably know each other desu senpai.

I'm already fucking her after school faggot :^)

Hi M, how are you?

I am a drilling engineer at Halliburton and I live in a friends house, surrounded by COCK like everywhere else in this fucking basin. I tried to get a QT GF off Jow Forums but she KEKED ME WITH A NIGGER

My name is Samuel fuggin Hyde faggot

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Yeah its like 60% men here, impossible to find a GF here really, much less a decent one.

I've got super cheap rent and need a roommate. Like 500 a month, get to shoot guns out there and everything. It's pretty comfy desu.

Yeah your best bet is finding an internet gf and moving one out here. Odessa girls are... Odessa girls.

Kek that's funny, stop crying faggot.

>come to retard shit hole Texas.
What are you gonna do, roll coal in their face with your shitty over priced poorly running lifted dodge ram diesel.
Fucking Texans are the biggest pussies there are go back to your trailer park and shut the fuck up.

>Bitch meet me at Fast Eddies this Friday at 4 PM and I will fuck you up look for the blonde guy you fucking pussy
Wow you're blonde? Lmao you wouldn't last a minute in my world bitch. I'm gonna show both you and your daughter how to make love, faggot. Wear your daughter's panties Friday, I miss her scent.

Shouldn't have been an inferior bitch racist.

moderators who lock threads are absolute fucking faggots, part of why I hate reddit

My dick is dripping with anticipation for Friday, boy. Describe yourself to me. Between your daughter sending me videos of herself sticking sharpies up her asshole and me sending her videos of me cumming on my own stomach, I never asked her to tell me what her dad looks like. Are you the one she get her looks from? Are you a freak like her or did I bring that side out of our daughter?

No girl from Jow Forums will date me though because of my small dick

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I drive a Camaro faggot come to Odessa Texas and 1v1 me

Again you goddamn dipshit I am not the OP of the reddit post, I am a 28 year old engineer with no GF and a small dick

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>Trying to troll me with explicit sex talk about a nonexistent daughter

This is weak bait

I don't give a fuck who you are boy I'm still gonna have you. Grooming men's daughters online is only so satisfying. I haven't felt the insides of someone since the 00s. Since you have no woman to keep you warm, I reckon the feeling of your anus being ravaged will be quite pleasurable for you. I want you to really fight me Friday. I love throwing them dogs. I used to beat my (ex) step daughter before I fucked her. The violence makes the sex that much more passionate.

Then why do you post this shit here normalnigger? Do you think we give a fuck about some soon to be a thot roastie getting groomed by pedos?

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