Spanish/Hispanic thread
How's it going anons?
Spanish speaking server : g9NnCXg
Spanish/Hispanic thread
How's it going anons?
Spanish speaking server : g9NnCXg
Aint datamineando felou brobots
Bumping for vox
what is vox? i mean i know what it is but dunno what they tryin to do
Mi bisabuela era espanola puedo postear en este shit thread ???
no pero yo si porque mi abuela es espanola
its going ok i guess, trying hard to build a good life but its getting harder to keep everything to blow up. i wish i had the money to become a neet and dont worry about anything but having children.
where are you from loser user xd
spain nigga
gonna be flying into the country in 10 days, Spain is my ancestral land so I enjoy every visit
wher in spain?
is there some spanish fembot lurking if yes i claim you as my gf
originally valencia fuck niggers
kill yourself fucking tete
tetes are a meme
its not early 2000s anymore
me, but no
why are all hispanic threads on this website always dead
wtf be my spanish gf right now
where are you located though?
boys are stinky. I'm in burgerland
i said spanish not mexican
kys whore
>spaniards can't exist in america
ok, you too buddy
>Implying there aren't spanish in burgerstan
ni queria, los Espanoles son perdedores en cada sentido posible. Perdieron todo su terreno y ahora son cucks al EU.Parecen third world con sus edeficios prehistoricos.Ya no les falta mucho para que se desaparezcan
pero no te aguites. Mexico guardara un rastro de su existencia en sus librerias
meant in spain not in mexicoland lol
you sound bitter
I'm confused. Is it some joke about how america is infested with mexicans?
yeah mexico should be part of the usa desu like puerto rico, do you happen to live in florida or ny? kek
these seething levels shouldn't be possible
can you guys recommend me some good spanish bands
yeah ofc totally ok for sure
nope. I live in the midwest
I would stay within the 80s-90s region, I think they had the best synthpop of the world. I like Mecano and La Union
show us ur pussy u whore
What was the point of this post? surely you understand that won't happen. This is why threads on this board are always boring.
shut up hole i mean user
oh no no no
you are welcome
always those chicanos
you are literally the angsty teen who is mad at his dad for mistakes they've made.
Why do these Spanish threads always fail?
they wont im chad and im making this thread great gay again
I really doubt that Spain is done for
Not many robots in Spain
you mean catalan?
Sorry i dont speak immigration
Colombian here
Why did we have to be born in such normie countries? The only countries that could be more normie than hispanic ones are probably only Brazil and Australia.
But i think our girls are the cruelest, i've been literally brainwashed to believe i'm sexually inadequate and never, ever will any girl want to have sex with me. Even the one time i went to fuck a prostitute she looked at me like garbage.
I just want to live alone and secluded inawoods but as the seventh-world shithole this is those woods are full of narcos, guerrillas, paramilitares, junkies, crackheads, dangerous animals and/or have no basic utilities
Man thank god for being born in Spain jesus christ
S-Spain is doing quite well, yes? M-Maybe you could take some of our venezuelans? T-They're just going to be there temporarily while they save money to reach Germany or Sweden
Why do spain always fail*
Thank me senpai for fixing it
t. Spaniard
Don't you have Forocoches, spics?
>Why doES Spain always fail
You guys were never again able to walk straight after Napoleon fucked you in the ass, sad.
como va la progresterona, cuckpanoles
being a white spic is suffering
>not white enough for the whites
>not considered poc, can't hop on the poc pride train and enjoy social benefits
>being told to go back to Mexico (when you're not even mexican) by "white" people (who's skin is ironically one shade darker than my own) because of a surname which originated in Spain
Ven a casa, hombre hispano.
this. also
>white people muttering about trump and the wall when they hear you speaking Spanish, not realizing other countries than Mexico speak Spanish
>being rejected from every Hispanic/Latino organization by people who can't even speak Spanish because you "look white"
>trying to join le latino organizations
Why do this to yourself? Latin americans are the most obnoxious foreigner cunts on earth when they are in another country. Gotta always go rogue and not interact with those fuckers. I still cringe every now and then when i remember the latin americans being cunts for all the world to see during the last world cup. I started speaking in russian whenever i sensed them close
That's a good point. I just wanted to add extracurriculars in high school/college, but I ended up becoming a hermit anyway
>sitting in waiting room with dad
>talking about old saying and proverbs from New Mexico and beyond
>en boca cerrada ni moscas ni nada.
>white person walking by hears
>she glares at us
>"this is america, we speak English here!"
>she will never get the irony
>ask her if she's upset that she only knows one language while we know 2
>she turns red and stomps off as we call her gringo salada
Malditos panchos, te emos eliminado en cuba. Muerte a Espana!!
I am just jokin but i am Cuban and in Cuba we have this show called "El pidio valdez" baisically making fun of you guys.
Buenas noches. No sabia que habia robots espanyoles por aqui
I thought Cuba had a decent education system because commies and shit, but seems like i was meme'd
Nope that is a lie the schools are rotten and prob worse now since I have left. We don't even have internet yet only on specific places.
Algun otro chileno aqui?
Bump para que no muera el hilo
Dejalo morir, user. Es lo mejor para este hilo lleno de acomplejados
si no muere el thread ojala mueras vos
Who /salvatrucha/ here
I'm an expat tho
Si. Hola.
En el fondo queria pensar que estaban bromeando
Es por esa mierda que estamos como estamos
Jokes on you longnose onions inmune a los terremotos
Wena po toma un (You)
No se de donde salio ese "onions" pero la wea es que onions inmune a los terremotos
Los paisas son la raza elegida
s o y = soya en ingles.
El filtro de palabras de este tablero lo filtra y lo cambia a "onions" debido al abuso memetico de la palabra.
Primera vez que me topo a otro chileno aqui. Que vienes a hacer?
Ahora parezco tremendo meme pero gracias por la explicacion user
Leer alguno que otro hilo que valga la pena aunque cuesta encontrar debido al estado en el que se encuentra este board de mierda
Matar el tiempo basicamente
Y tu?
Un poco lo mismo. Al comienzo venia por curiosidad y se termino volviendo un habito echarle una mirada cuando entro a Jow Forums. De vez en cuando conozco a gente a gradable.
A quien les gusta Little Witch Academia? Akko es mi favorita.
Mi favorito eres tu, user.
Yo empeze buscando pepes raros pot el 2015 o antes y termine dandome cuenta de que este era mi hogar
Luego los normalfaggots lo destruyeron y aqui sigo
Al menos aun me rio de vez en cuando con los comentarios de algunos anons
De que me estas hablando? Las y los paisas son las personas mas normies entre los normies de este pais, todas inequivocamente se relacionan a los robots como basura humana
ok, y su favorito JoJo? En serio, no estoy caca-posteando
Si, son normies, imagina vivir en normielandia siendo todo lo contrario a la stacy paisa, kill me plz.
Tu tambien eres mi JoJo favorito, user.
tu eres mi favorito y te quiero mucho
No me copies la rutina. Esto no terminara bien para ti. No puedes competir con mi encanto.
Yo tambien amo a Akko. Vi esta serie en espanol por Netflix y debo decir que me gusto mucho el doblaje, especialmente el trio protagonista.
Ustedes saben de Hokuto no Ken?
No, pero tu eres mi Hokuto No Ken favorito, user.
No conozco nada de los otros monos chinos que mencionaron antes pero al youwashock ese lo ubico un poco
Quizas algun dia vea la serie pero por lo pronto quiero jugar como el en Jump Force
Te amo user...demasiado
Doblaje latino o espanol? Nadamas he visto LWA subtitulado en ingles, en espanol 1 hora antes, y en doblaje latino.
Ya estas atrapado aca. Yo onions un turista asi que te puedo mirar con desprecio.
Doblaje latino. Existe un doblaje Iberico? No sabia.
Emmanuel I hope you fucking die.
Necesitas jugar el Hokuto no Ken arcsys fighting game.
Algun dia terminaras en este lugar
No hay salida negro
Excepto si eres un normie en ese caso me das mas asco aun kek
Algun dia cuando tenga un ordenador decente lo probare
Nadamas he encontrado el doblaje latino.
>das mas asco aun
Mas asco del que te tienes a ti mismo dificil, pobre saco huea. No. Broma. Seamos amigos, user.
Mis condolencias, al menos en el centro del pais la gente es mas fria y puedo disimular un poco mas, pero igual los normies son una plaga
Lo que mas me molesta de esta cultura es que como no consumo licor ni me gusta bailar ya el 99 porciento de las oportunidades de socializar se pierden, y encima lo critican y lo miran mal a uno
Juegen Sonic Mania