I'm impregnated a 14 year old girl and her family says the only way they won't report me to the cops is if I marry her. Is my life over?
I'm impregnated a 14 year old girl and her family says the only way they won't report me to the cops is if I marry her...
>Get to marry a 14 year old.
I think you win all the internets.
>marry 14 yr old
>have loyal qt wife
>make something of self and have loving family
How old are you pedophile-san?
Living the dream. Don't fuck it up.
I'm 19 years old..
Original suffering.
You hit the lottery at the beginning of your adult life. Go get a decent job so you can support your new family.
Are you attracted to prepubescent children as well? Was she developed at least?
In what shithole do you live that you can marry a 14 year old? Holy shit.
You can marry a 14 year old in America.
nOOOO goy! it's her body her choice! she needs to have the child pulled out of her limb by limb with foreceps and pumped full of pregnancy-inhibiting chemicals for the next 16 years so she can focus on her (((CAREER)))!!
Depends on the state. In most, you can't.
Shit, I'm not even american and I know your laws better than you.
user. I want you to think carefully about this.
Do you think a prepubescent girl would have the capacity of getting pregnant?
It's been known to happen. The world's youngest mother was something like five years old.
Can we get a backstory for this, OP?
Shit's gotta be interesting if you could end up wife-ing her.
Fun bait cocksucker
That doesn't mean she hadn't hit puberty. Puberty is not age dependent.
what sort of time are you looking at for this? because otherwise youll have to marry her until the statute of limitations or equivalent has passed
So what happens 4 years from now? Will she become too old for you?
And she suffered from a condition called precocious puberty. And wasn't, indeed, prepubescent.
ffs OP at least keep the LARP up for a couple hours so we can dream don't just disappear.
>be me
>discover Jow Forums
>masturbate to lots of children
>fantasize about impregnating a child
>Post it to Jow Forums
>he fell for the jew system
enjoy being a slave that has to work to provide for her and while she cheats on you.
Dumbass she hasn't reached the age of "sexual liberation" yet so she'll actually be his loyal wife.
>14 year old cheating on you and not growing to love you unconditionally like a father figure and being happy to bear fruit for you and take care of the household
This is what the jew system is trying to prevent you fuckwit
No she won't.
5+ age gap, marrying young, not being virgin at marriage. She'll probably divorce him before turning 20.
>If I marry her. Is my life over?
>after college
Bullshit no you can't. Even with parental approval, the age gap can't be that large, you can only get kids that young of same/similar ages possibly marrying but sure as shit not 5 fucking years age gap.
Assuming OP isn't bullshitting he should accept and agree with it, and then by the time she's old enough that they can legally marry, he can refuse and jet the fuck out of there, and it'd be too late for anything to be reported to the cops.
>having sex at age 14
degenerate as fuck the jews got to her. also she is too young to know what she wants and she is very likely to cheat.
OP has to buy her a ring to make Mr.Goldstein rich at his jewlely shop. also Mr. Silverman is going to be collecting his mortgage payments with high interest rates so he can be a slave until he dies. OP just fell for the jew system.
nice filename buddy
Also, adding on this:
People who have sex that early are EXTREMELY likely to cheat and divorce. Talking about 80% rate.
Op has a divorce waiting for him.
>win all the internets
What the fuck did pansy creepo world did I just step into?
Marry her, keep her as home waifu, just do not let her get fat.
What is the hold up? Hop to it.
Do pro-life conspirators really think this?
>having a white wife at prime reproductive age is falling for the jew but jerking off into towels and playing (((video))) all day is ""beating"" the jew
i can't express in words how much of a retard you are for believing this when so much is at stake
14 isn't by any measure prime reproductive age.
Teenage pregnancy is much riskier for the mother and for the child, prime reproductive age is early 20s.
retard he is the jew
>I'm 19 years old..
>Original suffering.
Fuckin pedo
>Is my life over?
It's only just begun
But seriously your life probably is over seeing as how you're a NEET manchild who lives with his parents and makes larp threads on fucking r9k of all places
It's a win/win situation you fag, even if you're just a LARPing faggot.
All statistics prove that divorce is extremely likely for people who
>have sex very early
>aren't virgin at marriage
>marry as teen
>are uneducated
>get pregnant outside of the wedlock
So yes, even if you get married, you're going to divorce in like 4 days. Hope she rapes you in court like you raped her.
Have fun in prison, faggot.
Hahahaha, you're going to the big house.
They're going to beat the shit out of you when they find out you raped a 14 year old. I highly suggest you beat someone within an inch of their life on your first day and try to get put in single man cell.
Fuck off, OP
Based & Redpilled
>casual sex with a 14 yo
>not wanting to marry her
Not sure if this is fake or not, but its pretty gross t b h
If true just own up to it, most people don't and ignore it
>I'm impregnated a 14 year old girl
Post a pick of her and let us decide.
Consensual sex is rape.
> raise your teen wife to the woman you want
> got her v-card and her first child
Lucky bastard....
just kys. problem solved
My grandparents got married when my grandpa was 18 and grandma was 13.
Different times, sure. But 60 years later they had 7 kids, 18 grandkids, 22 great grandkids, and 4 great-great grandkids.
Could be worse, just make sure she's not a thot or mentally ill.
>is it over?
Not for another eleven years user.
>two teens fucking each other
The law is hilarious sometimes. That one year that makes it pedo due to it being more than four years.... then there's the fact that if you get married it's not legal pedo. The hilarious ethics.
if she has a fucking baby by the guy that will be all the proof that the cops need. Assuming this is true, OP is fucked no matter what.
There's at least one state in the USA where if married the age of consent goes out the window. After all the aoc was made with women being supposedly pure and monogamous in mind. They expected women to only want to get married at eighteen at the earliest, history says they don't want to earlier, so they set it around that age. But if you marry earlier it nukes the ethical reasoning. The original reasoning. The reasoning, to be clear, is that women don't have sex until they get married because le religion.
Consensual sex with someone who cannot give consent is rape.
honestly bro at that point i'd move to a different country
Hate to break it to you but your granpa was a pedo. But you probably already knew that.
And? Massive faggot