Jow Forums would be so much better if this general didn't exist...

Jow Forums would be so much better if this general didn't exist. There's never any actual discussion happening beyond "lol, look at how gay we are" and "tfw no bf". Discussion that would fit in more with other boards. They even have the gall to often make their OP image a lewd one, disgusting. Sex obsessed homosexuals (trannies included) are the main problem the board faces. Discussion of sex in general has a detrimental effect to overall quality, but homosexuals are the worst offenders.

To add insult to injury there's a board made specifically for their kind, and they refuse to take their discussion there.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>it's another meta thread
be the change you want to see, faggot. making these threads does nothing but pile onto the cancer.

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fucking christ just let people be somewhat happy

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>be the change you want to see, faggot
But I already don't make fag/sexual threads, what else am I supposed to do? This situation is depressing no matter how you slice it.

They should go be happy somewhere else, like /lgbt/, the board for gay discussion. Post one good reason why they shouldn't make /r9gay/ there instead. They get to keep their general, and we don't have to look at it.

Stay mad fag, you're not welcome here. He's making the change he wants to see by making this thread. I think the majority of Jow Forums agree that it all should go. You have your own boards and we don't.

What the fuck is the problem with /lgbt/? I don't go into /cm/ and post girls. Why do you get a free pass to shitpost your gay trannie shit and get a general outside of /lgbt/?

But there already exists a >>/lgbt/ board, what are they doing here?

Why can't faggots be gay and just not talk about it? This problem bleeds into the real world too, it's like homosexuality is the one defining trait of their personality (if you can even call it that).

>inb4 /r9gay/ belongs on this board because /lgbt/ is too full of trannies
Be the change you want to see, faggot.

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>newfags who don't know how to add filters

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We shouldn't have to add filters when there's a containment board set up for the discussion we'd be filtering.

It's because of political correctness. Can you even imagine the negative press Jow Forums would get for "censoring LGBTQIABBC+ discussion" If they started deleting gay threads on boards where they don't belong?

It's a thread for robots who are also faggots, and it's contained to one thread instead of being spread out across the whole board. Don't really see the problem desu.

>>inb4 /r9gay/ belongs on this board because /lgbt/ is too full of trannies
This is literally true though.

Fully agreed. They have also started making sissy general, so now we have to put up with 2 general's filled with their degeneracy

>it's contained to one thread
except unfortunately it's not

there's a board called >>>>.
it was made for your kind.
can't you PLEASE just go there? what on fucking earth is wrong with that board? why do you hate it so much?
why do you hate a board that was specifically made to be a containment board for individuals like yourself? fucking hell.

>constant trannie threads
>constant tfw no bf threads
You think it's contained? You have a sissy general and /r9gay/ and constant tranny shill threads up right now.

it taints this place. this wasn't a fucking gay forum 2 years ago the trap shit built up slowly but shit is going overboard

/r9gay/ posters hate the tranny shit too, that's a different issue.

The media is partly to blame for hyping up being a faggot and "coming out" so much. Fags think that they need to constantly announce their gayness to everyone.

r9gay for as shitty as it is, is one of the few threads where you can consistently share feels and where the users don't like normscum. arcanine is not supposed to be the kill roasties club or another mini-Jow Forums. Barely any of them post outside of their general and if you would read the archives you'd know they fucking hate trannies.
If you got rid of r9gay then when they went to the rest of the board you fags would start a flame war about it
>They even have the gall to often make their OP image a lewd one
>Discussion of sex in general has a detrimental effect to overall quality
Pick one nigger. Frogposters constantly talk about sex anyways yet you don't give those other threads shit
>Discussion that would fit in more with other boards
Arcanine has no topic. If you think that gays should go to /lgbt/ then you essentially want to nuke r9k or are a hypocrite. If gays go to lgbt then politics should stay in pol, anything with anime should stay in /a/, any music thread has to go back to /mu/, all vidya threads have to go back to /v/, and etc etc. You wouldn't be able to post anything because inevitably your post will have some aspect that belongs on another board, which means r9k would have nothing on it aside from maybe blogposting

Well then they should go try to fix their board instead of shitting up this one. /r9gay/ posters are the equivalent of immigrants who refuse to assimilate to their host nation's culture, they're an unwanted cancer.

upvoted oreganoly

>Frogposters constantly talk about sex anyways yet you don't give those other threads shit
But I explicitly stated that I hate discussion of all sex, it just so happens that most sex related discussion here is gay.

Trannies ruined it, much worse than here. You guys should be able to sympathize. How hard is it to just use filters to hide the thread? It's ONE general.

>They even have the gall to often make their OP image a lewd one, disgusting

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Nobody gives a shit about Jow Forums anymore nigger. The press only reports on Jow Forums and even that's rare. If anybody cared there would already be regular articles about when you people raid gay threads every time they pop up. Why did no news org put out a report when you guts tried to purge trannies from r9k in 2017, or when you guys had a board wide war about reiko that spilled into Jow Forums, reddit, and 9gag. Fucking 9gag raiding Jow Forums might maybe be newsworthy yet nobody gave a single fuck. You're just retarded and think everyone is out to get you

>It's ONE general
But that's not true. It's the center of gay discussion here, but it bleeds into almost every other thread too.
Yep, that filth looks pretty lewd to me. It doesn't need exposed genitals to be sexual in appearance.

Faggots should only be on /a/ /b/ /h/ and /hm/

>robots who are also faggots
There is no such thing.

Is that you spitballing the numbers or have you actually been through the archives to check.
Also there's a lot more to the post than that one sentence

Fags can be bots
>But you can just go on tinder and get a free bf!!!
Yes, 70 year old men fuck anything the can touch, just like how robots can fuck a land whale roastie or a disabled chick with ease. But fucking someone also doesn't get you a bf, if Jow Forums's data is to be believed, normie gays never get into relationships so fagbots can't get a man to stick around even if they wanted.
And being get doesn't give you immunity to social autism or being friendless, if you can't speak without dropping the spaghetti then being gay won't fix that

Females are the main problem of this board and the world.

Don't see why you wouldn't just filter that thread if you don't like it
Are you stupid or gay?

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>gays are contained to /r9gay/!
In a few years, this board will be nothing but gay generals.

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That picture.. Why is it so hard to figure this shit out? Jow Forums is just another Jewish machine to manipulate those cunts into voluntarily giving up their rights and thinking they did something moral and just.

Oh no TWO GENERALS the board is being taken over 1111111

The fuck you expect us to do? Go around killing faggots so we stop this shit from spawning? Go fuck yourself

This isn't the gay board. Earlier you were saying /r9gay/ was acceptable because it's just one general.

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Jow Forums is a red board
The cultures are vastly different
/gaygen/ is mostly filled with older guys
Spoiler text and images
500 post bump limit
And many more reasons

>The cultures are vastly different
This, and also fuck this statement is going to offend a bunch of you "straight" anons most of the gays on /lgbt/ are the definition of normalfags, inb4 you can't be a robot and gay

It's very much filled with sluts and people who came straight from /soc/, people who love to make fun of robots and virgins. Thanks to the abhorrent amount of tripfags, it's turned into every other normie social media popularity contest. It's just unpleasant

You have some next level schizo.

>Well then they should go try to fix their board
How? This isn't ten years ago, we can't shitpost the opposition until they give up and leave. /r9gay/ is a tiny number of people compared to /lgbt/

This. I visit the place occasionally and it confuses me endlessly. They have all those acronyms that I couldn't decipher after months of reading them, and it's mostly all just trans hysteria and shitposting.

Just filter it. I have completely forgotten this general exists. Or I had until your dumb ass made a completely unnecessary thread about it.

reminder that r9k is a general discussion board, and that having a discussion amongst gay people and about gay people is not against any rules, nor does it
>belong on /lgbt/
in fact you should be happy that it exists because it keeps most fags out of other threads, especially since there's no chance anyone here wants to go to /lgbt/, one of the worst boards on Jow Forums.

what's worse is that you constantly shit up both the r9gay thread and the rest of the board by making these threads. i can't believe people are retarded enough to not add filters. you act like the mere at of SEEING this thread in the catalog is completely ruining the board. if that's really the case, then just get a damn filter and stop fucking sperging your shit because you see a thread.

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The board is supposed to be for original content, not generals.

>The board is supposed to be for original content, not generals
Jow Forums is a place for hanging out and posting greentext stories.

That's your definition of Jow Forums

What original content is being drowned out by two threads? I've seen no new memes here, no new exploitables, no real greentext, no new pasta, nothing. Even then nobody is discussing anything new, woman hate isn't new, the Jow Forums or /leftypol/ sliding isn't new, the fetish threads aren't new, demographics threads aren't new depression threads aren't new, etc etc etc. If you removed every thread that was essentially a repeat of a previous thread r9k would have nothing on the catalog and would have 3-4 years of blank space in the archive. The problem is far more endemic than two faggot threads

>Jow Forums is a red board
So you're admitting that you just want to post porn and be a degenerate?

jannies better fucking listen because we DEMAND a change. No more faggot or trap threads. If a thread fits on lgbt, it better fucking stay there

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""fembots"" and normies are a far worse problem here

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based filters


I too agree

like you fucking faggot orbiters arent the same posting about vaginas and females every fucking thread so shut the fuck up.
>doesn't know that filters hide the entire thread
>Yep, that filth looks pretty lewd to me. It doesn't need exposed genitals to be sexual in appearance.
like you don't see naked women and lolis and everything fucking else on the board dumbass. its the same.
>being this ignorant.
okay user, you want to lose your virginity? just fuck some fat girl dumbass.
>inb4 its not that easy
its the fucking same if you say fags cant be robots dumbass
>being this much of a dumbass

It's literally the most non-threatening thread.
As well as it just being comfy instead of constant bait and hatred.
I'm not even gay and I'd rather read that thread than most straightfag no gf threads.

t. salty faggot that's mad no one wants him here

t. someone that doesn't have any brain cells left after doing drugs
you're uneducated and beyond stupid. end your life for the sake of humanity. don't breed.

>responds by proving my point

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I think you just proved his by posting the family guy frog.

>you want to lose your virginity?
Not really. Sex isn't as important to me as it is to you soulless faggots.
>like you fucking faggot orbiters arent the same posting about vaginas and females every fucking thread so shut the fuck up.
I don't orbit egirls. Just because I hate faggots doesn't mean I like women.

>you're uneducated
>don't breed
These are reddit-tier insults. The only thing missing is "I can't even".

>ranks insults as if there's any value to them
there's nothing else here to see except that you rely on calling others reddit whilst not being able to argue/insult back. sad.
if you don't like faggots then there are plenty of other sites to go on. there are gay people everywhere. your dad is probably gay. your friend(s) are probably gay. YOU'RE probably gay.
>inb4 no im 100% straight
that doesn't exist
>thinking that someone cares about others wanting them on an anime discussion board
okay buddy

gas the straights fag war now

>heterosexuals don't exist
I had no idea fags were this delusional.

>I-i don't care!
ok buddy, you do you

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>being this stupid
i had no idea that you were this braindead user!

>n-no u!
Look at this faggot. He knows he's been cornered so he's pulling the weakest retorts possible out of his blown out prolapsed ass.


>being straight doesn't exist and everyone's a faggot

jesus these people really are mentally ill aren't they

Adding a filter to it doesn't mean it's not there, it's presence will still be felt.


That doesn't make them go away. That doesn't make them invisible to everyone else. That doesn't actually solve the problem.

Jow Forums would be so much better if this thread didn't exist. There's never any actual discussion happening beyond "rrrghhh I'm so sick of these faggot threads" and "can't these freaks just go to /lgbt/". Complaints that belong on /b/ or Jow Forums. They even have the gall to often make their OP image a screenshot of another post, how original. Enraged heterosexuals (cisgenders included) are the main problem the board faces. Complaints about /r9gay/ in general has a detrimental effect to overall quality, but heterosexuals are the worst offenders.

To add insult to injury there's a board made specifically for their kind, and they refuse to take their discussion there.

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>To add insult to injury there's a board made specifically for their kind, and they refuse to take their discussion there.
Finding faggots annoying is not exclusive to Jow Forums. Homosexual discussion however is the topic of /lgbt/.

i really don't understand why it isn't moved to /lgbt/. discussion of gay stuff is that board's reason to exist. surely that board would benefit immensely from such a thriving hub of discussion and users.

>he doesn't even use tomorrow
You're not even from here, you're just an invader trying to destroy Jow Forums by spamming fag, racebait and sissy threads.

>you can't discuss random topics in a random board
delete your account and move all vidya threads to /v/ and all anime threads to /a/ and all show threads to /tv/ and all porn threads to /gif/ /d/ and /aco/

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The funny thing is I do tend to use it but it seems to reset, maybe because I haven't visited in a while
I would have changed it but I thought the color schemes would symbolize the contrast between our ideals. You see you're an agent of the dark side (heterosexuality) and your heart is black and full of hate, while I'm a defender of the light (gay boys) and my soul is bright and pure

>I would have changed it but-
Nice damage control.
>all porn threads to /gif/ /d/ and /aco/
I am not opposed to this.

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Typically you're supposed to (You) each poster if you're going to respond to multiple people user
>30% of suicides are LGBT related
Yeah, "related" which doesn't mean it's LGBT people committing suicide. 90% of that 30% is probably straight people committing suicide because they're jealous

>90% of that 30% is probably straight people committing suicide because they're jealous
You're not doing much to help your case that homosexuals aren't delusional.

Paragraphs and paragraphs of legitimate arguments yet nobody responds, only thing with (You)s here is bait. Weird. Almost like people only want to bitch about fags for no real reason

>Almost like people only want to bitch about fags for no real reason
Their mere presence is intensely annoying and unwanted.

No it's literally the site's definition

>probably straight people committing suicide because they're jealous
Jealous of what lmao?

The latter half of that post is unironically based
Porn threads should stay on porn boards

Fuck fags. They have their own board and should just fuck off already. No faggot is a robot

To you. Them being here hurts your feefees so you want them out just like when libtards ban "problematic opinions". All this posturing about r9k being for greentext and feels or it degrades the board was bullshit then? I think that demographic poll threads are annoying but I don't make a meta thread every time one pops up because there's no real reason for it

>tfw you stopped talking to one of your friends when they came out as gay

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>assuming anyone here even has friends

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Boards already existing for something only matters when it's fags on your feels board, /v/ could take a camping trip here and you'd be fine with it. Fucking moralfags are hypocrites

I'm gay lmfao. I just don't like seeing endless porn dumps

No, you people are stupid. That does solve the problem. The problem is you don't like X thing, so therefore nobody can. That's all it is. This is a general discussion board. In fact, Jow Forums is more about just discussion and less pictures than a lot of other boards.

Sorry then, I figured any other gays had left the thread. If I'm honest I'm not sure how I feel about blue arcanine

No worries
I don't want it blue at all. I just wouldn't mind adding the
>No porn dump threads. Keep that shit on /b/.
rule, like on [s4s]

I honestly don't mind /r9kgay/ it exists so there isn't a flooding of seperate gay threads on this board. Realistically speaking, you can't get rid of these people. What annoys me is the constant HRT boypusiclitty sissy anal gaping spam.
Looks like trannies ruined the /LGBT/ board in the same way it's happening here.

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It's only going to get worse since tumblr cucked many of it's users

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All of tumblr already migrated, tumblr is not going to come here to ERP as sissies on r9k. Nobody migrates here anymore aside from plebbit